"Zane"-A Horror Story By Me

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    • "Zane"-A Horror Story By Me

      Warning: This story isn't really bloody, but the overall nature of it is kind of disturbing. Don't read it if you don't like to be scared physcologically.

      I wrote this in one night of boredom. I was inspired by all of the violence going on in the world with school shootings and was wondering what was going on in their heads. Eventually, I came up with this. :)


      Zane Klingerman listened to the chatter of his classmates through the wood of the cafeteria door. To somebody like him who wasn't brainwashed by society, it was animals bickering over food. Even though he could hardly hear them, he heard their pointless chatter pounding into his skull like a jackhammer. They were bickering again. Through the door, Zane heard their squeals and glees of, "who wus daeting who", and, "whos gunna fite". Zane liked mispelling their mistakes; it made him feel powerful.

      Zane was far from powerful.

      Slowly, he rose up from the ground and began to walk down the hallway. The walk was something that had separated Zane from the other students at the school. It was an odd, lopsided, and to the children at his school, "fag", walk. It was a sad sign of society when children as young as thirteen picked on others for their walk looking gay. In fact, gay wasn't just a homosexual word at Bridgewater Middle School. If somebody was different, the least bit different, they were automatically labeled gay. Not bothering to change his walk, Zane waddled down the hallway with his chubby legs.

      "Zane Klingerman was, like, soooooooooooooo' getting a boner in math today!"
      "Dude, that kid Zane is such a fag!"
      "Hey, shut up! Zane's my best friend!'
      "Ha ha!"
      "Ha ha ha!"

      Zane spit down on the hallway floor as he brushed his fingers across boards of construction paper and lockers stained with Magic Markers and, "godknowswhat". Glancing up, he stared at the particular sign that was tacked to the wall above him. The logo of Bridgewater Middle School, a tiger looking like it was about to pounce, roared out at him as he silently read the words. "What's our team? The Bridgewater Tigers!" This was nothing but humor for Zane, because the Bridgewater Tigers were definitely not his friends. In fact, they weren't that different from the tigers native to the jungles. They were vicious. They were fierce. And most of all, Zane was terrified of them. He was terrified of the way the Bridgewater Tigers spit their horrible words at him during football practice, he was terrified of their muscles and most of all, he was terrified of how they pretended to be his friends. Everyday, whether in gym or science, it happened.

      "Hey, Zane! High five?"
      "Yo, Zane! My homedog!"

      Despite the countless times the teachers just explained they were being nice, Zane knew better. They were simply cruel kids who were not going to get through life. In high school, they would wither up when their sports skills became worthless and seek for a nice little office cubicle to spend the remainder of their days. It was a good philosophy on life: "Give in to the rotation, or die".


      Zane turned to see his self-proclaimed friend, Kevin Hashburg, waving to him as he walked down the hall. Kevin was a tiger, but he was a weak one that was below the ranks of the others. Unlike them, he tried desperately to make friends with as many people he could in the school. For many outcasts, Zane knew, this would have been the best thing in the world. However, he despised Kevin Hashburg; he was a scratch on the back of his neck. He was nothing more than caught up in the brainwashed society they were all trapped in.

      "Hello", Zane said. His voice had no emotion.

      Kevin grinned a fake smile as the sunlight from the window illuminated his football jersey. He was a hideous looking boy; acne and moles covered his entire face and made him look like a piece of roadkill's inbred child. One of the zits, Zane could see, was bleeding from Kevin's constant picking at it.

      "You doing anything special for Spring Break?" Kyle asked.

      Zane shrugged. "I'm staying at home to catch up on my studies".

      "Oh, you're not going to the beach or anything?'

      "Why?" Zane asked. "To fall off a balcony drunk in some brainless party at a roadside pool hotel and land on my head?"

      There was an awkward silence as Kevin's smile quickly faded. Obviously, he was thrown off by Zane's odd comment. After all, not only did it seem like too mature of a statement for a middle schooler, but it was also so morbid and disturbing that Zane swear he saw the sunlight dim from Kevin's jersey.

      "So", Kevin said. He bit his lip. "What movie are you choosing for Ms.Perry's assignment in Language Arts? I'm choosing Off The Balls 2. It's this really funny movie that I saw with my friend Tad-

      "The Great Train Robbery".

      Kevin seemed to think this was some kind of exotic disease. "Huh?"

      "The Great Train Robbery", Zane explained. "It's my favorite movie. It's one of the first movies ever made, too. The color and atmosphere mixes to show the sign of the decades that have past-

      "Zane?" Kevin asked.

      "What?" Zane replied.

      "Get with the times. I mean, what the hell?"

      Without another word, Kevin's pimply face shone in the sunlight one more time before he craned his neck, spun around, and began to casually walk down the hallway again. Halfway down, his girlfriend, Veronica Gates, stopped him and they began to kiss. This, Zane knew, was nothing more than fake love. They were just stupid donkeys that were following what the society had wanted; donkeys and nothing else. Swishing his tongue in his mouth, Zane turned around and began to walk again.

      (Part 2 Coming Soon)