The Warning of the Forest Fae

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    • The Warning of the Forest Fae

      The Warning of the Forest Fae

      Never go into the forest at night
      Hidden, the dark monsters squeal
      In the shadows out of sight
      Waiting for young souls to steal

      Never go into the forest at night
      Where untold secrets lie
      Nameless shadows call to the moonlight
      The stuff of nightmares waits to unfold

      Never go into the forest at night
      There boggarts and brownies sleep
      Where trees reach incredible height
      Hide selkies in water deep

      Never go into the forest at night
      Hapless souls that lost their way
      Resist the draw of their light
      If you follow your here to stay

      Never go into the forest at night
      Stay away from banshee wails
      Fear the cries of harpies in flight
      Watch out for shadowy veils

      Never go into the forest at night
      Howls echo through the trees
      The wild hunt in darkness fight
      Running even to distant seas

      If you go into the forest at night
      Fear the creatures that lie within
      No charm can save you from their bite
      For against the fae folk…
      … Mortals never win
    • Autistic Girl wrote:

      The Warning of the Forest Fae

      Never go into the forest at night
      Hidden, the dark monsters squeal
      In the shadows out of sight
      Waiting for young souls to steal

      Never go into the forest at night
      Where untold secrets lie
      Nameless shadows call to the moonlight
      The stuff of nightmares waits to unfold

      Never go into the forest at night
      There boggarts and brownies sleep
      Where trees reach incredible height
      Hide selkies in water deep

      Never go into the forest at night
      Hapless souls that lost their way
      Resist the draw of their light
      If you follow your here to stay

      Never go into the forest at night
      Stay away from banshee wails
      Fear the cries of harpies in flight
      Watch out for shadowy veils

      Never go into the forest at night
      Howls echo through the trees
      The wild hunt in darkness fight
      Running even to distant seas

      If you go into the forest at night
      Fear the creatures that lie within
      No charm can save you from their bite
      For against the fae folk…
      … Mortals never win
      Wow did you write this? I got shivers