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    • hiii :D first post
      So... i had a big argument with my parents a few days ago bcause so I went out for a walk during the night of December 28 and 29 (at 2 am), my parents got upset and took my phone for 10 days (after yelling at me)
      Its frustrating cause i like walking at night and I'm 16, not 10! Walking relaxes me and makes it easier to sleep (Ive insomnia)
      Even today, theyre watching me closely and we had a second dispute they told me that i was irresponsible for not understanding the "dangers of the night", i told them that i was not responsible for their fear and that they didnt have to project their worries onto me
      the atmosphere is still tense...
      i'm in my room now, its tiring ||
    • I am sorry you had a argument with your parents, but try to understand that they will worry about you no matter what age you are. Their first priority is to keep you safe. The world we live in now as not as safe as it once was. How do you think they would feel if something bad happened to you, they are most likely not projecting their fear but most likely their concerns for your well being.
    • I can understand why your parents would be worried. Going out by yourself at night can be dangerous (no matter your age, sex or strength). It's not entirely safe some places even in the day ;( (been a number of stabbings and assaults where I live just this year)

      I think they were really scared that you were out without them knowing where you were.

      Try talking calmly to them so you can both understand each others feelings on the matter

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Chris is correct with his comment I may add. Going for a walk at 2am does sound a bit weird tbh and I'm positive that your parents have your own safety in mind
      Insomnia can be sorted out I hope try drinking camomile tea before you go to bed and make sure that your mind is not too active before sleep. I would clear the air with your parents and tell them that you appreciate their concern. Do you play any sports or do any gym? I hope that you can sort out your problem. Let us know how things are going rn
      Live for today
    • People get worried about other people they love and imagine bad things can happen. Probably the biggest danger to you if you are walking at 2 am is that a car will be driving near you and not expect to see you and that could lead to a crash and you getting hurt. I think that's more likely than you being hit or deliberately hurt. There's something you can do about it though, if you do want to go for a walk : get some good reflective clothes and maybe a torch, so cars can see you and won't hurt you in an accident. If you get these reflective clothes, and show your parents, or maybe ask your parents for the reflective clothes, maybe your parents will see that you are taking your safety seriously but still want to do what you want to do.