Right so anyone have any advice on what to do in this situation

    • Right so anyone have any advice on what to do in this situation

      Right so basically this is a lot so about 2 years ago there was this rumour where apparently me and this guy dated anyways it kinda blew off and people forgot abt it but i noticed that the guy stares at me a lot like in every class i would catch him staring at me. He's shy though so he wouldn't talk to me, although there were a couple times where he tried to start a conversation with me but because i was so clueless i just kinda answered and walked off. not in a rude way i just didn't see a reason as to why i should carry on the conversation. anyways about a year later we get assigned all our new classes for the year and all that and it turned out all the classes that we had together was science and maths. Around that time me and my best friend would always hang around the school gates listening to music after school cause there was this little shelter thing that we would stand under while we waited for it to stop raining so we could start walking home. anyway so this guys mum works at the school so he's always waiting for her there so we'd always say bye so him and his mum because his mum was a teaching assisstant in some of our classes so we knew her pretty well. So we did this for quite a bit of time and he'd always walk off blushing and like try get away from the situation. for some reason his mum kept trying to start a conversation between me and him. so at this point it's quite obvious that he likes me. last year he sat right behind me in biology with one of his mates, and i overheard him telling his friend that he has a crush on me. so his friend starts joking around saying it out loud but still kinda quitely. I heard this entire conversation. I think it was around this point that i kinda started liking him back. but i just ignore it. the next day im walking down the corridor and i heara his friend yell my name so i turn around he tells me that the guy likes me. i was like ok and walked away. so we dont say anything about it for a while but every time i'm in biology his friend kept trynna get me to talk to him. but the thing is i know that he cant date because i've heard him talking abt it with his friends. I can't date either so were in this really awkward place. And it's not like we can date and just not tell our parents cause his mum works in the school and she would definitley hear people talking. soooo a few months pass by i'm pretty sure he knows i like him back and we are in biology again and his friend asks me if he can tell me something so im like sure i was thinking its probably something really random again and he's goes so *the guy whose name im not gonna say* likes you. i look at the guy and he was just kinda sitting there awkwardly. but i paniced and all i said was "that's nice". i felt a bit bad abt that ngl but yk. then i hear his friend say, she deffo likes you she doesnt want to say though. so its a bit awkward for next couple of weeks but eventually we start having some sort of conversations. yk we start talking a bit. and i don't usually talk to boys in school like that unless it's something about the work cause idk i just dont seem to have anything to talk abt with them. so at this point it's pretty obvious that we like eachother but we still dont talk enough to talk abt that. so the last week of school i was taking a test in chemistry a long with some other ppl cause we on a trip when evryone took the actual test. and the other half of the class were just talking for that lesson. and pretty much the ENTIRE time i was doing that test he was just staring at me. but because everyone was talking i think someone who was taking the test said something that made me laugh. and omg when i tell you the guy looked so like bummed for the rest of the day. like he took it quite personally that i laughed at something this one boy said.

      anyways since its the last week of school, i was kinda worried that things were just gonna end there but i rly dont know what to do, so summer is almost over and were abt to start school again and i rly don't want things to be awkward, also i don't have his number so i cant like text him or anything. pls lmk if you have any advice also sorry this is like rly wierd and theres just soo much but thank you if you took the time to read that lol
    • You're both still young...and when you're young, mingling with the other sex can DEFINITELY be awkward. He definitely sounds shy, and that is totally normal for boys and girls. I wouldn't push things to try and start dating...it sounds like you really can't anyways, but there's nothing wrong with just trying to start a conversation. You don't have to immediately jump into talking about whether or not you two like each other. Try something you're interested in...like music! Maybe he likes a band that you do...you never know! Any topic really, there are SO many things to talk about. Maybe this school year you could exchange phone numbers and start texting! Just start off with slow and easy steps, no reason to jump into relationship territory at this point.