am i missing out?

    • am i missing out?

      literally everyone my age around me r getting boyfriends and girlfriends and my friends keep on asking me why i haven’t gotten a bf yet ,, i don’t think i’ve ever actually had a genuine crush on someone since the third grade and i’ve barely started getting male attention soo also it’s not like i don’t like the idea of dating someone i do i love rom coms and romance fanfics and webcomics lol but i just don’t have a need for it rn but my friends keep on asking me and talking about how nice it would be and blahblah blah anyways is a relationship as good as they say?? i feel kinda left out and a little scared that im so unfamiliar with relationships
    • there's no rush for you to get into a relationship. You should wait until you find someone who you truly like and enjoy being around. Most of hte time rushing into a dating or relationship situation just for the sake of fitting in or whatever, most of the time is just going to end up disappointing you.
    • Don't rush. Find a balance. It's probably good you don't date around especially if nobody gives u butterflies. But on the other hand, don't be overly picky and never ever go out. It's probably a good idea to date to learn social skills and get experience dating, and eventually someone will give you butterflies. Maybe even someone who didn't give you butterflies on the first date.