Problematic habit

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    • Problematic habit

      I have a habit
      I bully girls
      But il target one at a time
      Build my entire relationship with her based on back and forth bullying and when shes no longer apart of my life il pick someone new
      I harassed my cousin lilly every time I seen her until her family moved farther and we stopped talking
      And so I picked a new girl from my school
      I began bullying her and she began reciprocating
      If I were to look back I'd say we honestly had a very good relationship
      But we were never nice to each other
      Constantly assholes
      The reason for this is I have ADHD and need to use my quips in someone anyway After she moved I got on ADHD pills and I stopped acting like that
      To the many girls I did this to
      I didn't have a crush
      I'm just a quiet ADHD asshole
    • First
      I was bullied for a long time so I understand that
      I admitted I was an asshole.
      What I did wasnt bullying
      It was always reciprocated and we were always cool with it I had tested the waters before hand apologized if I believed I hurt someone's feelings and even had truce day
      Regarding the second girl who I "bullied" the longest
      She hit me with a bicycle
      Told people I had a crush on her
      Told ME I had a crush on her
      Spread rumors about me
      Tripped me (I tripped her back)
      Hit me (I hit her back)
      And kicked me ( I kicked her back)
      If anything is say she bullied me
      I apologized and offered occasional truces
      But I guess She was to much of a popular gal for that because that part was never reciprocated
      Plus Me and my siblings and her and her siblings used to have stick fights outside of school
      If I were able to ask her I'm sure she'd agree I wasn't bullying her
    • I see my cousin every couple of months and text her to make sure she's still alive every couple weeks

      Usually when I see her we do this weird thing
      Where we like hug and say weird stuff like hey bestie it's my favorite cousin in an obnoxious voice then once close enough perform a choke hug and threaten eachother
      And I texted her last night and she said awww miss me?
      And I responded
      No I just wanna make sure your not dead when I plant a pipe bomb in your
      pillow tonight

      If I ever see sterling again
      ( I'm sure I will someday)
      Il probably just apologize for being an asshole
    • Caycedilla wrote:

      You said that you bully girls and even use the word "target"

      Then you gave examples of it

      "Reciprocated" or not, how do you think people are going to respond? On a forum where people talk about bullying they've dealt with, and share advice?
      that's on me for having a poor choice of words
      I think bullying a horrible thing that a lot of people shouldent have to deal with
    • For what it's worth I think you could have some friends there if you relax and don't try to make it a confrontation. Try to imagine what she is thinking - or what people who see you are thinking , and try to find ways to be friendly rather than tripping / hitting etc - it doesn't matter who started it - you can stop it - and I think it would be better for having friends if you did.

      It's not a good idea to write even jokes about bombs and things like that. That stuff can get you in serious trouble.
    • Bellu wrote:

      And I responded

      No I just wanna make sure your not dead when I plant a pipe bomb in your
      pillow tonight
      That, joking or not, is a threat that can land you in serious trouble, as Joanna just said

      Bullying, pretend bullying, or whatever the hell all of this topic is describing isn't ok. I've been bullied for a lot of my life. It was at a point I just took it, didn't fight back, laughed it off, whatever you want to call it. That doesn't mean I was ok with it, EVER! Just treat people with respect. Seriously...
      My (#12) stats:
      Fall season:
      Avg per game: 12.2 pts, 3.8 ast, 1.1 stl
      Team: 9-1; 1st place

      Winter season:
      APG: 16.9 pts, 3.4 ast, 1.4 stl
      Team: 20-9; 1st place

      If you are thinking of suicide, please reach out for help! Call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 (United States) or click HERE for your local numbers. People care about you!
    • Im not the person I was before being treated for my ADHD
      I no longer act this way
      So what your saying is kind of irrelevant for this particular case

      The people I interacted with in this manner understand that what I said I didn't mean for the most part and people outside were usually aware or didn't care

      As with the bomb comment
      Your correct
      I do make bomb jokes frequently
      They aren't the best way of expressing my humor
      I just checked my messages with her and I was wrong about my threat
      It was far more violent makeing it less beliveable and I followed it up with
      Lol and began talking about pastors so ..
      Ignore the images it won't let me remove them
      • Untitled66_20230523172258.png

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        157.89 kB, 720×1,440, viewed 51 times
    • you start by saying "I have a habit, I bully girls"
      then say "What I did wasnt bullying"
      Finally "I no longer act this way"

      ?( so which is it?

      Which ever bullying isn't right :thumbdown: and not something you should be proud of in any way. And something you should really change (which even if you say you've changed, doesn't appear to be true)

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      you start by saying "I have a habit, I bully girls"
      then say "What I did wasnt bullying"
      Finally "I no longer act this way"

      ?( so which is it?

      Which ever bullying isn't right :thumbdown: and not something you should be proud of in any way. And something you should really change (which even if you say you've changed, doesn't appear to be true)
      Thats my an error in my thoughts process its a problematic habit I assume I still have if I were to stop taking my medicine bullying wasn't the right term to use and I'm not that way anymore due to being medicated
    • Penelope wrote:

      There’s a word for people like you narcissist, and always finding excuses
      I appreciate your kind and constructive comment

      However I am not a narcissist
      I will admit that I do have narcissistic traits
      But they aren't shown throughout this part of my life
      Aswell I'm not trying to make excuses
      If it comes across that way I apologize I believe that in every case (other than me and my cousin personally I believe we have a good relationship)
      The events likely lowered both me and the opposing self esteem the only exscues ive made are more so explanations as to my behavior which were caused by many factors including my lack of ADHD medication which I've spoken about
      Me being bullied
      Me struggling in school
      Me being depressed (only when I started)
      And among other things

      Any criticism comments are completely fair but I ask you and others read what I've already explained and understand these things happened years ago
      And although not the best way to have a relationship I became very close with these people

      I haven't removed the post or any parts of it yet nor have I hid my identity I take full responsibility for any actions perceived as harmful
    • Dear Bellu aka "quiet ADHD asshole" (your words not mine): You wrote your first post in present tense. You wrote, "I bully girls ... one at a time". You did not choose to write " I bullied girls". But comment after comment you say it's in the past. Medication stopped it. If it's in the past, let's all move on. If it still happens (to any girl, or any person), stop it! The end.
    • You are making it difficult to want to help you. Wanting to stop bullying peers is a good thing, but you are backtracking and saying weren't being a bully and instead playing victim.
      Sorry you got hit by a bike. Now you can fully appreciate the pain people can inflict on one another. Time to find a therapist and get real professional help instead of this forum.