Love Letter

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    • Love Letter

      Every day I think about you
      Cliche? Maybe. But it is what it is.
      You're on my mind when I wake up at night.
      I'm sweaty, breathless, and my heart wants to escape through my chest.
      I toss and turn as the itch gets worse. Thinking about you.
      Your muscles, all visible through your shirt that's been soaked by rain.
      I want to remove it. Feel your abs, your chest, move my hands and explore parts that wouldn't be allowed in public.
      Feel your excitement.
      Your desire.
      I tease you.
      Drive you to the point where you're on your knees, panting like a dog in heat, your tongue hanging out of your mouth, dripping.
      I give you what you want.
      What I want.

      Everything feels amazing.
      My pulse goes back to normal.
      The blood retreats.
      I once again drift off to sleep.

      I love you.

      (Hope this isn't ''too much''. :saint: )
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