Girls can be creeps to

  • Girls can be creeps to

    It's not an arguable conversation most people agree on the fact that women can be creepy or perverted towards men aswell
    But not many truly think it happens often
    Im here to tell those folks
    It does
    In my 13 years of life I've had a fair amount of hysterical people crush on me
    Usually they won't ever tell me
    But there friends will or il simply pick up on signs
    That's fine
    Hormones happen
    It's not normal however to tell my sister to send me notes and say you want to lock me in your basement for years on end

    She wasn't even my age
    It's cool though I guess stuff happens

    However just today I was jokingly catcalled multiple times by girls in my grade
    Then while walking a group of girls stopped me to ask
    "Are you a boy or a girl"
    I completely understand mistaking me for a chick I hadn't spoken to them and I look a lot like a girl and hang out with girls easy mistake
    I answered boy
    And one of the girls who I'm pretty sure wasn't my age followed up by saying
    "You wanna prove it?" Or something like that and they began giggling
    Needless to say I walked away
    But it does happen.
    I'm lucky to only ever be made uncomfortable and never anything more than that
    But not all guys are
    And when things occur to them there discredited and ignored
    Im not trying to say women aren't raped and I'm not saying men aren't creepy
    But not every guys a perv and not every gal is innocent
    It happens more than you think

    Anyway on a less serious note
    My childhood friend stole a stuffed animal
    Well two
    And I felt guilty