Do you think he likes me, even just as a friend?

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    • Do you think he likes me, even just as a friend?

      For context, my crush is someone I'm not super close to, but we know each other and talk to each other every now and then and are generally in the same "orbit". The other day, our music ensembles went on a field trip to our local amusement park, and we were exploring the park together with three other people. I am DEATHLY afraid of rollercoasters, to the point where they were going on one and I backed out because I was too scared. The next rollercoaster we went on, he made me pinky promise not to back out and to just do it and try to have fun, and he promised to sit next to me on each one so that I could hold his hand if I ever got too scared. He did that for basically all the big rollercoasters we went on, which was very sweet. The thing is, I feel like he still doesn't like me very much because he's a very talkative, funny, almost flamboyant person, but when he's with me, he's more quiet and subdued, which makes me think that he dislikes me or isnt comfortable around me. He's very kind to me; he once bought me boba and asked me not to pay him back, when I mentioned I was thirsty today he immediately sprung up to go buy me sprite (i of course stopped him), and he has complimented me lots of times. Even so, i just feel like he's so awkward and not himself around me im pretty sure he doesn't have a crush on me but do you think he may at least like me as a friend?
    • As someone who is deathly afraid of open heights, I can sympathize :/

      It's possible he wants to be friends. I'm not so sure I would jump to any further possibilities than that without any more information or experiences. The only thing you know for sure is that he's a nice, and sympathetic, person. It's possible that he doesn't know how to start a conversation with someone he doesn't know too well (but may be interested in)

      Not sure how to address or handle it other than one of you has to make an attempt at having an actual conversation (more than a few words) :)
    • being more shy, helping you and being nice, does sound like he might like you. Even someone who's really confident, can be shy and not know how to act with someone they have a crush on (if he does).

      It could be he's just being really nice, and not being overly flamboyant (or what ever it is), because he's friendly and wants you to feel comfortable. Or that he really does have a crush and wants to impress you with being nice, and get you to like him

      Just talk and get to know each other, maybe pay him a complimentary, like "its really sweet of you to offer me a drink", if you both get more comfortable with talking and compliments, it's more likely you'll admit to liking each other (if you both do) and know better if you really do like each other (some times you get to know someone and wonder why you crushed on them)

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • From a straight guy's perspective: Um, yeah, dude man is head over heels for you. Hehe ^^
      He's showing all the classic signs: complimenting you a lot, jumping up to do things for you, voluntarily paying for your stuff, but the most telling sign is that his baseline personality is very outgoing yet he becomes "quiet and subdued" (read: shy and nervous) around you, just as I'm sure you do around him! :kiss: If he was like that all the time it would be different. But changing from normally confident to super shy/awkward around you is 99.9% likely to be bc he has a major crush on you.
      But the only way to know for to ask HIM. Let us know how it goes!
    • I'm six weeks late here, but I can't resist.

      - If he did not like you, he would not be nervous around you.

      - He's really nervous around you because he really likes you a lot.

      - If you get a lot of complements and he complements you too, his complements doesn't mean much. Same if he compliments every girl. Complements are often just people being polite. But if he gives you special compliments, then that means something.

      - He is a boy and boys hardly ever get hints. Assuming that he is available and the right age and stuff, and you want to go further, I think you've got to very directly tell him you like him a lot.

      - You could just spend time as friends together, but next thing you know he'll be in the "friend zone", a long term friend and it will never go further.

      But I might be wrong, so no guarantees.