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    • Ok not sure if this is the right area if not please move mods.

      How many of you think nudist = sex?

      I’ve been called a pervert today because someone thought been a nudist meant sex which therefore meant I was a pervert, can I just clarify that nudism has literally NOTHING to do with sex.
    • Yes you can clarify that, cause it's completely true.
      But I guess in some countries where nudism and nude beaches aren't common, all sorts of unjustified prejudice will occure.
      But if they don't know anything about it, they can only judge by their own feeling about being naked around other people. When you see it that way, it's understandable.
      Then again, it's best to not verbally attack people for something, while being completely ignorant :)

      People who are prejudice about nudism, and are so horny and desperate, they think

      "When nudism equals sex, I might find someone to have sex with on the nude beach"

      , they will make it a less safe place.
      "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
    • simon12345 wrote:

      It doesn't have to be that way, though some people can think that. Different nudest places will have their own rules
      Yes there are different rules for different beaches, luckily there aren't predators on the beaches I go to.
      "Comedy is like sex. If they haven't made a noise in a while, change what you're doing" - Sara Pascoe
    • I think the law in Britain kinda gives a good example

      It not illegal to be naked (there's some naked bike rides, swims, runs and other events and places you can be) but it is illegal to indecently expose yourself (so being naked to show off sexually or other inappropriate places or ways)

      So it's not illegal to be a nudist, but a large amount of times it's talked about or reported in the news is when it's in an inappropriate/sexual/perverted way. When it's an event that's nude it's usually seen more as a fun or charity kinda event, the rest of the time it's more a private thing

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      I think the law in Britain kinda gives a good example

      It not illegal to be naked (there's some naked bike rides, swims, runs and other events and places you can be) but it is illegal to indecently expose yourself (so being naked to show off sexually or other inappropriate places or ways)

      So it's not illegal to be a nudist, but a large amount of times it's talked about or reported in the news is when it's in an inappropriate/sexual/perverted way. When it's an event that's nude it's usually seen more as a fun or charity kinda event, the rest of the time it's more a private thing
      That makes sense.
    • BJade wrote:

      I think the law in Britain kinda gives a good example

      It not illegal to be naked (there's some naked bike rides, swims, runs and other events and places you can be) but it is illegal to indecently expose yourself (so being naked to show off sexually or other inappropriate places or ways)

      So it's not illegal to be a nudist, but a large amount of times it's talked about or reported in the news is when it's in an inappropriate/sexual/perverted way. When it's an event that's nude it's usually seen more as a fun or charity kinda event, the rest of the time it's more a private thing
      I had NO idea nudity was legal in Britain. I've always read that Bride were body modest for the most part compared to other countries.
    • nudistjames wrote:

      Ok not sure if this is the right area if not please move mods.

      How many of you think nudist = sex?

      I’ve been called a pervert today because someone thought been a nudist meant sex which therefore meant I was a pervert, can I just clarify that nudism has literally NOTHING to do with sex.
      I think everyone on this post can and has agreed that nudism is not about sex. What stands out to me on the OG's post is why tf did people even make a big deal about it??? What businesses is it of theirs IF you were a sexual "pervert" as long as the sex you had was legal and consensual??? Plus most teens (not all obviously) praise others for having sex, not bullying them or whatever.
    • Nudism does not equal sex, but the are not mutually exclusive, either.

      I don't think I could ever be a nudist. Nothing against it, but I like being covered in those areas. I wouldn't be offended by being in a situation where people were, though. As long are they're not like helicoptering in my face, to each their own!