My big problem with my mom

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    • My big problem with my mom

      Hello, I am Emma I am 15 and I have a big problem with my mom I don't know what can I do. My mom is something around 35 years old she is beautiful of course, but she had a lot of boyfriends and now she have one. Of course I don't have a problem because she have someone, but now it is very strange for me that situation is sick. It started three or four years ago, she had a boyfriends and that was something different for me. The man was nice but I had my own world. I must to tell you, all her last 5 boyfriends were rich, now we live in his house, it is big and I have my own room of course. It may looks good but in reality it is not. My mom is very wired, she is wearing very sexy clothes, dress, mini skirts and of course high heels. She is completely other person when she is near to him. Sometimes she look like a prostitute. I can't stand that, I think she is doing that just for money and her life style, we have almost every think but I don't have my mom. In this house there is also a rules that I must to follow. I can do a lot but for example I can't go to their part of house where is their bedroom, and toilet which is connected also to bedroom. Sometimes they are going to a meeting at evening and she looks like a barbie and sexy. For me this is strange, I told my mom that this is strange for me but she told me that this is her life and we have nice life. But I would like to have my mom not money. If I am sad they will say go play some games or watch something on YouTube. Please I don't want to life like that. Can you give me advice?
    • This can be very frustrating for you at your current age, you need the .motherly advice and attention that she is not getting, try to sit down with her and explain your feeling of neglect, the feeling of abandonment maybe that will bring her around to seeing that money is not the most important thing to her and you before she completely.

      Best of luck :)
    • I don't know if your mom is doing this for the money or not (I've never met her, so I can't speak as to her thought process on these kinds of things). But you can talk to her and tell her how much you miss being able to spend time with her being able to random fun stuff (playing games, watching YouTube videos, etc.). Surely she isn't so attached to this guy that she's hanging onto him literally all the time.

      (And for not being able to go into their bedroom and attached bathroom, I see nothing wrong with that. They should be able to have one private place at home that is just for the two of them, where they can feel free to let their hair down. I've known many people whose parents have had a similar rule in their house, so it's not like your mom an her boyfriend are going out of their way to be mean to you or anything like that.)