Green video contest, become famous

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    • Green video contest, become famous

      The Whole Earth Generation contest is a cool environmental podcast for teens and tweens.

      Enter the contest

      If you're under 18 and thinking green, submit your video response to inspire the world and make the planet a greener place.

      How to submit your video:

      * Log in to YouTube. If you don't have an account already, it's easy and only takes a minute or so.
      * Go to the video: [ame=''][/ame]
      * Under "Comments and Responses" click on "Post a video response".
      * If you haven't uploaded the video you'd like to submit for the contest to YouTube yet, do so by going to "Upload a Video".
      * If you have uploaded the video already, select it by going to "Choose a Video".

      The post was edited 2 times, last by flaregun ().