playstation 3 or xbox 360?

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    • playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      what should i buy? 143
        xbox 360 (85) 59%
        playstation 3 (58) 41%
      i am planning on buying a playstation 3 or an xbox 360 but i cant decide wich one i want:confused:

      which one do you like more? please give reasons.

      explain if you like the graphics of one of them, or if you think one has better games, etc...

      NOTE: i already have a wii.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      I have a xbox 360 and a PS3

      the PS3 has overall better graphics but lacks the large muliti player games

      on the other hand the xbox 360 is great for online play and is easy to use with
      some other extras that you can buy like a innercooler, etc

      for graphics buy the PS3
      for online gaming and thousands of games buy the Xbox 360
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      What does the intercooler do? Mine doesnt have any problems with overheating. It looks like a waste of money to me.

      I have a 360, its awesome. Personally i like it better then PS3. My brothers wanted a PS3 just because it had the new ratchet n clank. I heard the graphics are better on PS3, but its not so much of a difference that i would care.

      360 has been out longer and has a lot more games. Most games that PS3 has are also on 360, and the ones that aren't are crap. Online is awesome cuz theres so many people, and it has better online games. Downside is you have to pay. 360 is also smaller which is good. And all my friends have it, no one has a PS3.

      I think the only good thing about PS3 is u can have more controllers at once. But even with that i bet theres almost no games that can use 7 controllers at a time. PS3 looks kool, but if u get an elite 360 u have the looks. N u can get stickers n stuff for the 360.

      The PS3 kinda copied things about the 360, except its not as good. They made trigger buttons just like an Xbox controller. And then they had the blue-ray drive like the HDDVD drive. But the PS3 is more expensive because of that, and its an option on Xbox.

      Xbox FTW!!

      Lol, i just kinda typed up my own review.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      I have both, but i play, i know its unbelievable, but the ps3 more.

      I have had 7 360's is the last year. I never play, my gamerscore is only 3500 and I got it when it came out. And no, for the people out there like the people in the xbox forums, i didn't break them or fake breaking them to get new ones. each unit has been returned to microsoft and dubbed d.o.a. Other than the dyeing issue, the 360 is a good console.

      The ps3 has better games for single play and less multiplay. BUT the only play is free not 50 bucks a year. HOME is going to be awesome when it comes out, and since sony has more money than microsoft google apple combined, they can afford to come up with great games (eventually, haha).

      The ps3, if the nVidia in it follows suit with alllllll other nVidias, will look better in general and have a higher Frame Rate, generally. Games like UT3 look much better compared to Gears of War while you are running through the game, but the 360 will look better, since that is where they pissed away their money, with the textures and close up graphics. Overall the graphics will not look quite as well while you are running through the levels. The ps3's Cell arch with 7 Cores will and never does crash, and there is no chance that you can own a 360 for more than a month without it crashing at least once.

      I hope that helps. If I have done nothing but confuse more, sorry.

      and another thing about the ps3, blu-ray rules all.
      Money can do anything.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      moto4life wrote:

      The ps3 has better games for single play and less multiplay. BUT the only play is free not 50 bucks a year. HOME is going to be awesome when it comes out, and since sony has more money than microsoft google apple combined, they can afford to come up with great games (eventually, haha).

      I don't think Sony has more money than Microsoft, Google, and Apple combined. There's no way. But anyways.. why would you want to play single player all the time? It's so much better playing multi-player. You can whoop random people and they get all pissed. Some games look so much better on 360 than PS3.. like GOW. And Madden 08.

      Sony stopped making the 60GB and 80GB anyway. As of right now they're only making the 40GB. They're supposed to come out with a 120GB but who knows when that's coming out, and it'll probably be $600.
      You can call me Sarah.
    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      The reason that i am pretty sure that sony has much more money to just spend as they want is because sony is the company that you have to use because it is everywhere. Believe me, sony as a corporation, with Sony Records (which is huge), LionsGate and their 12 other movie studios (which are huge), Ericson, Playstation, PC devision, and owning one of the most widely recognized words in the world, WalkMan, they have more money than at least Microsoft and Apple combined, maybe not google, but i think they do.


      Sony revenue- $77,640,205,020.00

      google- 16,500,000,000.00

      Yea i was wrong at first, they only have as much money as apple and microsoft, not all three

      yes, this is totally irrelevant.
      Money can do anything.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by moto4life ().

    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      Dualnames wrote:

      If you in for the online game play: Playstation 3 (It's free unlike Xbox 360)
      If you are looking for better graphics: Playstation 3
      If you are looking for fast performance: Playstation 3
      If you are looking for pretty much a super computer: Playstation 3
      If you are looking for Halo 3: Xbox 360

      Thank you =] First of all, the online play on the 360 is wayy better than on PS3. You get what you pay for. There have been numerous graphics comparisons and the 360 always comes out on top. Performance wise, the 360 also wins. There are almost no load times on most 360 games. The PS3 loads some times for almost 2 minutes. Thats wayyyy too long. Plus the 360 has a lot more and better games.

    • Re: playstation 3 or xbox 360?

      ZafierX wrote: First of all, the online play on the 360 is wayy better than on PS3. You get what you pay for. There have been numerous graphics comparisons and the 360 always comes out on top. Performance wise, the 360 also wins. There are almost no load times on most 360 games. The PS3 loads some times for almost 2 minutes. Thats wayyyy too long. Plus the 360 has a lot more and better games.

      3rd gen Xbox 360 games vs. 1st gen PS3 games, yea thats a GREAT comparison. PS3 is now a year old and its so powerfull they can't even use the full capability of the beast. Why don't you learn something before you try to back yourself up.

      BTW the online play is not better, may be more people but how would it be better? It can't be faster because that is dependent on YOUR internet speed.