Titanic Submarine

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    • Titanic Submarine

      Anyone else not enjoy the memes and jokes about the 5 rich people who died attempting to visit the Titanic wreckage at the bottom of the ocean in the sub?

      Is it possible to find humor in life but still respect the loss of life and the importance of life? I mean some people make jokes about a lot of fucked up things like the Holocaust and racism and being a paraplegic, etc. A lot of people say humor has no boundaries and that as long as it's funny, it's funny. While other people say certain things just need to be off limits.

      Some people say the reason this is funny is because they were 5 dumb billionaires. That they deserved to die if they were dumb enough to get in that tin can. And they deserve to be laughed at since rich people never care about normal people.

      Thoughts? Imo, some of the memes are ok, and I sorta giggle. But none are totally lol worthy, plus I guess I just value life more and respect all forms of life. But want to hear all responses and all sides I of the story.
    • Not something I would laugh at, but I do sympathize with the criticisms of the fact that this had virtually 24/7 news coverage for days and every resource imaginable thrown at it, which is not even half of what other disasters get (many were rightly pointing out the lack of attention given to the recent sinking of migrant boats in the Mediterranean and the much greater loss of life that resulted). But one doesn't need to make light of it to acknowledge the arrogance and the series of stupid decisions that led to this incredibly preventable tragedy.
    • I do think the media coverage plays into this. But not convinced the media is "evil" or racist or elitist just because it chose to cover the Titanic Sub more than the Mediterranean migrant boat. USA has always had a love affair with everything Titanic. Plus the proximity plays into a bit. Does nationality and wealth play into it at all? Probably.
    • I think it's more sad that 5 people in a kinda unappropriate sounding submarine on a relative joy trip get all the media coverage and the cost of a rescue mission, but 100s of migrants in a boat off Greece get barely any coverage, and implied (near official) by countries they deserve the fate ;( . And that happens every day to some level over Europe, by people fleeing a country they don't feel safe in, with the last of their money, mostly because of our greed or other circumstances we caused

      For both events things could have been done to stop them, but weren't. And they'll probably soon be forgotten for the same disasters to happen again to other families

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • I don't think it's fair to say that they were foolhardy, arrogant or that they made "stupid" mistakes.

      What happened was a tragic accident. Some people just have a bigger sense of adventure than others. Would I go down that far in a submarine like that? No. But I have done other things, like skjateboard down a big hill, I have been sky diving. I have done many number of things myself that could possibly result in my being seriously injured or even dead. But it's my life and I'm the one who makes those decisions.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      I don't think it's fair to say that they were foolhardy, arrogant or that they made "stupid" mistakes.

      What happened was a tragic accident. Some people just have a bigger sense of adventure than others. Would I go down that far in a submarine like that? No. But I have done other things, like skjateboard down a big hill, I have been sky diving. I have done many number of things myself that could possibly result in my being seriously injured or even dead. But it's my life and I'm the one who makes those decisions.
      well maybe not the passengers but the owner / operator who was dismissive of safety standards and certifications
      It’s sad
    • No humour what so ever at the loss of life. It's just not funny and those that think it is are sick individuals. And yes ... the media coverage of it was pretty intense but perhaps it was a slow news week or they were sick of covering all the stupidity in Washington DC or Ottawa, Ontario? I was hoping for a feel good story the whole time but didn't think we were gonna get one. It just makes me sad the people find humour in such tragedies and those that do, are just not for me in any way shape or form.
    • Kara Zor-El wrote:

      D. Falcon_11 wrote:

      Watch for the many law suits filed in this tragedy. Also There is an intervisitation into this tragedy by the Canadian government.
      but didn't they all sign waivers of liability??
      plus the owner of the company is dead...who are you going to sue...??
    • Hmm, so by suggesting there was arrogance and bad decisions involved, I was indicating that this was not only the result of chance, and that we shouldn’t let OceanGate and Stockton Rush off the hook for the inadequate safety of the vessel (we also just don’t know how much risk each of the passengers was okay with). Deep sea exploration is always dangerous, just as driving a car carries risks. Random accidents can happen, but we can’t ignore the decisions on the part of OceanGate/Rush that made this accident more likely to occur.

      In either case, I wasn’t suggesting that everyone on board was stupid, so they deserved this outcome, I was speaking more of the preventable nature of it and what can be learned from it.
    • Kyle07 wrote:

      Kara Zor-El wrote:

      D. Falcon_11 wrote:

      Watch for the many law suits filed in this tragedy. Also There is an intervisitation into this tragedy by the Canadian government.
      but didn't they all sign waivers of liability??
      The company can probably be sued for negligence
      That's not negligence, that's murder. Making a submarine out of scrap parts to earn more money.