First ejaculation

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    • First ejaculation

      How old were you when you started puberty?

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation?

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)?

      How did your first ejaculation feel?

      Where did your first ejaculation happen?

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise?

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation?

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened?

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance?

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated?

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with?

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel?

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had?

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public?

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite?

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them?
    • How old were you when you started puberty?

      I am not completely sure here. The only thing I have a definite age for was first ejaculation which was 11y9m and just as I was starting secondary school. In the last year of primary school (year 6 in the UK, 10-11 y/o) I became aware that I was looking at the girls a lot more when previously I had mostly ignored them so I think my testosterone had started rising during that year.

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation?

      I don't remember anything that could indicate the start of puberty before that last year of primary school so anything up to a year. Certainly no more than a year.

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex)?


      How did your first ejaculation feel?

      It felt very good. Mostly that was because of the orgasm, though there was definitely a little extra, pleasant sensation, from the ejaculation itself. That first ejaculation wasn't very much and the extra, pleasant sensation from ejaculation got bigger as the amount ejaculated got bigger.

      Where did your first ejaculation happen?

      In bed.

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise?

      I knew.

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation?


      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened?

      No, at least not immediately. It did come up in discussion later when a friend of mine and I talked about masturbation.

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance?


      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated?

      I started masturbating to dry orgasms first but that didn't last very long at all, i.e. the first ejaculation was pretty soon after starting to masturbate.

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with?

      Not relevant to me but surely someone must be a very late developer, physically, or else have sex really young to have their first ejaculation during sex.

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had?

      No, I have never had one.
    • How old were you when you started puberty? 14

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? Probably a couple months.

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Masturbation

      How did your first ejaculation feel? Definitely more intense than my dry orgasms

      Where did your first ejaculation happen? In my bedroom

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? I was definitely expecting it all the way back to age 12.

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? No

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? I told my best friend probably two days later.

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? I guess so

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? I was masturbating way before I could ejaculate

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with?

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had? No

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public?

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite?

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them?
    • I don't know if I missed these last ones the first time around or whether they got added later but....

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public?

      No, I have never been walked in on while ejaculating, not even when masturbating, though one time my mum did walk in just as I had finished zipping up and I think she guessed what I had been doing moments prior to that.

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite?

      I assume you mean sex vs. masturbation vs. wet dreams? If so I can't comment on wet dreams, except to say that I wouldn't want to sleep though it and just wake up to the mess. But sex vs. masturbation, I have had some great orgasms accompanied by strong ejaculation from each. It seems to depend more on building your arousal up to a higher level before you finally cum than on how you get there. There is an excitement about sex with someone else that seems to give that a head start but then with masturbation you are so completely in control that you can edge for longer and still get a very intense orgasm at the end.

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them?

      No, for me there haven't really been any duds. They do vary, but between just feeling very good to being absolutely amazing.
    • How old were you when you started puberty? As far as I know I was 12.

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? Probably either 12 or 13

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Wet dream

      How did your first ejaculation feel? I woke up thinking I had to pee, but good I guess.

      Where did your first ejaculation happen? At home in my bed as I was sleeping.

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? No. I never had the talk and knew nothing about puberty, sex, masturbation, so wet dreams are the cause of all my ejaculations so far.

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? No

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? No. As far as I know no one knows I've had any wet dreams, not that I'm embarrassed by them and wouldn't deny having them if anyone asked.

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? N/A

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? N/A

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with? Still a virgin

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel? I've always woken up right before ejaculating thinking I had to pee. I would wake up with a boner and lightly sweating, I would then jump out of bed and run for the bathroom across from my room but I would always cum in my underwear before I would make it to the bathroom. I would realize that it wasn't pee, but not knowing what it really was yet. After getting to the bathroom, I would take off my underwear, clean up down there, go back to my room, put the soiled underwear in my hamper, put on clean underwear, and go back to sleep. After the first couple of times it happened I got used to knowing what it would happen and they would always happen the same way.

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had? Yes, I've had several wet dreams.

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public? No

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite? I'm aware of masturbation now but still haven't started doing yet, so I've only experienced ejaculation through wet dreams. I'm not bothered by them, so I'm ok continuing to have them.

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them? I'm ok with wet dreams.
    • How old were you when you started puberty?

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation?
      It's hard to say, but I had pubes for nearly a year.

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)?

      How did your first ejaculation feel?
      The same as before, except there was a small amount of juice at the end

      Where did your first ejaculation happen?
      At home

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise?
      I knew about them but yet didn't expect it

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation?

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened?
      best friend, gf

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance?
      no, it was totally not planned! Thankfully there wasn't much juice.

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated?
      I did it for years before I could cum

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel?
      I can't say how they feel, I don't remember the dreams. But usually I wake up during ejaculation

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had?
      Not many, like 10 or so

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen
      by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public?
      I came a few times in my pants when with my girlfriend.

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them?
      When I come too fast with my gf. I also don't like wet dreams
    • Pepsifan wrote:

      How did your first ejaculation feel? I woke up thinking I had to pee, but good I guess.

      That's interesting. Reading your later answer, the need to pee feeling was before the ejaculation. I remember getting that feeling as I was getting close and even got up to go to the toilet, with the intention of continuing afterwards, and being puzzled that, by the time I got to the toilet, the need seemed to have gone again. I repeated this several times that night and eventually gave up and just decided I'd have to get to orgasm first then worry about peeing afterwards. So now, of course, I know that it is part of the getting close to cumming feeling, not an actual need to pee.

      Pepsifan wrote:

      How did the wet dream feel? I've always woken up right before ejaculating thinking I had to pee. I would wake up with a boner and lightly sweating, I would then jump out of bed and run for the bathroom across from my room but I would always cum in my underwear before I would make it to the bathroom. I would realize that it wasn't pee, but not knowing what it really was yet. After getting to the bathroom, I would take off my underwear, clean up down there, go back to my room, put the soiled underwear in my hamper, put on clean underwear, and go back to sleep. After the first couple of times it happened I got used to knowing what it would happen and they would always happen the same way.

      So the first part of that, about running for the bathroom, was in the past tense. Does that mean you've changed what you do in any way? For example, do you now not bother with the running for the bathroom but just relax, let it happen and enjoy it?
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      Pepsifan wrote:

      How did your first ejaculation feel? I woke up thinking I had to pee, but good I guess.
      That's interesting. Reading your later answer, the need to pee feeling was before the ejaculation. I remember getting that feeling as I was getting close and even got up to go to the toilet, with the intention of continuing afterwards, and being puzzled that, by the time I got to the toilet, the need seemed to have gone again. I repeated this several times that night and eventually gave up and just decided I'd have to get to orgasm first then worry about peeing afterwards. So now, of course, I know that it is part of the getting close to cumming feeling, not an actual need to pee.

      Pepsifan wrote:

      How did the wet dream feel? I've always woken up right before ejaculating thinking I had to pee. I would wake up with a boner and lightly sweating, I would then jump out of bed and run for the bathroom across from my room but I would always cum in my underwear before I would make it to the bathroom. I would realize that it wasn't pee, but not knowing what it really was yet. After getting to the bathroom, I would take off my underwear, clean up down there, go back to my room, put the soiled underwear in my hamper, put on clean underwear, and go back to sleep. After the first couple of times it happened I got used to knowing what it would happen and they would always happen the same way.
      So the first part of that, about running for the bathroom, was in the past tense. Does that mean you've changed what you do in any way? For example, do you now not bother with the running for the bathroom but just relax, let it happen and enjoy it?
      On the first one, when I started having wet dreams, I never had the talk and am in sex ed right now so I knew nothing about what was happening. So when I would wake up I have a boner and past the point of no return of having an ejaculation, but not knowing what an ejaculation was I assumed I was having to pee. So I would jump out of bed to get to the toilet to pee, but of course it was pee, it was cum and I would cum in my underwear on the way to the bathroom.

      On the second one, now when I wake up in the middle of the night with that same feeling, I'm now aware that I'm having a wet dream so I already know what's about to happen. So sometimes I do as you say just lay there and ejaculate in my underwear still in bed and then get up or since I know I won't make it to the bathroom in time, I still get out of bed before the ejaculation but not be in as much of a hurry to get to the bathroom and still cum in my underwear on the way.
      • How old were you when you started puberty? Almost 14

        How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? Days?

        What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Masturbation

        How did your first ejaculation feel? Incredible

        Where did your first ejaculation happen? My Bed

        Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? I knew

        Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? My best friend

        Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? Told all my friends. They were already ejaculating, I was the last of the group.

        If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? No

        Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? Started almost 2 years earlier

        If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with?

        If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel? Most are during, some after, never before
      • Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had? I've had maybe a couple dozen. Still get them every so often.
      • Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public? Not really, have been caught

        If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite? Favorite is when I'm with another boy. There is no least favorite :)

        Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them? No
    • How old were you when you started puberty? maybe 10-11

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? first @12

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? masturbation, what does other mean? :lol:

      How did your first ejaculation feel? unspeakable

      Where did your first ejaculation happen? I do not remember

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? I knew what it was

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? yes, I :lol:

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? no, why?

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? if it was the first, how would I have planned ahead? :lol:

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? I did it a long time ago

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with? :?:

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel? No

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had? No

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public? it wasn't embarrassing :lol:

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite? only 1 type

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them? never
    • How old were you when you started puberty? 12

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? early to mid 13

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Masturbation as far as I know

      How did your first ejaculation feel? Odd but nice

      Where did your first ejaculation happen? The shower

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? I knew what it was, still a surprise though

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? Nope

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? I did

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? Not really

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? Started a good while before I could ejaculate.

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel? Never noticed if I ever got one.

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public? Not really

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite? They're all pretty great!

      Are there ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them? If I ever get any involuntary ejaculations that would be annoying, but that hasn't happened so far.
      19, Twin.
    • tfkbuggy wrote:

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? if it was the first, how would I have planned ahead? :lol:

      I did wonder about that question. I think you've interpreted it more like "intend to" and certainly, before my first ejaculation, I could no more think to myself "today, when I masturbate, I will ejaculate at the end" and expect it to happen just because of that thought than I could now think to myself "today, at the end of masturbating, I think I'll have a dry orgasm because I can't be bothered with wiping up" and expect that to happen.

      So instead, I am prepared, by having something lose at hand to wipe up with. One could do the same before his first ejaculation just in case today was that day.
    • Pepsifan wrote:

      On the second one, now when I wake up in the middle of the night with that same feeling, I'm now aware that I'm having a wet dream so I already know what's about to happen. So sometimes I do as you say just lay there and ejaculate in my underwear still in bed and then get up or since I know I won't make it to the bathroom in time, I still get out of bed before the ejaculation but not be in as much of a hurry to get to the bathroom and still cum in my underwear on the way.
      Do tell me if you think I'm being too personal, but how would you say you feel about ejaculating? Positive, negative, or neutral, i.e. it's just one of those things? Do you have a religion that influences your outlook?

      I know, when mentioning wet dreams, sex-ed can sometimes present them as just some slightly inconvenient but harmless side effect of achieving sexual maturity long before you need it for fathering children, a bit like a girl's periods. I don't think that's how most of us guys think about ejaculation once we've experienced it and got used to it.

      For example see Hypothetical Question and For guys who ejaculate - do you watch? (both links to other threads here). Most of us think of it as something very positive and something we have a bit of a fascination with. Certainly, for me, cumming, by which I mean the combination or orgasm and ejaculation, is the most intensely pleasurable sensation I have ever experienced and probably ever will experience. There are, of course, many other pleasures but they tend to be less intense but over a longer period of time.

      So I think, if I were in your situation, I'd be less concerned about getting to the bathroom to clean up before it's even happened and more inclined to concentrate on what was happening. As an example, I might pull the waist band of my underwear away from by body so I can watch it happen. Then I'd probably take the start of wet dreams as a cue to start masturbating and enjoy cumming more often and when I want to, rather than it being a bit random. But you do you.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      Pepsifan wrote:

      On the second one, now when I wake up in the middle of the night with that same feeling, I'm now aware that I'm having a wet dream so I already know what's about to happen. So sometimes I do as you say just lay there and ejaculate in my underwear still in bed and then get up or since I know I won't make it to the bathroom in time, I still get out of bed before the ejaculation but not be in as much of a hurry to get to the bathroom and still cum in my underwear on the way.
      Do tell me if you think I'm being too personal, but how would you say you feel about ejaculating? Positive, negative, or neutral, i.e. it's just one of those things? Do you have a religion that influences your outlook?
      I know, when mentioning wet dreams, sex-ed can sometimes present them as just some slightly inconvenient but harmless side effect of achieving sexual maturity long before you need it for fathering children, a bit like a girl's periods. I don't think that's how most of us guys think about ejaculation once we've experienced it and got used to it.

      For example see Hypothetical Question and For guys who ejaculate - do you watch? (both links to other threads here). Most of us think of it as something very positive and something we have a bit of a fascination with. Certainly, for me, cumming, by which I mean the combination or orgasm and ejaculation, is the most intensely pleasurable sensation I have ever experienced and probably ever will experience. There are, of course, many other pleasures but they tend to be less intense but over a longer period of time.

      So I think, if I were in your situation, I'd be less concerned about getting to the bathroom to clean up before it's even happened and more inclined to concentrate on what was happening. As an example, I might pull the waist band of my underwear away from by body so I can watch it happen. Then I'd probably take the start of wet dreams as a cue to start masturbating and enjoy cumming more often and when I want to, rather than it being a bit random. But you do you.
      No, your not being to personal. And no, there is no religious influences. I know boys can't stop ejaculations from happening, if your not masturbating or having some form of sex, then your body will do it for you through wet dreams. But I do view the feeling of the ejaculation as positive. And also no, I don't view wet dreams as inconvenient. Now that I've had a number of wet dreams and when I wake up in the middle of the night with that feeling, I know now what's going to happen. Sometimes I do jump out of bed to get to the bathroom, but more often now I do lay in bed long enough for the ejaculation to happen there and then go get cleaned up.
    • How old were you when you started puberty? 13

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? 2 years

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Jacking

      How did your first ejaculation feel? Weird lol. But good

      Where did your first ejaculation happen? In my bed

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? I knew what it was but it was a surprise coz I didn't expect

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? No

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? My bf lol

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? No I was looking forward to it but didn't know when it was going to happen

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? I had been masterbating and having sex for like 2 years lol

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with?

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel?

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had?

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public? No

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite?

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them?
    • How old were you when you started puberty? 10-11

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? 1-2 years

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? masturbation

      How did your first ejaculation feel? fantastic

      Where did your first ejaculation happen? my room

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? surprise

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? I

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? bf s

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? no

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? I started masturbating long before I ejaculated

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with? -

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel? -

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had? -

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public? yes

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite? -

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them? -
      sig :D
    • Pepsifan wrote:

      How old were you when you started puberty? 11!or 12

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation?few months

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)?masturbstion

      How did your first ejaculation feel?
      very tingly . stronger than my dry orgasms

      Where did your first ejaculation happen?bedroom

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise?
      i knew..

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation?just me

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? friend

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? no. just knew how to give myself dry ones but i squirted instead

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated?
      i was wanking for years before my first squirt

      If your first ejaculation was from sex, was the sex planned or did it just happen and who was it with?

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel?it’s possible that i’ve he’d wet dreams. i’ve read that they can get weird and don’t have to be sexual. i’m a wetter and it’s possible that i’ve had one, slept through it and wet after

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had?

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public?
      i’ve done it in a bathroom stall but never seen in public

      If you have had ejaculations of different types, what is your favorite and least favorite? just regular ones i guess

      Are there ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them?nope… i like all of them
      Covering a dog turd in chocolate won’t make it a candy bar.
    • How old were you when you started puberty? 12. But maybe 11, I just noticed it at 12

      How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? Also at 12, a few months into noticeable puberty

      What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Wet dream

      How did your first ejaculation feel? Awesome. I woke up as it was happening and was disappointed that it stopped

      Where did your first ejaculation happen? My bed

      Did you know what ejaculations were when it happened or was it a surprise? I knew it might happen. Same with jerking off, I knew what the result would be

      Did anyone witness your first ejaculation? No, unless my brother woke up but if so he didn't say

      Did you tell anyone about it after it happened? No. But I'm sure my mom knew when she did laundry

      If your first ejaculation was from masturbating, did you plan to ejaculate in advance? My first was not from jerking, but when I did cum from jerking off, it was planned yes.

      Did you start masturbating before you could ejaculate or did you cum the first time you masturbated? I shot the first time.

      If you have had any wet dreams, did you wake up before, during, or after ejaculating? How did the wet dream feel? I always wake up right during the ejaculation part of the dream, just as I am starting to shoot. It feels really good, usually intense.

      Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had? Yes. I still have them some times, not as often though. Not sure how many. At first, they were like every week. Now, once a month maybe.

      Do you have any embarrassing ejaculations, like getting caught or seen
      by your parents, siblings, or friends or if it happened in public? Yeah, caught right after I came and semen was everywhere

      Are their ejaculations that have happened to you that you don't like, like do you get wet dreams and hate having them? I like wet dreams. Unless I am sleeping nude, but that only happened once.