Is he not interested or nervous?

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    • Is he not interested or nervous?

      My guy friend whom I like told me that maybe we should meet but he didn't suggest a time or place. I said yes, I waited for him to suggest something but he never did. Long after that I asked via text where we were going and when. He started avoiding me - now he turns his back at me and pretends I don't exist. Is it possible for him to be that shy? I find it weird to think so because he's attractive. Recently he also looked at me from the corner of his eye. When I'm around he kind of goes away but not always. Then why all the flirting, touching, staring on his part? He made me hopeful and now I don't know how to act. He looks like he's scared of me. He also told me some strange things as if he was insinuating thatI don't like him. Do you think he might be secretly gay? It came to my mind because he has gay friends and he himself looks a bit gay to me but maybe he's just metrosexual. I had reciprocated flirting but I also ignored him sometimes because I didn't know where I stood. After I had initiated conversation once he started flirting with me again but he never initiated any longer conversation, only some short bollocks or just asking how I was doing. He was rude at times as well. Perhaps he's just a playboy? Should I move on?
    • It's impossible to read his mind or intentions. His behavior is sketch, but focus on the present, not his past weird behavior. Walk right up to him, almost cornering him so he can't get away (it's not being rude or creepy since you DESERVE an answer and not his BS ghosting!), flirt with him in a way that both relaxes and excites him, and then directly ask him where and when you two are going out. That's my best advice to get a definitive answer to both if you're going to date and why he might've acted so weird. If you aren't direct you probably won't get any answer, which might be just as well, but is weird and confusing. Don't dance around this and be shy too. Get the answer you deserve.