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    • i saw a meme about victorian writers and it gave me motivation? so here it is!

      i often find myself pondering upon the question of love. that is to say, a very generic question that every individual has thought of in some way or the other. in the present time period, love for me indicates a sense of belonging mixed with security and care. to me that is what love is, not romantic no. love in a romantic sense is something my young and inexperienced self is yet to conquer or meet with. although i believe it may be somewhere along the lines of what i have said above. love in a romantic manner for me is when i’m willing to give up everything for the other. my life, my soul for eternities to come. when i fret about the other leaving and find in myself no composure to be found, that to me is pure and true love. to others it may seem extreme, insane even but to me losing yourself over the person you love is truly reasonable and understandable.