Hogwarts Legacy

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    • Hogwarts Legacy

      Not trying to pick any fights

      I loved the HP books which were written king before the writer went nuts and was unfair to trans women… and she didn’t have anything to do with making the game

      Does anyone here play it? I’d like to try it
      If I can get some answers that would be cool

      Is it racist as some claim? Like I know some say the goblins are supposed to be Jewish caricatures but being of Jewish descent and apart from being short I don’t think I look remotely like a goblin… but anything else?

      also the transphobia thing - that was never in the books and is a JKR’s personal life thing and the game seems to be pro trans, like there is a trans woman in it who apparently is a powerful and a positive mentor for the player’s character and players in the game can be a trans male or female if they want with no negativity from the others at Hogwarts etc

      so yeah; if someone can tell me first hand if it actually has a legitimate reason for the hate other than JK Rowling that he appreciated

    • I play it with my best friend, we bought the game together on PC and we share the Steam account, so we play in alternate turns.

      After quite some hours of play, here's what we think about it (we mostly agree, only having diverging opinions in a few minor details).

      No, the game is obviously not trying to be racist or transphobe. Actually, it feels like, at times, the game designers added things to explicitely make it more inclusive. So far, we didn't spot anything shoking.

      Now, the way goblins are depicted is quite faithful to how they are presented in the books, and yes, they clearly show troubling similarities with how jews were represented in propaganda in the first part of the last century; no more and no less than in books, though.

      I and my friend thus don't hate the game at all, and certainly didn't see it 'wrong' in that respect; again, no more than books, and I think some criticisms about questionable game material in HL were stretching things way too far.

      That being said, we are disliking the game, but for totally different reasons: it is tedious, some missions are boring or silly, parts of the story are poorly written, and some of the voiceover is badly acted, to name a few. We'd give the game a 5/10; it has great moments, but for the most part, it's at best average. Not worth its price in my opinion.
    • I want to point out for whomever needs to hear it that, this game is a form of art or expression. It's always incredibly important to never begin mass censoring of art, literature, or music, anything like that. That is an icy, slippery slope. If the work is by an evil person, and has evil values within it, then it will be readily apparent. But we must see those things. We all must know how bad things can be, so we are not doomed to repeat the future.

      The key is not to suppress art and speech, hoping that you can force people to be the right way. The key is to confront those messages directly, and defeat them with the truth. Educate people as to why those beliefs are not the correct way to be. Part of that is knowing what isn't right, too.

      As for this game, I agree with the above posts. There isn't any bigoted material evident in it. It's a form of art, and the Harry Potter universe is a wonderful world to immerse into and build the imagination. If the author has views that are counter to our own, well that doesn't mean we don't have the right to simply choose to ignore what she says, while knowing how firm our beliefs are, and keep enjoying the contributions she created in the past, which have now grown far larger than one person. Harry Potter belongs to the world now.

      Hope that helps!
    • Eilae wrote:

      Like I know some say the goblins are supposed to be Jewish caricatures but being of Jewish descent and apart from being short I don’t think I look remotely like a goblin… but anything else?
      I think the comparison some make is the long nose(alot of old antisemitic art work used to depict them with huge or long noses) and the fact they're bankers. In the long history of antisemitism one of the most prominent and persistent stereotypes about Jews is that they are greedy and avaricious, hoping to make themselves rich by any means. They are seen both as relentless in the pursuit of wealth and also as stingy misers determined not to let any money slip from their grasp. They are imagined to exert control over the world’s financial systems, but are also accused of regularly cheating friends and neighbors out of a buck.
      Course none of it has any basis in fact .. but the myth persists with some people.
      Didn't have anything to do with being short or looking like a goblin, lol.
      We all have our challenges. A word of advice ... We stand upon the precipice of change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that moment ... and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap! It is only when you fall that you learn you can fly!