Masturbating to much

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    • EJ. wrote:

      is there a such thing and can it hurt the body. I did it twice this morning and dick was throbbing a little.
      I think it is possible to do it so much your dick becomes sore. That has never happened to me, but if it did, hopefully that would be a cue to stop and let it return to normal.

      If you've started to ejaculate, it is also possible that if you masturbate several times in a short space of time you can get to the point where you have ejaculated everything you had stored and the next time is dry. That isn't harmful and is only temporary as the body soon makes some more.

      Other than that it is more about time and other activities. If you still have time for the other important things in life, like going to school/college, doing homework/assignments, socialising with friends, getting some proper exercise and any household chores you need to do then all is fine. If you find yourself skipping these other things in order to spend hours masturbating then that is too much and you need a better balance.

      But some people go too far the other way too - stuffing life so full of other things they struggle to find time to masturbate and that probably isn't good either, a healthy balance is what is good.

      As for numbers, different people do it a different amount, so there isn't a right amount for everyone, but, as an indication, at 14 I did it 2-3 times a day. Always when I woke up, always last thing at night, and often when I got home from school if I could get the privacy.
    • Jimboy123 wrote:

      Alanjr wrote:

      I read about masturbating in a doctor's office. It said doing it helps produce semen fluid and sperm. If we don't beat off for long periods of time we will have wet dreams to help our balls grow and make sperm.
      I do it 1 to 2 times a day. Not had a wet dream
      As long as you beat off your balls won't get to the point of having too much sperm. But if you quit you'll have wet dreams. I've never had one since I beat off or my buddy and I do each other lots
    • Well, if you're masturbating to the point that it''s interfering with other stuff that you should be doing instead, then yes, the argument could be made that you're masturbating too much. But if you mean that could you masturbate to the point that it could physically hurt you, then no, I don't think there's any such thing as masturbating too much.
    • Funnyhaha wrote:

      Alanjr wrote:

      I read about masturbating in a doctor's office. It said doing it helps produce semen fluid and sperm. If we don't beat off for long periods of time we will have wet dreams to help our balls grow and make sperm.
      literally none of that is truestop spreading online disinformation
      It is true otherwise it would be in a doctor's office.
    • Funnyhaha wrote:

      albedo wrote:

      Funnyhaha wrote:

      literally none of that is truestop spreading online disinformation
      How is it un true? Maybe you should stop trolling
      it is definitely not a trollmasturbation does not help produce semen and wet dreams don’t make ur balls grow
      None of that is true
      hes right it's not true:

      "Sperm only have a life cycle of 74 days, so even if you managed not to ejaculate for 80 days, the size of your testicles would only increase by appx 0.1mm"

      "No, they don’t expand.
      Most of your semen comes from glands inside your body. Only 3% to 5% is sperm cells, plus the sperm cells at the end of the vas deferens die even if not ejaculated, making room for more.
      So, there’s nothing to fill up your testicles and make them larger. If you don’t ejaculate for several days, your balls may feel larger, due to having a greater awareness of your genitals. Also, when you get horny, more blood flows to the whole genital area. This can make for a heavy, swollen feel."

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I think there is a lot of slang that has grown up around this. Even though it doesn't match the science, guys still talk about their balls being full and needing to empty them. This despite, as B Jade mentions, most of the semen never having been in the balls and how, at any one time, the balls, and in particular the epididymis contain sperm in various stages of development of which only the mature ones, at the very end of the epididymis are ejaculated so, after ejaculation, our balls aren't empty any more than they were full before.

      But in defence of guys saying this, there is an urge to ejaculate and it seems to be stronger if we haven't done so for a few days than if we have ejaculated recently for which "full balls" seems a reasonable, if wrong explanation.

      Possibly this could be related to how full the glands are that make the rest of semen, i.e. mainly the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. Perhaps they have stretch receptors in so the brain know how full they are. Or maybe the sex centre in the brain is just running a kind of timer, i.e. if you're getting to towards the end of the lifetime of the oldest sperm you have stored then it is time to shift them out.

      Then, while we've debunked the idea that frequent ejaculation is needed to keep sperm production going, we also know there is no benefit from refraining from ejaculation and, as it feels great, both because of sensations directly involved, and most particularly because it is usually coincident with an orgasm, just do it when you feel the urge to.
    • Funnyhaha wrote:

      Thank you
      there is trolling going on here, but it ain’t me
      In a forum like this, when people ask questions to which we may think the answer is obvious, I still think it is best to accept that they may not know and give a useful answer. Different people in different places are exposed to different amounts of information from parents, school and the society they live in.

      And when people post things that are not true, yes let's point that out, but let's not assume people were trying to mislead.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      Funnyhaha wrote:

      Thank you
      there is trolling going on here, but it ain’t me
      In a forum like this, when people ask questions to which we may think the answer is obvious, I still think it is best to accept that they may not know and give a useful answer. Different people in different places are exposed to different amounts of information from parents, school and the society they live in.
      And when people post things that are not true, yes let's point that out, but let's not assume people were trying to mislead.
      except you will never find the things that were said above in a doctors office (like whoever it was that said that) and instead of the people who commented taking a minute to google it, they doubled down and said I was trolling
      So yeah I do think the intentions were not good