Help with my abs

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    • Help with my abs

      Basically I would like to tone up my abs, I don't necessarily want a six pack, although that would be nice!, But I certainly would like to be more toned. But I don't know what to do!

      I'm average height, 5'9, and weight (67 Kg) for my age (15), but I'm not toned at all, but I'd like to be.

      So can anyone help me with what I should do ? Should I simply do 30 sit ups a day, or do I need to lose any excess weight first ? Do I need to change my diet ? Etc etc

      Any help would be great. Cheers. :)
    • Re: Help with my abs

      All three would be your best option, obviously. Eat healthily or just cut down on portion sizes. Attend exercise classes such as step, aerobics, boxercise, legs bums n tums... etc.

      Cardio exercises that get your heart pumping are the best for losing any excess weight. THEN you can start toning up. A good exercise for toning abs are crunches (lay on ur back and pull in your legs at the same time as you lift your upper back towards your knees).
    • Re: Help with my abs

      The large majority of people already have defined abdominal muscles (due to the fact that the large majority of movements performed by the body revolve around the core muscles), but what they don't have is a low enough body fat percentage (approximately 10% and lower) in order to see them.

      The solution is to clean up your diet (eliminate processed foods) and increase the frequency of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise.
    • Re: Help with my abs

      Denim wrote:

      The large majority of people already have defined abdominal muscles (due to the fact that the large majority of movements performed by the body revolve around the core muscles), but what they don't have is a low enough body fat percentage (approximately 10% and lower) in order to see them.

      The solution is to clean up your diet (eliminate processed foods) and increase the frequency of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise.


      You just need to lose some bodyfat to get them showing.
    • Re: Help with my abs

      Sam32 wrote:

      Would eating health and doing like 40 minutes running a day do that? And if so, how long would it take for them to show ?

      I firmly believe that a 15-20 minute H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training) routine is much more beneficial than low intensity aerobic exercise. However, if you prefer low intensity aerobic exercise ensure that you stay within your THR (Target Heart Rate). I can calculate this for you, but I will need the details of your age and gender.

      It will generally take you between 4-8 weeks to achieve noticeable results if you have a moderate body fat percentage. It can take between 12-16 weeks if you have a high body fat percentage. It should not take any longer than this (assuming that you are following a clean diet and consistent exercise program). You should be losing 1-2 pounds of body fat per week. If you lose more than this amount, chances are you are catabolising lean body mass (which is the worse thing you could do). If you lose less than this amount, chances are you are consuming too many calories and/or your exercise plan is not intense enough.

      I am more than happy to assist you with creating personalised nutrition and exercise plans (if you require them), but I want to ensure that you are committed before doing so (as it can be a time consuming process).
    • Re: Help with my abs

      Denim wrote:

      I firmly believe that a 15-20 minute H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training) routine is much more beneficial than low intensity aerobic exercise. However, if you prefer low intensity aerobic exercise ensure that you stay within your THR (Target Heart Rate). I can calculate this for you, but I will need the details of your age and gender.

      It will generally take you between 4-8 weeks to achieve noticeable results if you have a moderate body fat percentage. It can take between 12-16 weeks if you have a high body fat percentage. It should not take any longer than this (assuming that you are following a clean diet and consistent exercise program). You should be losing 1-2 pounds of body fat per week. If you lose more than this amount, chances are you are catabolising lean body mass (which is the worse thing you could do). If you lose less than this amount, chances are you are consuming too many calories and/or your exercise plan is not intense enough.

      I am more than happy to assist you with creating personalised nutrition and exercise plans (if you require them), but I want to ensure that you are committed before doing so (as it can be a time consuming process).


      I can assure you I am fully committed to this.

      And to answer your earlier question, I am 15 years old (16 in 2 months), weight roughly 66.6 Kilograms and I am about 5'7 in height.
    • Re: Help with my abs

      Do sit-ups and crunches, but do them very slowly and deliberately rather than doing a bunch of repetitions quickly. Make sure you do some aerobic exercise at least a few times a week. Finally, and probably most important, make sure your diet is good and promotes fat loss and muscle growth. I could get into the specifics of that but that would really take a long time. I would just say to eat lean protein and good fats, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, limit carbs and stay away from junk food and fast food.
    • Re: Help with my abs

      Sam32 wrote:

      I can assure you I am fully committed to this.

      OK, that's positive. I will post back within the next 24 hours with an exercise and nutrition plan for you. In the meantime if you would like to find out what is involved, you can read this thread.

      tina.anderson wrote:

      Finally, and probably most important, make sure your diet is good and promotes fat loss and muscle growth. I could get into the specifics of that but that would really take a long time.

      Well personally I would love to hear the specifics (I've got time), because if you've discovered a way to naturally (without the use of anabolic steroids) lose body fat whilst simultaneously gaining muscle, you'd have bodybuilders (and supplement corporations) paying significant amounts of money for your knowledge and wisdom.

      Generally, someone who is transforming their body needs to prioritise what they want to do first: bulk (gain muscle) or cut (lose body fat). Deciding to do both (at the same time) would compromise results and take an eternity to complete. The goal when bulking has always been to maintain the body fat percentage (although small increases are to be expected even on the cleanest diets). In contrast, when cutting the goal has always been to maintain the lean body mass.

      I can think of situations where the above might occur, but I would love to hear your theories on this.

    • Re: Help with my abs

      You wanna lose more weight? Bloody hell... You're 67kg, anymore weight off and you'll just be a stick on legs. :rofl:
      Just do sit ups and eat well. Diets are pointless, they just make you feel like crap. If you eat healthily though, and just do some regular excersize they should be showing soon.

      But mate, don't do too much running. You'll completely shag your knees.
      About half hour a day should be alright though.
    • Re: Help with my abs

      Denim wrote:

      OK, that's positive. I will post back within the next 24 hours with an exercise and nutrition plan for you. In the meantime if you would like to find out what is involved, you can read tis thread.

      Well personally I would love to hear the specifics (I've got time), because if you've discovered a way to naturally (without the use of anabolic steroids) lose body fat whilst simultaneously gaining muscle, you'd have bodybuilders (and supplement corporations) paying significant amounts of money for your knowledge and wisdom.

      Generally, someone who is transforming their body needs to prioritise what they want to do first: bulk (gain muscle) or cut (lose body fat). Deciding to do both (at the same time) would compromise results and take an eternity to complete. The goal when bulking has always been to maintain the body fat percentage (although small increases are to be expected even on the cleanest diets). In contrast, when cutting the goal has always been to maintain the lean body mass.

      I can think of situations where the above might occur, but I would love to hear your theories on this.


      Noobie gains will allow you to maintain and/or lose bf% while bulking but you can't lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. I'm a firm believer in clean bulking and don't think that you need to get FAT to gain muscle. I've gone through trials of both.

      I went from 145-170 in 7-8 mo's while maintaining my bf%, and came to the conclusion that my results were mediocre. I went on a dirty bulk and went from 170-190 in a shorter period of time, with very crappy strength gains. Ended up gaining too much unwanted fat, and dieted down to 175 and started a clean bulk from there. Its been 3-4 months and I'm back up to 180lbs in the morning ~183 pre-bed and a TON stronger than I was at 190lbs.

      My 2c
      /end rant