Paying to Die.

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  • Paying to Die.

    Over the last few years its become more and more common to see "life insurance" advertisements on the television stating you should sign insurance for your funeral "costs", "that could ruin your families financial situation"

    Its not the advertisements that bother me, they're doing the job of the law, but i'd like to know, in what direction is the world heading, if we've got to pay for our own deaths.

    What the fuck gives them the right to charge us on our death beds.

    Strange; $5000+ payout for new-born mothers, $30,000+ for the government when you drop.

    sad sad little world.. lol something come and save us.
    [CENTER][SIZE=4][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
  • Re: Paying to Die.

    C.jason wrote:

    lol @ alex, your a fool, when you can get, Funeral costs, Land costs , Paperwork & Records from a dead man, that'll be the day. otherwise your passing on a debt that shouldn't exist.

    Lol. I think he was implying that most things cost money.

    I agree with you in a way though. I wouldn't be suprised if one day the very air we breathe is taxed.
    I Am Stupid!
  • Re: Paying to Die.

    Maybe I'm missing the point somewhere, but I'd have thought it's not really an issue to charge people on their death beds for funerals etc. It's not exactly like you have much time yourself to do anything with the money, and it is considerate towards your family.

  • Re: Paying to Die.

    Esmo wrote:

    Maybe I'm missing the point somewhere, but I'd have thought it's not really an issue to charge people on their death beds for funerals etc. It's not exactly like you have much time yourself to do anything with the money, and it is considerate towards your family.

    You are.

    The principle of being charged to die was the point he was making, not how much pocket money we have for the afterlife.
    I Am Stupid!
  • Re: Paying to Die.

    C.jason wrote:

    lol @ alex, your a fool, when you can get, Funeral costs, Land costs , Paperwork & Records from a dead man, that'll be the day. otherwise your passing on a debt that shouldn't exist.

    Your a tool, their has to be records kept about your death with all the paperwork bullshit. The land were they bury you costs money & the funeral itself costs money.

  • Re: Paying to Die.

    There are a number of reasons. One is that if the insurance companies can convince people to buy more coverage, they profit more. The second is that a lot of funeral homes take advantage of the grieving which may also increase the average cost. In the end, it is just greed that is driving up the cost, people see a way they can exploit others to make a buck and don't have the decency to respect their fellow man.
    Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
  • Re: Paying to Die.

    C.jason wrote:

    ... you don't read so well do ya? A DEAD MAN CANNOT PAY FOR ANYTHING.

    I think your completely missing the point. I think their should be a free option for people like you, if you feel your family shouldn't have to pay for a death of a family member and it's unfair to charge someone because of their family members death than you should be allowed to keep the body and do as you will with it.

    The whole point of families paying is so they can have a respectable send off, things cost money and unless you want yourself or your family to be just tossed into a big whole which just gets filled up with dead bodies at a free cost, then fair enough.. not much money involved bar land.

    Your not paying for the death, your paying for the send off, the funeral.

    Imagine if these things didn't cost money, can you imagine how much money the government would have to spend on just burying the dead and giving them a decent enough funeral? The funeral guys certainly won't do it for free, remember they do it for a living, they need some source of income and someone has to do that job. But no, lets forget about the living.. who needs more jails for paedophilia's, rapists and murderers to be put into? Let's spend the money which could be sent on new jails on the dead.

    Sorry to sound so rude about it, i probably would have replied in a more appropriate manner if you wasn't so rude to the other guy who gave a very valid statement.

    So yeah, think outside the box. Nothings free in this world, theres costs to being born, theres costs of staying alive, theres costs when you die. Nothing you can do but to deal with it. (Costs doesn't always mean money).
  • Re: Paying to Die.

    if someone leaves a world they didn't choose to come into, how the fuck can they charge you or your family "costs" for you to leave?, i don't care what there is to pay for, dying should be free, rightfully and morally.

    and i wouldn't be so rude if fuck stains like yourself pulled your head out of your ass.
    [CENTER][SIZE=4][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?[/SIZE] [/CENTER]
  • Cj wrote:

    ... you don't read so well do ya? A DEAD MAN CANNOT PAY FOR ANYTHING.
    Actually, that isn't true. Of course, a dead person cannot physically hand over bank notes to someone else but when someone dies, unless they were completely broke immediate before death, what they owned at the moment of death, whether it is money or posessions, needs to be dealt with.

    Someone gets the job of having to sort those things out. I don't know what the relevant laws are in the USA but here in the UK, if someone leaves a will that also gives them a way to decide who the person dealing with their affairs should be. If there is no will it would usually be one of the people who would inherit whatever they left.

    So someone could allocate money in a will to pay for a funeral as an alternative to taking out an insurance policy to cover it. Alternatively, those who inherit could agree between themselves to put some of that money towards the funeral.

    I believe in most places, if someone leaves no money and there are no relatives that can pay for a funeral they will be burried/cremated at the public expense. In most cases that means things will be kept as simple as possible. Meanwhile there are plenty of people in the funeral business who are prepared to take as much as you are prepared to pay for a much more lavish affair.

    The thing to remember about funerals is that they are actually for the living. The dead person isn't alive to experience the funeral. That may seem obvious when pointed out, but many people don't think of that. A funeral is a way for those who are still alive to commemorate the life of the person who died, perform whatever religiois rights they want to, and help accept the finality of death.
  • This is 14 years old. Don't bump old threads (as everyone in the thread has probably left ages ago so won't see your answers anyway)


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