Mental Health Awareness Week :)

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    • Mental Health Awareness Week :)

      it's the end of Mental Health Awareness Week. So I'm sharing a poem I wrote (I can't remember if I've shared it before) that's kinda about feeling sad/depressed/in a dark place

      What do you find
      In your darkest place?
      A monster lurking
      With no face?

      Does It sucks your day
      From all light?
      And take away
      All hope to fight?

      Leave you in
      A deep cold hole?
      Make you feel
      You have no soul?

      Dries up
      Your every tear?
      Replaces them
      With total fear?

      Emotions now
      A distant memory?
      Leave you with
      No energy?

      Is it now time
      To scare away?
      That internal
      Invisible enemy?

      Scare it away
      With a fiery torch
      Create a new beginning
      From that scorch

      Look it in
      It's cold dead eyes
      Tell it hope
      Is your new prize

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."