Friend distancing me out of blue

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    • Friend distancing me out of blue

      I have a Capricorn male best friend..we have been friends since 6 th grade now we are in 12 th ... This guy was very open to me till 11 th but from the ending of 12 th , he started behaving weirdly.. like his group he is in the rich loving group... We still talk but the intensity is missing... Like we share dreams, future goals etc..but not our old double meaning ...and he sometimes he even become so nervous when i flirt with him ...which was cool earlier... Infact we used to joke about it ... He still site by me, touches me subtly ..etc ... But he has completely broken with me in social media, no text , he even hides me from world... Never posts pictures with me , but does the same with unknown people. I started after i was in a semi relationship with another guy .. is he jealous or hiding his feelings for me