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    • Hi my name is Robert and have been going out with a girl from school. I was recently asked if she wanted to have sex wouid I, and do.I have condoms.

      Got me to thinking about a few things.

      First why use a condom, I thought girls could only get pregnant during only certain times of the month.

      Second would I.even know how to check the proper fit.

      Third would I know if it fell off when I am inside her

      If anyone could enlighten me

      Thanking everyone. Rob :)
    • Females are most fertile the day before and the day of ovulation (some also say the day after), but because sperm cells can survive sometimes for up to a week inside the womb, well...there's that. So unless a girl knows EXACTLY what day she is's a toss up.

      Unless you have a giant cock...regular condoms should fit just fine.

      And condoms don't really "fall off" - unless you are trying to be a badass and buying MAGNUM condoms when you don't really need them. More often than falling off, condoms do break occasionally...though it has only ever happened to me once. Trying to not use a condom for fear of it "breaking" is really a dick move. If the girl you're planning to have sex with requests that you use a condom, you should respect her wishes. It's not always about protection from pregnancy but protection against icky diseases as well.
    • 1. Most females ovulate 12-17 days after the first day of their last menses (average 14), the most fertile days are the three days prior to ovulation. The ovum (egg) remains viable for 12-24 hours, and the sperm remains viable for approx. 72 hours. Intercourse on any of these three days will produce approx. a 20% chance of pregnancy if both partners are normal and healthy.

      2. Personally i think regular condoms are fine/perfect for the vast majority of guys and that different sizes are sorta just a way for condom companies to make more money. That said there are guidelines. Small is for guys 2.95-5.12 inches hard (75-130mm). Medium is 5.12-6.3 (130-160). Large is 6.3-7.2 (160-184). XL is 7.2-9.0 (184-230).

      3. I'm almost sure you would feel a tight and unpleasant feeling balloon being pulled and almost ripped off your dick while inside. Cuz u would feel your constricted dick go through some minor discomfort as its pulled off and then all of a sudden ur dick would feel free and amazing inside a vag.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      Thanks, I have a standard size but I think it fits loosely , they can move up and down on my penis .
      well there are condom brands that are made for....smaller sizes.
      But you;'re're probably not fully developed yet.
      Thanks I also.was informed that I made a mistake not wiping the lube off my dick I used when I masturbated to get hard
    • Robrob12 wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      Thanks, I have a standard size but I think it fits loosely , they can move up and down on my penis .
      well there are condom brands that are made for....smaller sizes.But you;'re're probably not fully developed yet.
      Thanks I also.was informed that I made a mistake not wiping the lube off my dick I used when I masturbated to get hard
      So seeing a girl naked...doesn't do it for you, eh?
    • Regular or standard or medium condoms are for penises that have girth of 4.3 to 5.2 inch girth. Just FYI. I honestly think it would take quite a bit of action for a condom to be pulled off even a narrow penis. But if u feel its loose then ask a clinic or planned Parenthood place if they have narrow or small or tight fit condoms.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      Thanks, I have a standard size but I think it fits loosely , they can move up and down on my penis .
      well there are condom brands that are made for....smaller sizes.But you;'re're probably not fully developed yet.
      Thanks I also.was informed that I made a mistake not wiping the lube off my dick I used when I masturbated to get hard
      So seeing a girl naked...doesn't do it for you, eh?
      I have not seen her naked yet, I was trying to get ready to for when the.time comes , so I do look like a bafoon when time comes to use the condom
    • Robrob12 wrote:

      I have not seen her naked yet, I was trying to get ready to for when the.time comes , so I do look like a bafoon when time comes to use the condom
      oh I see, haha I figured it might be something like that. My apologies.

      Condoms really aren't that big of a deal. You might ask her to help you put it on...could be fun :P
    • Robrob12 wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      Thanks, I have a standard size but I think it fits loosely , they can move up and down on my penis .
      well there are condom brands that are made for....smaller sizes.But you;'re're probably not fully developed yet.
      Thanks I also.was informed that I made a mistake not wiping the lube off my dick I used when I masturbated to get hard
      So seeing a girl naked...doesn't do it for you, eh?
      I have not seen her naked yet, I was trying to get ready to for when the.time comes , so I do look like a bafoon when time comes to use the condom
      I honestly wouldn't worry about that so much. I can't speak for all girls, but I think there is a certain amount of understanding with inexperience. Everyone goes through those things. It's really ok :)
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      I have not seen her naked yet, I was trying to get ready to for when the.time comes , so I do look like a bafoon when time comes to use the condom
      oh I see, haha I figured it might be something like that. My apologies.
      Condoms really aren't that big of a deal. You might ask her to help you put it on...could be fun :P
      no apologies needed, I am very new to all this and to be honest not 100% sure I am ready
    • Robrob12 wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      Lube between ur dick and the condom will definitely make it looser. Don't do that. Especially in your case. Plus if u use the wrong lube it can be bad.
      wrong lube? I use silicon base lube
      those and water based lubes are generally ok to use.

      Don't use anything containing anything like oil or petroleum jelly or anything like that.

      You also should never use OTHER things in place of lube...things like baby oil, cooking oils, lotions, creams.....butter....?? :lol: WTF
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      Lube between ur dick and the condom will definitely make it looser. Don't do that. Especially in your case. Plus if u use the wrong lube it can be bad.
      wrong lube? I use silicon base lube
      those and water based lubes are generally ok to use.
      Don't use anything containing anything like oil or petroleum jelly or anything like that.

      You also should never use OTHER things in place of lube...things like baby oil, cooking oils, lotions, creams.....butter....?? :lol: WTF
      ok thanks for all the advice, this is my 1st GF and she wants to go slow, and I respect her decision
    • Robrob12 wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Robrob12 wrote:

      Gabraham247 wrote:

      Lube between ur dick and the condom will definitely make it looser. Don't do that. Especially in your case. Plus if u use the wrong lube it can be bad.
      wrong lube? I use silicon base lube
      those and water based lubes are generally ok to use.Don't use anything containing anything like oil or petroleum jelly or anything like that.

      You also should never use OTHER things in place of lube...things like baby oil, cooking oils, lotions, creams.....butter....?? :lol: WTF
      ok thanks for all the advice, this is my 1st GF and she wants to go slow, and I respect her decision
      If she's at the point where she is comfortable with having sex with you, then it will be ok. Whether you, or you and her together get the condom on...its not going to matter. Some girls prefer to help with that anyways. As long as you both have good communication, it will work