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    • Hi All,

      Thank you for reating this. First off, My name's Matt, 15 yrs old from Canada. I have been trying to loose weight for a while now. I am 180 pounds, 5 foot 7 (and 3/4 ) and i have some extra "flab" all over my body and especially around the stomach.

      kids at school are calling me fat, and every time i hear it, it hurts so bad. I have tried not eating junk, and i have cut down drastically on it, and whatever i do i keep on gaining.

      I have had 1 girlfriend my entire life and when she broke up with me, nobody wants to go out with me at my school AT ALL.

      I dont know what to do, this is killing me. My grandfather died from a heart attack last summer and it was mostly due to his weight. Please tell me what i can do. I spoke to somebody on MSN and they said "dont eat at all, just drink water" and i know that's stupid but something needs to be done!
    • Trying to eat less won't exactly help much.
      Start something - like going to the gym or a particular sport. It has to be something you enjoy though. Sure, it will be really hard at first. However, it will really, really pay off. Won't be as difficult as time passes.
    • Timon wrote:

      Trying to eat less won't exactly help much.
      Start something - like going to the gym or a particular sport. It has to be something you enjoy though. Sure, it will be really hard at first. However, it will really, really pay off. Won't be as difficult as time passes.

      I guess, I mean -- i dont really enjoy most sports :(
    • MattC wrote:

      I guess, I mean -- i dont really enjoy most sports :(

      Oh don't worry. Can't blame you, especially since the others probably aren't very supportive.
      Just find something you enjoy doing that gets you out of the house. Doesn't even need to be a sport with a lot of people. Like hiking in the countryside perhaps.
      If you can ride a bike then it is really ideal. It's a lot of fun and will really help most likely.
      Just experiment with this and that and see what appeals to you that you also enjoy. Gym is probably a good option.
      Remember, it will involve sacrifice, but it will pay off.

      One of my old best friends used to be overweight, but he fought it and fought it and now he is fitter and stronger than I am. A true achievement.
    • Hey man, I'm 16, 5'6 and about 140 lbs. I actually did loads of research on losing weight and becoming fit. Its more than just 'stop eating less' You need to lift weights, do cardio (move around dude. Run around, Run up and down the stairs for like 30 minutes, whatever. Just keep your heart beat PUMPING) Drink water, LOADS OF IT. It cleans out the nastiness in your body, and helps give muscle definition. If you're not into the whole getting active, start slow. Walk for an hour everyday, then start working out after a while. I am in really good shape ( muscular/skinny, abs showing, healthy) And what I do is 5 times a week I do Push ups, sit ups, squats, jumping jacks, lift weights..I mean til im SWEATING. If you put your hand on whatever you're working it should be BURNING. This is fat burning, Its not fun, but its good. Don't expect results asap. You're not even that over weight, give it like 3 months of good working out and Nutrition, all the girls will be begging to go out with you.
      xD goodluck man.
    • You have to actually workout to lose weight, like the others said.

      And if you're not willed enough to start losing weight now, it's going to be pretty damn hard to start in the summer.

      Try to cut your food intake to 1500 calories a day or so and work out 20 mins 5 days a week. Don't try to skip.

      Best of luck, dude.
      I'm back bitches.
    • I'm 5'7 too, I weigh 200 pounds, but I'm not fat,

      yea I could have a little less body fat, But I have alot of muscle, but thats from 10 years of football.

      exercise is the key, and yea, lay off of the fatty foods.

      a KEY THING TO LAY OFF OF IS: COKE, coke or any type of soft drink like it are really, really bad for you, and I guarentee if you lay off of it you'll see some of the body fat shave off. when I was a sophmore I actually dropped to 160 pounds, I was walking about 2 miles everyday, along with football practice, and just gennerally eating right.

      just know that because your short doesn't mean your screwed, I'm not tall at all but I'm not fat, it just takes alot of work and its something you have to really dedicate yourself too, Eventually you'll find it will get easier and you'll start looking forward to hitting the gym. I seriously look forward to doing curls every other day at the gym.

      Walking alot will help, Drinking lots of water and making sure you Hydrated will help, and lay off the fatty foods, you have to understand that a bad meal looks alot worse on us then it does a 6'4 guy.
    • ReAlItY SuCkS wrote:

      I'm 5'7 too, I weigh 200 pounds, but I'm not fat,

      yea I could have a little less body fat, But I have alot of muscle, but thats from 10 years of football.

      exercise is the key, and yea, lay off of the fatty foods.

      a KEY THING TO LAY OFF OF IS: COKE, coke or any type of soft drink like it are really, really bad for you, and I guarentee if you lay off of it you'll see some of the body fat shave off. when I was a sophmore I actually dropped to 160 pounds, I was walking about 2 miles everyday, along with football practice, and just gennerally eating right.

      just know that because your short doesn't mean your screwed, I'm not tall at all but I'm not fat, it just takes alot of work and its something you have to really dedicate yourself too, Eventually you'll find it will get easier and you'll start looking forward to hitting the gym. I seriously look forward to doing curls every other day at the gym.

      Walking alot will help, Drinking lots of water and making sure you Hydrated will help, and lay off the fatty foods, you have to understand that a bad meal looks alot worse on us then it does a 6'4 guy.

    • RachelRae. wrote:

      You have to actually workout to lose weight, like the others said.

      And if you're not willed enough to start losing weight now, it's going to be pretty damn hard to start in the summer.

      Try to cut your food intake to 1500 calories a day or so and work out 20 mins 5 days a week. Don't try to skip.

      Best of luck, dude.

      Very good advice..

      Eat a Clean (unprocessed fruit/veg/pasta/chicken/e.t.c)1500 calories or so a day and do jogging/exercise in the morning before breakfast for 5 days a week.. Eat smaller meals and drink lots of water... :p

      You will loose weight in no time..