i have no dreams

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    • i have no dreams

      since i was in elementary or preschool, i was motivated to do more extracurricular stuff. like painting, craft and ig abacus???? i did karate too for a while. i was great at studying and grasping things since i was a child so my parents were like 'omg our child's a genius!' and boom suddenly i get to like 4th-5th grade and everything gets taken away from me. i was told that being a preschool teacher isn't the best job. i was like yeah okay thats fine, i can work with being a pediatrician too! my mom supported that mainly because she wants a doctor daughter, i wanted to be a pediatrician to work with kids. then my dad tells me that i can't do it. like not in a rude manner but he was just like 'you'll be very old until you actually be stable!' and to a 8 year old it was pretty terrifying. so i gave up on that. then i wanted to be an interior designer but they said no money so i gave up. i stopped dreaming of anything after that. i got into an argument with my dad one day about my school. i was supposed to transfer to a school to which my best friend was also transferring to, so i gave the exam n everything but my dad goes 'no you're not going to that school' so for the first time in like 5 years? i fought with my dad. he started saying how i was a dumb stubborn brat which was ungrateful. that hurt me alot. once my friend asked me what i wanted to be in the future, not what my parents wanted me to become. my mind went blank then. i realised i had no ambitions that i myself wanted to pursue, its so terrifying. has anyone had a similar experience? do you have any tips on what i can do to console myself? because honestly im lost.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      you're 14...there's no reason why you can't have aspirations of doing what you love.
      You also have plenty of time to figure it all out.
      In the mean time, try just enjoy being a kid.
      thats kinda the catch..
      yk how most asian countries have really tough examinations? im going to a cram school (close enough) for one of the toughest exams in my country and my parents have really high expectations for me, plus im the oldest child so yeah there's that. im not expected to act like a kid. if i do act like one im told im irresponsible, my dad once slapped me because i didn't tie my sneakers correctly and um yeah..
    • If your dad doesn't want you to be some kinda doctor (which I thought was one of parents dream jobs for their kids) what would he want you to be.

      I'd say try for whatever your dream job is (or do activities you enjoy), and study hard to make sure you have a back up plan. You might decide to change your mind when your older, or you might not succeed. But showing you have a number of options (I think) is a mature, responsible person

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      If your dad doesn't want you to be some kinda doctor (which I thought was one of parents dream jobs for their kids) what would he want you to be.
      an engineer. a software engineer to be exact. it was his dream back in the day but my grandfather refused, so now he's forcing it onto me. honestly i don't care about the software engineering part, but the thing is in India we have an entrance examination called 'JEE' for the colleges and it is tough as fuck. basically if you're going into JEE prep you'll basically be going through hell. thats the part im worried about. and thanks for your advice!