Skins Discussion Thread

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    • I thought it wasn't bad. Best part was the Naomi/Cook/Thomas scene. Actually, every scene with Naomi in it was good.

      I feel like this episode was just an opener for the rest of the season, like last season's Everyone episode. It was focused on Thomas, but everyone was introduced and some of their problems were kind of foreshadowed. It gets me more excited for what's to come. I can already tell that Naomi and Emily will be magnificent this season.

      I'm also loving Naomi's longer hair.

      Hmm.. can anyone tell I like Naomi?
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    • Legendary wrote:

      It was okay for me... but I was hoping for something better, though. :(

      So, based from the preview, does that mean that it could be Naomi's episode next week?

      Next week is actually Emily's episode. It's believed that Naomi may have the last episode of the season.
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    • I did, and all I could think at the end was what the actual f? I'll give the producers credit, I did not see that coming at all and was so shocked by it, but really? Was it necessary? I never, ever expected something like that to happen on skins. Freddie was already talking about leaving, why couldn't he have just gotten on the train and left? I like the more depressing tone this series has taken, but Skins was always a light hearted drama, since when has it been a crime drama? I've got to admit, that scene has been stuck in my head all day. I don't usually let my thoughts linger on people being killed on TV shows, but, frankly, that was disturbing. Firstly, the thought that it's meant to be a likeable 18 year old guy being beaten to death over not much is pretty wrong in its own right, but it was just hearing the sound of the bat and his screams and whimpers, and that splash of blood on the window, it was just so shocking. I understand the need for dramatic scenes and plot points, but in a teen drama show there is just no need for something like that. I really don't know.

      Maybe I'm just looking into it too much.

      Wait, I've just realised what's going on. Skins is turning into Hollyoaks. God help us.

      Oh and just out of interest, does anyone else reckon that John Foster will somehow play into the storyline involving Sofia (the girl who killed herself in the first episode)? Or is that all done and dusted. If it is done then that's such a disappointment. The way it was focused on in the first few episodes made it seem like it would be a theme which ran through the majority of this series, which could have potentially been quite interesting, but looks like the producers kind of dropped the ball with that one.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by tg4 ().

    • I feel the exact same way.
      I'm not torn up about the fact he's dead, but the manner in how he was killed. It leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. I was never a huge Freddy fan, but I can't help but feel terrible about what happened to him. It was just so random. I can't imagine how all his fans are feeling.

      Anyways, I'm staying positive for next week's ep. I saw a huge spoiler clip of Naomily. I wish I had waited until Thursday, but it's gotten me really excited.

      After screwing up big time last night, Skins better not disappoint with the finale.
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    • I'm in the same boat. I actually really didn't like most of the characters last series, especially Freddie, he was just so boring. I liked all of the characters more this series, and I still didn't like Freddie that much but it was still a massive shock to see him killed. The death just wasn't handled well. John Foster's motives weren't explained very well either. I understand that he wants to get Freddie out of the picture to "help" Effy, and that as a counsellor, he's probably got a psychotic element himself after dealing with all his patients, but he didn't need to go and kill him. I feel that if you're going to go out of the way and have someone brutally murdered on a show, especially if it's such and out-of-the-blue murder as this one, the killer's motives need to be well explained.

      It's interesting to see everyone's comments on the skins website though, I can't find one person who's said something positive about it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tg4 ().

    • Yes, I agree Freddy was boring. I almost feel like the writers thought that the only way they could have spiced up his story line was by killing him, brutally.

      You make a great point. I think less people would be so upset about it if at least there was more foreshadowing or if maybe Freddy had been more threatening toward Foster which had led to the whole bat incident. Usually after watching an episode I go back and watch it a few more times, but with this one I don't plan to. The kill scene was too ridiculous and disturbing. Well, who am I kidding. I'll probably go back and watch the Naomi scenes..

      The more I think about it, I do think the skins writers are great at what they do. I was pissed by the Naomi cheating thing, but.. wait.. I can't finish that sentence because I don't want to spoil the finale.
      But my point is that I trust the writers to finish this generation on a high note. I plan to be satisfied at the end.
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    • I wouldn't count on it being particularly uplifting. I just watched the trailer, and wow it looks depressing. I can handle powerful drama, but it all looks like its getting too much, especially compared to the 1st generation of Skins that we love. It also looks like there's too many plotlines going on, most notably for Naomi and Pandora, which could have easily been sorted by them having their own episodes. They really needed that, this series has just felt too short. And they are two characters I actually like, especially Pandora.
    • True. After watching the preview at the end of Effy's episode, I was pissed. I was like "oh joy, now we get a third Effy episode this series." Since technically Freddie's (just realized I had been spelling his name wrong) episode belonged to Effy, besides the grandfather parts which I skipped over.

      I had expected the finale to be a Naomily fest considering Naomi didn't get a flipping episode, although the finale is still labeled as Naomi on wikipedia, but it sure looks like it's just going to be Freddie/Cook/Effy centric. They might just be calling it Naomi just because lots of the scenes will gravitate around her house, especially since Cook is staying there.
      Naomi and Pandora were screwed this season. There is so much they could have done with those two, but instead the writers wasted time on boring Freffy.

      Still, I'm staying positive. The whole episode better not be overrun with Foster, Effy, and Freddie's death.
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    • I think the episode should be focused on the search for Freddie and the consequences of his death, but that leaves no room for any other storylines, which could have been avoided by just having everyone's character have an episode instead of missing Naomi and Pandora out. It would just be stupid to have the John Foster/ Freddie's murder storyline to have hardly any air time. I mean, their friend is missing, and they'll obviously find out he's been murdered, so to just sweep it under the rug would be pointless.

      ---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

      DamnImGood_v2.0 wrote:

      Who is to say that Freddie is dead?

      I don't think someone would survive multiple blows from a baseball bat. I thought from the way Foster hit him i.e. several times quickly, then slowly afterwards, made it seem like he was making sure he was dead. He would have just hit him a few times then left him otherwise, but he went back for more hits. And also, if he wanted to kill him, which he did, he would have aimed for Freddie's head, which I'm sure he did too. Anyway, on the Skins website there's a condolences page for Freddie, so I'm positive he's dead.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tg4 ().

    • My personal preference would be to just forget Freddie's death and have the entire episode be about Naomi and Emily, but yea it would just be stupid. It would be a total slap in the face to Freddie fans not to have the majority of the episode dedicated to him. However, it's just not fair to all the other fans. To satisfy everyone it would have been perfect to make it a 2 hour episode. No, it would have been right to have more flipping episodes.

      It's been said by someone (Ollie I think?) that the finale concludes all the characters story lines. I find this hard to believe unless everything is rushed. Well let's see: JJ is pretty much resolved, Cook was at the end of his episode until he escaped from jail (stupid but necessary for the rest of the season), Katie is pretty much good to go (although I'd like more), Effy needs conclusion, Naomily obviously has to be resolved, hardly anything has been said about Pandora, Thomas has to have his stupid running ending, and then of course the whole Freddy thing.
      All of that could fill up about 3 episodes in my opinion.
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    • DamnImGood_v2.0 wrote:

      You do realise it is a fictional programme. Anything could happen.

      Fully noted. I'm not sure exactly why you're saying this, but I imagine it's a response to us being upset about Freddie's random death. Of course ANYTHING can happen, but it's unrealistic. People who watch skins like it because they have story lines that are realistic, but interesting at the same time. Freddie being killed by his girlfriend's therapist with a bat just sounds ridiculous. I felt like I was watching a completely different show when I was watching that scene.
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