Can people tell you're gay/bi?

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    • There's probably ways someone acts and dress that are more stereotypically gay. But not all people who act that way are gay, and not all gay people fit those stereotypes

      Also teens have enough trouble working out there own sexuality :lol: not alone others

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I dont think I have any obvious signs of being gay now, but I did for a long time go out of my way to make sure I acted straight. I dont try to hide being gay now but most wouldn't think I am either. I'm not a big social person either so that probably plays a part too. I think as Jade put it, I dont really fit into the typical stereotypes of a gay person. I started a new school this year and I dont think anyone thinks/knows I'm gay...yet
      My (#12) stats:
      Fall season:
      Avg per game: 12.2 pts, 3.8 ast, 1.1 stl
      Team: 9-1; 1st place

      Winter season:
      APG: 16.9 pts, 3.4 ast, 1.4 stl
      Team: 20-9; 1st place

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    • i think its kind of easy to tell if i am gay , as i am a bit feminine and my close friends are girls and we all talk about guys and my hair is kind a bit long and curly and everyone in my class at school does know i am gay , Cathy my best friend says its my eyes that says it all ( can u tell if someone is gay from there eyes ? )
    • Sometimes I'd say it's pretty obvious. Flamboyant personality + unique haircut + unique clothing style is a tip off (think Sam Smith for example). But unless a person says they're gay or wears a shirt that says they're gay then you're still only making assumptions. And assumptions are never 100%. Bi is even harder to figure out than gay. But take Sam Smith. Even tho I first thought he was gay (is he bi? Idk?) I wasn't positive until he said so. As bad as it is, sometimes Brit guys can come off as gay even if they're straight af lol. Hope that doesn't offend any Brits here. Im sure you've heard that before. It's just our American ignorance lol.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      Sometimes I'd say it's pretty obvious. Flamboyant personality + unique haircut + unique clothing style is a tip off (think Sam Smith for example). But unless a person says they're gay or wears a shirt that says they're gay then you're still only making assumptions. And assumptions are never 100%. Bi is even harder to figure out than gay. But take Sam Smith. Even tho I first thought he was gay (is he bi? Idk?) I wasn't positive until he said so. As bad as it is, sometimes Brit guys can come off as gay even if they're straight af lol. Hope that doesn't offend any Brits here. Im sure you've heard that before. It's just our American ignorance lol.
      I'm not sure what Sam Smith would even be :lol: he's non-binary so isn't male or female, so being bi is easy to define. But would he be gay, if he doesn't identify as male?

      I'm also not sure how Brits come off as gay (apart from most that you probably see are musicians or actors who actually are gay :lol: ) if anything most Americans I see have flamboyant personality and style

      Definitely more flamboyant than

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Flamboyant or just ridiculous looking? I'd argue that they just look ridiculous. Agreed also on the notion that Brits come off as gay. How does that even stand to reason? Because of the accent? In that case, I must be obviously gay cos well I am and I have an accent that differs from everyone else here. I've never thought as Brits as being flamboyant or swishy or what ever the stereotype may be.
    • Sometimes you can tell that someone is gay. Then, and I am sure it's a stereotype, the saying that gays can always tell if someone else is gay. It's called gaydar. Personally I have nothing against gay or bis. But our school tends to be homophobic and that tends to inhibit people from identifying as gay or bi. Again, I don't agree with that type of behavior and just saying what the atmosphere is.
    • @BJadeand @collin13 idk how to explain the Brit thing. I just know I'm not the only American who gets that wrong vibe. I knew it would piss or irk some none Americans off but it's the truth. I guess the same over-generalizing stereotypes people have about Southern Americans being dumb and into incest (except there's bad issues about being dumb and into incest but absolutely nothing wrong with being gay). And yes anyone can find random photos to make any point. I totally agree that NBA players dress wack (of course not all NBA players are American, which I think you were trying to make a point about Americans, but whatever). And I had no idea Sam Smith was non-binary. Or I knew but forgot. Good to know though, I probably won't forget that now. Thanks for the info. I guess my main point was that I knew he wasn't 100% straight and I guess I was right about that.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      @BJadeand @collin13 idk how to explain the Brit thing. I just know I'm not the only American who gets that wrong vibe. I knew it would piss or irk some none Americans off but it's the truth. I guess the same over-generalizing stereotypes people have about Southern Americans being dumb and into incest (except there's bad issues about being dumb and into incest but absolutely nothing wrong with being gay). And yes anyone can find random photos to make any point. I totally agree that NBA players dress wack (of course not all NBA players are American, which I think you were trying to make a point about Americans, but whatever). And I had no idea Sam Smith was non-binary. Or I knew but forgot. Good to know though, I probably won't forget that now. Thanks for the info. I guess my main point was that I knew he wasn't 100% straight and I guess I was right about that.
      Well, for what it is worth ... I don't have the foggiest idea who Sam Smith is, nor do I care what he/she/they/them identifies as! I'm still trying to figure out how a stereotype exists that Brits somehow fit a gay stereotype. What is it about a Brit that makes this so? Unless you are referring to Elton John, who most definitely is flamboyant and gay! My theme in life is you do you. Just don't identify as a cat, cos urban legend dictates that it may be a fight to get a litter box put in the school bathroom!