New Year... Brave New World...

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    • New Year... Brave New World...

      Hi All, firstly... Merry Christmas!
      I've been reading a lot recently, and it's got me thinking about the future and where we are heading as huminity.

      Everywhere I look, I see more and more insecurities, unhappiness, and confusion. It's going to sound cliche, but wouldn't it be amazing to live in a world we all, understand and respect each other, learn from one and other and embrace who we are, be proud and have fun.

      We should be confident and showcase who we are, our unique personalities, how we look, our sexual preferences, and our fears and anxieties.

      Suppose for a second we could live in a closed, safe community of serenity and enjoyment. Embrace who we are and explore life as a peaceful, loving community. A not so secret society of like-minded individuals.

      I can think of some guidelines to live by to ensure everyone is happy and fulfilled. Support systems etc...

      What are your guys' thoughts on this?

      I want to live in a world where we don't look in the mirror and criticise ourselves, where we don't feel ashamed or embarrassed and where we accept our flaws as beautiful truths.

      Join me...

      Zen 13