Are most parents in USA strict?

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    • Are most parents in USA strict?

      my name is Nikolai, i am 15 years old, born in russia and most time grown up in germany. Sorry - my english skills must be better :)
      I have question. My mother and me moved to a small town near Nashville, Tennessee this year. She married my stepdad, a self employed car mechanic with daughter (11) and son (16).
      I dont know how to deal with the situation that he is very strict. First it was only with the other kids, but now every month is lot of new rules and prohibitions for me too.
      I like him and mostly he is nice to me (go fishing, swimming or in wildlife park...). But we cant't decide anything by ourselves. For my mother it's ok, what i dont understand because in germany it was other relationship.

      Mostly we can call him dad but in serious situations we must call him sir. And it happens not often but when we obey very bad my stepdad uses punishment with belt.
      My question: Is this normal in USA or is it special family situation? I don't know much about US culture (but i am very interested to know it better).

      Thank you.