School and Mass Shooting Incidents

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    • School and Mass Shooting Incidents

      I'm pretty horrified by what happened in Nashville TN and all this sort of hit close to home for my family with the shooting that happened at Michigan State University a few weeks back. In talking to friends I learned that active shooter drills are common place in America. This is foreign to me as obviously I'm not from the US, but what is it like to be a student there? Is this something that is in the back of your minds at all times? Why does it happen? I just can't wrap my head around it.
    • it's common to have drill for it here to :/ not so much fire arms, but incase someone with a weapon get on site.

      Had a couple of schools near me go into lock down the other week because of someone suspicious with a weapon around the area

      But also get lock downs for suspicious activity in the area, or threats to someone at the school

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • The amount of mass shootings is a uniquely American problem. No industrial country in the world come even close to the USA in terms of murders and mass shootings. It is estimated that there are more guns then people in America. The first mass school shooting occurred at Columbine, Colorado of April 20, 1999. 12 students and one teacher were killed in that event. The two murders committed suicide. Countless others were injured and I guarantee the entire student body were greatly traumatized.

      The authorities greatly investigated this mass killing. During the investigation it was determined that the four parents of the two killers knew or should have known that their sons were undergoing many changes. This included leaning bomb making, drastic changes of appearance, acquisition of fire-arms, highly disturbing massages being posted o social media. This activity we conducted in the parent's garage and should easily have been detected.

      Due to the laws in place, the parents could not be criminally charged. They were however, sued in the appropriate forum and had large judgements entered against them. The insurance companies paid the bulk of the ensuing judgement leaving the four parents liable for the balance of the judgement.

      STOP RIGHT HERE!!. The above citation was an example of the first truly horrific event concerning a mass shooting involving children. This was our first opportunity to take this terrible tragedy, learn from it and make sure it could never happen again.

      These mass shootings have happened in other countries. Australia, New Zealand, Canada and others. Each country undertook severe measures to better control weapons. In fairness, Colorado did pass stronger gun control laws. Not so, with most of the rest of the country.

      So then we move forward to even worse calamities, e.g. Sandy Hook and so many more. In the USA it is estimated that there are more firearms then the population of the country.

      I see that our moderator has weighed in on this thread. BJade hails from England. Very few citizens has access to firearms in Great Britain. Even their policemen, the bobbies do not ordinarily carry weapons. BJade, I would love for you to tell us more about your country.

    • BJade wrote:

      it's common to have drill for it here to :/ not so much fire arms, but incase someone with a weapon get on site.

      Had a couple of schools near me go into lock down the other week because of someone suspicious with a weapon around the area

      But also get lock downs for suspicious activity in the area, or threats to someone at the school
      It’s so incredibly sad what’s happening. So recently at my school, they put up these plastic signs on the back of classroom doors and one of the things that’s written is “What to do in the event of a bomb threat”. I mean, to think that this is necessary in a school is just depressing. Not that we’ve ever had anything bad happen at our school thankfully, but still.

      I just wish we could all time travel back to a time when non of this was even a consideration.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      I see that our moderator has weighed in on this thread. BJade hails from England. Very few citizens has access to firearms in Great Britain. Even their policemen, the bobbies do not ordinarily carry weapons. BJade, I would love for you to tell us more about your country.


      Yeah after the Dunblane massacre on 13 March 1996, our fire arms laws were tightened up, so the likely hood of another incident like that happening has been greatly reduced. But there still have been some incidents of mass shootings (as can be found in the link). And it's still possible to get fire arms by illegal means, was recently in our news someone arrested for possession, and our firearms (police) unit was called

      There's also bombings like the Manchester Arena bombing, that I know some people who went to. And just yesterday the threat level in Northern Ireland was increased, so very likely in the near future a shooting or bomb incident will occur (and so many incidents to do with the troubles you could find in the past)

      So a shooting in a school isn't as likely as in USA, but its still a possibility. And other weapons (and gangs/group) mean there do have to be plans in place in all public areas of the country incase that worst scenario did happen

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I get that the access to guns is easier in the US and it seems when these things happen the media talks a lot about whether the guns were obtained legally or not. In Canada, its always a case of them being obtained illegally when someone gets shot cos you can't have hand guns here that I know of. There have been some high profile mass shootings here of course, but it is not a daily thing.

      I've never experienced a school lock down or a bomb threat myself but one of the high schools in the big city I live near head one and they evacuated the school. Another time there was some yahoo that was locked in his house near a elementary school and they locked down the school and kept the kids inside until the police got the guy out and it turned out he didn't have any guns but they didn't know that till after. Still scary.

      We don't do active shooter drills here at all though. I guess if it did happen, none of us would know what to do. That is scary too.
    • collin13 wrote:

      I get that the access to guns is easier in the US and it seems when these things happen the media talks a lot about whether the guns were obtained legally or not. In Canada, its always a case of them being obtained illegally when someone gets shot cos you can't have hand guns here that I know of. There have been some high profile mass shootings here of course, but it is not a daily thing.

      I've never experienced a school lock down or a bomb threat myself but one of the high schools in the big city I live near head one and they evacuated the school. Another time there was some yahoo that was locked in his house near a elementary school and they locked down the school and kept the kids inside until the police got the guy out and it turned out he didn't have any guns but they didn't know that till after. Still scary.

      We don't do active shooter drills here at all though. I guess if it did happen, none of us would know what to do. That is scary too.
      Collin 13, I hope you never have to worry about that. Glad to hear about stricter laws in other countries. It seems like the only solution for USA schools is to have metal detectors at every entrance.
    • collin13 wrote:

      I'm pretty horrified by what happened in Nashville TN and all this sort of hit close to home for my family with the shooting that happened at Michigan State University a few weeks back. In talking to friends I learned that active shooter drills are common place in America. This is foreign to me as obviously I'm not from the US, but what is it like to be a student there? Is this something that is in the back of your minds at all times? Why does it happen? I just can't wrap my head around it.
      It just depends where you are, I live in Franklin County Virginia and school shootings aren't common here but bomb threats are but it doesn't worry me since our staff and authority figures here at Franklin County High take these threats seriously so I know if their were to be an incident that I wouldn't have to worry since the minute these things happen these authority figures and school staff are already on it so I feel safe placing my personal life into these individuals hand because they won't stop until every life is saved and risk their lives for the safety of their students, staff members, parents, etc. Sure, franklin county has MANY flaws but when it comes to our safety, I have no doubt that their would be any fatalities. I honestly feel disgusted about what happened in Nashville and Michigan State University and honestly, no-one knows why school shootings happen, and if anyone who is related to these individuals happen to be reading this, I'm truly sorry about what happened to these individuals and my heart goes out to all of the families of these individuals who had their lives taken from them. I can't imagine what its like to lose someone you love in such a tragic way and honestly, I hope the school shooters get sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole or they face execution by a lethal injection, old sparky (electric chair), hanging to death, etc. because honestly, they deserve it. They did the unforgivable and I hope they rot in for all eternity.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      The amount of mass shootings is a uniquely American problem. No industrial country in the world come even close to the USA in terms of murders and mass shootings. It is estimated that there are more guns then people in America. The first mass school shooting occurred at Columbine, Colorado of April 20, 1999. 12 students and one teacher were killed in that event. The two murders committed suicide. Countless others were injured and I guarantee the entire student body were greatly traumatized.

      The authorities greatly investigated this mass killing. During the investigation it was determined that the four parents of the two killers knew or should have known that their sons were undergoing many changes. This included leaning bomb making, drastic changes of appearance, acquisition of fire-arms, highly disturbing massages being posted o social media. This activity we conducted in the parent's garage and should easily have been detected.

      Due to the laws in place, the parents could not be criminally charged. They were however, sued in the appropriate forum and had large judgements entered against them. The insurance companies paid the bulk of the ensuing judgement leaving the four parents liable for the balance of the judgement.

      STOP RIGHT HERE!!. The above citation was an example of the first truly horrific event concerning a mass shooting involving children. This was our first opportunity to take this terrible tragedy, learn from it and make sure it could never happen again.

      These mass shootings have happened in other countries. Australia, New Zealand, Canada and others. Each country undertook severe measures to better control weapons. In fairness, Colorado did pass stronger gun control laws. Not so, with most of the rest of the country.

      So then we move forward to even worse calamities, e.g. Sandy Hook and so many more. In the USA it is estimated that there are more firearms then the population of the country.

      I see that our moderator has weighed in on this thread. BJade hails from England. Very few citizens has access to firearms in Great Britain. Even their policemen, the bobbies do not ordinarily carry weapons. BJade, I would love for you to tell us more about your country.

      Actually the first mass shooting at a high school in the US was in 1764 ...…l-shootings-united-states

      And here's a list of all the US mass shootings at a HS or anywhere else ...…ings_in_the_United_States
    • Some people may want to debate whether the US second amendment (the right to bear arms) should exist or not. I suppose it's fine to debate it, but it's universally known that it will not be repealed or amended. Even many liberals that are sickened by mass shootings and are for stricter gun laws own guns for sport or personal protection. We have had mass shootings near where I live at nearby high schools and other places like malls. Unfortunately it's a way of life. And my school has had many lock downs. But lock downs can happen because kids try to get out of taking a test so they call in a fake bomb threat. Even psycho adults have been known to call in fake bomb threats. We have have lock downs because of nearby bank robberies and nearby domestic violence at nearby homes.
    • The second amendment (as far as I know) says

      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
      which means that you have the right to bear arms if the British (or any other invaders) threatened your state. Not so much that you have a right to own a weapon.

      It was written to allow the newly formed country of United States to have an army to protect itself

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      The second amendment (as far as I know) says

      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
      which means that you have the right to bear arms if the British (or any other invaders) threatened your state. Not so much that you have a right to own a weapon.
      It was written to allow the newly formed country of United States to have an army to protect itself
      Well I mean I'm sure lawyers with more experience than you (or I) could try this in court. My guess is some lawyers would like to strike the second amendment down, but know they can't.
    • Second amendment or not, this is about a whole lot more than just guns. Still though, why is it necessary to have weapons that can spit out a whole whack of bullets per second? What purpose does that serve? At any rate, I think it is about a whole lot more than guns.

      This is straight up de-evolution of the human race. Another symptom of asinine behavior and lack of respect for life. To walk into a school and blow away a bunch of children is just sick and their is no justification nor excuse for it. And now some media are saying that the latest shooter was a victim? Fuck that ... what that individual did is completely inexcusable, inhumane, and deplorable. There is no excuse for that what so ever.
    • collin13 wrote:

      And now some media are saying that the latest shooter was a victim?
      Ya, fuck that! I'm sure that every killer has been a victim at some point in their lives and has had something fucked up happen to them to become the fucked up monster they are. But idc. They don't get any of my sympathy. This last particular monster killed 6 people including 3 nine year olds. They are not a victim!
    • Very few amendments to the US Constitution has been debated as the second amendment, the right to bear arms. The US Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled in favor of citizens being able to bear arms.

      It is estimated that there are more then 400 million guns in existence across our nation. Enough to arm every man, woman and child and still have some left over. It's a grim statistic.

      Some things are certain. Americans love their guns. Attempts to implement stricter gun laws result in increased gun sales. If you don't believe me, track gun sales in the Trump years and compared to Biden years.

      Guns in America are never going away. We can and should limit where they can be carried. We all deserve to be safe in our schools. If that means greatly increasing security in schools, armed guards, locked doors and metal detectors, so be it.
    • pahern0317 wrote:

      Guns in America are never going away. We can and should limit where they can be carried. We all deserve to be safe in our schools. If that means greatly increasing security in schools, armed guards, locked doors and metal detectors, so be it.
      We already ban guns on school campuses. Yet bad guys still bring them onto campuses and kill people. Bad guys break laws. It's what they do. We can create more laws in the US regarding gun control but the bad guys can and will always get their hands on guns and other things that kill people.

      My school keeps it's doors locked. In many of the school shootings including the last one in Nashville the killer shot through the locked door to gain entrance.
    • Gabraham247 wrote:

      pahern0317 wrote:

      Guns in America are never going away. We can and should limit where they can be carried. We all deserve to be safe in our schools. If that means greatly increasing security in schools, armed guards, locked doors and metal detectors, so be it.
      We already ban guns on school campuses. Yet bad guys still bring them onto campuses and kill people. Bad guys break laws. It's what they do. We can create more laws in the US regarding gun control but the bad guys can and will always get their hands on guns and other things that kill people.
      My school keeps it's doors locked. In many of the school shootings including the last one in Nashville the killer shot through the locked door to gain entrance.
      I was not aware that the last shooter in Nashville shot through the locked door. The police response was swift and resolute.

      I also agree with Gabraham 247 that more laws will not deter determined criminals. Still, we must do something, the alternative being schools held hostage to would be future assailants. Locked doors, reduced entry and armed security/ and /or police manning the entry points should be mandated everywhere. These mass shootings are occurring everywhere including the fictional "Mayberry".

      Then we have the danger from within such as the Columbine massacre that I cited earlier in this thread. So metal detectors must be part of these ingress/egress points. Then kids must be taught that the days of the "school boy" code of never snitching are over. See something/ say something.
    • Is there a break down on shootings in schools from within vs from the outside? That would be interesting to see. Not that one is any less diabolical than the other but it would be interesting to see the data on that. I know that some of them have been lunatic students shooting up fellow students and teachers but it seems that the lion share is some lunatic storming a school. I also think what defines a mass shooting is kinda strange too in reading about this. The media reports out a mass shooting as any more than two shot in an incident?
    • it’s pretty easy to see the connection to our shooting problems with the kinds of gun access

      looks at the fall in shootings after Clinton banned assault weapons and then the rapid climb after Bush removed the ban
      Plus all the NRA propaganda and political donations

      my dad and my brother have AR’s and I know their mental health should be a big ol red flag against them having them