Lost twins?

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    • Lost twins?

      I read about this last year, and it really got me interested. Does anyone have any thoughts or input on this?


      By the way, more information can be found if you look up “Womb Twin Survivors”. There’s a lot out there about it. Apparently it’s been talked about for years, but most scientific communities dismissed it as they do most things they don’t understand. Well, finally in 2022 it is starting to go mainstream.

      I don’t know, just curious what anyone else might think?
    • collin13 wrote:

      I think it is pretty fascinating. I have two friends that are identical twins and they finish each other's sentences. I swear to God it is the most bizarre thing when it happens and it happens a lot. I don't know about lost twins though. But its fascinating for sure!
      Imagine this. They have a really strong bond. Stronger than anything most people can ever understand. All throughout ancient cultures, there are myths and legends about twins. The Nigerian Yoruba culture believes that they are sacred. They even make idols of one if they die, and feed it and carry it everywhere.

      Or, look at Elvis Presley. Elvis is actually an identical twin! He died at birth. It was in that movie last summer. So I read about it. It affected him his whole life. He even talked to his twin a lot. There have been others, too. Liberace is the same story, only even more intense.

      I found a couple of older girls on Quora, her account is Elsa Kristian, where she talks all the time about her and her twin Anna. They live together, say the do everything together, and will always be together. How no one else can understand, so forth... She always says that they "share the same soul."

      Now imagine, if this BBC article is right, that it's literally encoded in your DNA to be bonded like that. Even if your twin was never born, you would always feel it throughout life. Always looking, always searching for that person, even if you didn't actually know why you felt that way. I think it could be real. Because I've actually felt like that a lot, and had some dreams like they described. It's really hard to understand sometimes.
    • There could be something like that. Like when your born you have a connection to your family as you heard them speaking when your in the womb. And people who get adopted at birth, can feel a connection to there family if they meet again in later life (even when they've never met before that moment) and that they've felt like a part of them is missing

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I think it's even more so. It says that if you're an identical twin your DNA is different from everyone else. There's a marker in it, even if the other twin doesn't get born. It's like it's encoded directly into you. Lakota people believed that twins "preexist" before this life somehow, and aren't quite like other people.
    • Well the other aspect is that twins are actually counter intuitive to evolution ... so having the exact same dna isn't good for species survival so to speak. If that makes sense.

      Its all really fascinating to me and the connection you've talked about I see every day. Apparently they feel each other's pain too? Now that is just bizarre but they say it is real!
    • collin13 wrote:

      Well the other aspect is that twins are actually counter intuitive to evolution ... so having the exact same dna isn't good for species survival so to speak. If that makes sense.

      Its all really fascinating to me and the connection you've talked about I see every day. Apparently they feel each other's pain too? Now that is just bizarre but they say it is real!
      That is fascinating! The survival thing only applies if it were everyone. Most people won’t be twins, and therefore it’s not an issue. Besides not all twins are identical. They will always be a minority, but maybe less so than people think these days.

      So your friends actually say they feel each other’s pain? Wow that’s incredible! You should show them that article and the stuff about womb twin survivors and how it affects people. See what they think.

      Have you ever seen Family Fun Pack on YouTube? They’ve got identical twins, Chris and Zac, who have their own channel Twin Time. I like them a lot.
    • Anonem wrote:

      collin13 wrote:

      Well the other aspect is that twins are actually counter intuitive to evolution ... so having the exact same dna isn't good for species survival so to speak. If that makes sense.

      Its all really fascinating to me and the connection you've talked about I see every day. Apparently they feel each other's pain too? Now that is just bizarre but they say it is real!
      That is fascinating! The survival thing only applies if it were everyone. Most people won’t be twins, and therefore it’s not an issue. Besides not all twins are identical. They will always be a minority, but maybe less so than people think these days.
      So your friends actually say they feel each other’s pain? Wow that’s incredible! You should show them that article and the stuff about womb twin survivors and how it affects people. See what they think.

      Have you ever seen Family Fun Pack on YouTube? They’ve got identical twins, Chris and Zac, who have their own channel Twin Time. I like them a lot.
      Yeah exactly on the survival though and that's why there aren't more twins out there apparently. Yeah my friends are on my soccer team and they claim that yes. The only way to tell them apart is by their hair style lol, they sound the same, have the same mannerisms. Its pretty crazy.

      I know the youtube channel you are talking about because my little brother and sister watch them. I think the twins are 13 from what I remember which is the same age as my little bro. I haven't watched it much though and just seen it in passing.
    • collin13 wrote:

      Anonem wrote:

      collin13 wrote:

      Well the other aspect is that twins are actually counter intuitive to evolution ... so having the exact same dna isn't good for species survival so to speak. If that makes sense.

      Its all really fascinating to me and the connection you've talked about I see every day. Apparently they feel each other's pain too? Now that is just bizarre but they say it is real!
      That is fascinating! The survival thing only applies if it were everyone. Most people won’t be twins, and therefore it’s not an issue. Besides not all twins are identical. They will always be a minority, but maybe less so than people think these days.So your friends actually say they feel each other’s pain? Wow that’s incredible! You should show them that article and the stuff about womb twin survivors and how it affects people. See what they think.

      Have you ever seen Family Fun Pack on YouTube? They’ve got identical twins, Chris and Zac, who have their own channel Twin Time. I like them a lot.
      Yeah exactly on the survival though and that's why there aren't more twins out there apparently. Yeah my friends are on my soccer team and they claim that yes. The only way to tell them apart is by their hair style lol, they sound the same, have the same mannerisms. Its pretty crazy.
      I know the youtube channel you are talking about because my little brother and sister watch them. I think the twins are 13 from what I remember which is the same age as my little bro. I haven't watched it much though and just seen it in passing.
      That can get odd when it’s like that. Some handle it better than others I think. Twins hate being called creepy that’s for sure. Never compare them to the girls in The Shining! Haha

      Anyway, you should check Chris and Zac out just to see what they’re like. Not all identical twins are exactly the same. There are some differences once you get to know them. Zac is the alpha, dominant one and Chris is the beta, submissive one.

      Their faces are a little bit different too. I’d describe Chris’s faces as softer, more rounded looking. They’re almost exactly my age. I thought you were 13 too since it says 13 in your name, but I guess you are older.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      I have no jdea. I've been thinking a lot about soul mates lately. Which I don't even know what to believe. This twin stuff even takes it further. I just don't know. There definitely is something real about physical/spiritual/mental attraction. I just don't know how far it goes.
      Really? That’s how I first started really getting into this. I just started looking up soulmates in online and saw the stuff about twin flames. I was like “Oh I just MUST have one. I can feel it!” I looked up at the moon one night and really, really felt the presence of my soulmate. I didn’t know who it was, but I felt him for sure. I still don’t know, obviously.

      But I was kind of led to find out about vanishing twins. It was all pretty incredible honestly, but that’s another story. I think that may be it. I think, if it’s true, I’ll always feel his presence, because he’s always been with me and always will, but I just never knew it. The soul transcends the body, you know. Energy never dies.
    • there is a difference between twins separated at birth or cases of one twin dying during pregnancy and here. I've heard of one poor mum, where one twin died at 6months pregnancy and went full term as they couldn't remove one baby without affecting the other. And the unusual ness of conjoined twins (most famous Abigail and Britney). There are rare cases of one not developing, so u end up with one baby and parts of another

      I've heard of people where life starts as fraternal (non identical) twins where there are two fertilised eggs, but one doesnt develop, and is absorbed in to the other resulting in some one with 2 DNAs! There seems to be an intense feeling that there is something missing when there are two, but only one.

      I've also heard of very rare cases (perhaps only 4 or 5 in the world) of non identical twins, wher the mother "slwpt" with two men in a short space of time, the sperm of one man fertilises one egg, and the other for the other egg, so the twins are half siblings as they have different dads!
    • simon12345 wrote:

      there is a difference between twins separated at birth or cases of one twin dying during pregnancy and here. I've heard of one poor mum, where one twin died at 6months pregnancy and went full term as they couldn't remove one baby without affecting the other. And the unusual ness of conjoined twins (most famous Abigail and Britney). There are rare cases of one not developing, so u end up with one baby and parts of another

      I've heard of people where life starts as fraternal (non identical) twins where there are two fertilised eggs, but one doesnt develop, and is absorbed in to the other resulting in some one with 2 DNAs! There seems to be an intense feeling that there is something missing when there are two, but only one.

      I've also heard of very rare cases (perhaps only 4 or 5 in the world) of non identical twins, wher the mother "slwpt" with two men in a short space of time, the sperm of one man fertilises one egg, and the other for the other egg, so the twins are half siblings as they have different dads!
      Exactly. There is a difference. Separated at birth would not be a vanishing twin, or for the survivor, a womb twin survivor. The difference is that for the latter two, the other twin never forms all the way for whatever reason. If it dies, it often is absorbed by the mother or the other twin, or both. What you said about ending up with two DNAs, that's called chimerism. A chimera. Like a hybrid. If they're fraternal, the DNA will be different, so large birth marks, or different color eyes, etc... are caused by that. Multi colored cats are thought to be that way. If they're identical, there will be no noticeable difference, because they're identical.

      Or, the remnants can remain and are often not detected! It's estimated up to 10-15% of all people actually are twins in some way and never know it.

      As for the feeling... Even if you never are told that you had a twin, even if it disappeared in the first 12 weeks, and no one knew, you still started out as a twin. The markers will always be encoded into your very DNA. You will always long for someone, something, and never know why. Look up a list of womb twin survivor traits and you'll see what I mean.