Questions about your first time...

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    • Questions about your first time...

      Are you boy/girl?
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you?
      How old was your partner?
      How did you know them?
      How long did you know them before you did it?
      Were you dating when you did it?
      How long did you last?
      Did you use a condom?
      Do you regret it?

      I want to know if im ready to haev sex yet, i only known this girl three months and i dont know how long i need to wait
    • im a guy, i had sex for the first time when i was 16, she was my best friends little sister
      we knew each other for a few months before we did it, and no we werent dating
      i lasted for like 30-40 minutes in total but it was more than just sex and i came twice
      i didnt use a condom and i only kinda regret it because her brother got rly pissed at me but not rly.. the sex was amazing!
    • Are you boy/girl? Boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 15
      How old was your partner? He was 14
      How did you know them? From school
      How long did you know them before you did it? Over a year
      Were you dating when you did it? Yes
      How long did you last? Maybe a minute :rolleyes: I was the top
      Did you use a condom? No
      Do you regret it? Sort of. He really wanted to, I wasn't too sure. Also wish I could have lasted longer but he enjoyed it
    • Are you boy/girl? boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? only jo with 2 friends on sleepovers watching porn, no touching.
      How old was your partner? both 12 last year
      How did you know them? school
      How long did you know them before you did it? a year
      Were you dating when you did it? no
      How long did you last? not long for me, like a few minutes, longer for them. I was like, "omg, this is really happening" so I was quick. But after we all finished, like an hour or so later, we did it again.
      Did you use a condom? no
      Do you regret it? no
    • Are you boy/girl? boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 14
      How old was your partner? 16
      How did you know them? Friend’s sister
      How long did you know them before you did it? 4 years
      Were you dating when you did it? No just a fling
      How long did you last? Like 5 minutes
      Did you use a condom? no
      Do you regret it? no
    • Are you boy/girl? Boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 12.5/13
      How old was your partner? I'm not sure, I guess 15/16
      How did you know them? On vacation
      How long did you know them before you did it? A few days
      Were you dating when you did it? A little
      How long did you last? No idea, I didn't count lol
      Did you use a condom? No
      Do you regret it? It's complicated... It went so fast I barely knew her. Sometimes I think maybe I wasn't ready and I should have waited
    • Are you boy/girl? Boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 15
      How old was your partner? 15
      How did you know them? She was my girlfriend
      How long did you know them before you did it? A few months
      Were you dating when you did it? Yes
      How long did you last? Maybe 10 minutes lol
      Did you use a condom? Yes
      Do you regret it? No
    • Are you boy/girl? Boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 12
      How old was your partner? 12
      How did you know them? a friend
      How long did you know them before you did it? several years
      Were you dating when you did it? no
      How long did you last? maybe 5 minutes
      Did you use a condom? no
      Do you regret it? No
    • Are you boy/girl? Manly man.
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 17
      How old was your partner? 18
      How did you know them? We went to school together.
      How long did you know them before you did it? I knew her for years, but we had been dating for several months.
      Were you dating when you did it? Yes
      How long did you last? Wouldn't you like to know ;)
      Did you use a condom? Yep
      Do you regret it? Nope

      We were both virgins and we both waited until we were comfortable with it; I think it went about as well as a first time could go. We're not together anymore, but the relationship continued for over a year after that and we remain friends to this day.
    • Are you boy/girl? Boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 12
      How old was your partner? 12
      How did you know them? Classmates
      How long did you know them before you did it? Few Months
      Were you dating when you did it? No
      How long did you last? 15-20 Minutes ish
      Did you use a condom? No
      Do you regret it? Hell nah, was amazing
    • txvttxvt wrote:

      I want to know if im ready to haev sex yet, i only known this girl three months and i dont know how long i need to wait
      Hey, I'll answer the questions, but keep in mind you're ready when YOU are ready, not when the rest of us were ready.

      Are you boy/girl? boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 11
      How old was your partner? 14
      How did you know them? he was (and still is) my older brother's best friend
      How long did you know them before you did it? years
      Were you dating when you did it? no
      How long did you last? about 20 minutes
      Did you use a condom? no
      Do you regret it? no
    • Are you boy/girl? Boy
      When you had sex for the first time, how old were you? 13
      How old was your partner? 12
      How did you know them? he was a friend
      How long did you know them before you did it? several years
      Were you dating when you did it? no
      How long did you last? about 10 minutes
      Did you use a condom? no
      Do you regret it? No