I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

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    • I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      I cut myself, until I bleed red shiny blood out. I starve myself and not eat so I can be skinny. I think bad thoughts about myself, saying I'm fat, everyone against me, I'm stupid, nobody likes me. I shouldn't deserve to lives,
      things like that. I have a feeling that I will hurt myself so bad that I will end up in the hospital.:(:(:(
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      I remember this from my past. I used to starve myself and I lost all my muscle and weight and now I'm a double zero and way underneath my actual weight. It's not worth it. It'll screw up your digestion and make you dizzy and feel like fainting and make you bullemic and anorexic and you'll just end up in the Hospital. Take it from someone who knows. Being skinny isn't worth it and it's not healthy. Alot of your dates will not find you attractive when you're skinny. You're beautiful jut as you are.
      And cutting yourself isn't worth it. You're only inflicting more pain on yourself and screaming out for negative attention. I also got alot of bad attention and got questioned and people treated me differently in a bad way when people in my Family learned I cut myself. That was a long time ago and I stopped of course, so you can stop too. You can be happy with yourself.
      Why are you afraid to talk to your Parents? Be brave. The first step to getting help is just going for it. Ask your Parents for a Councillor or talk to your mom, dad, whichever one you're more comfortable with. I opened up to my Parents about alot of stuff I was feeling and talked to them about it and they actually really helped me through it and now we're closer than ever. I think if you take this action, they can help you. They can't help you unless you want help, and you need it. So try talking to someone at least.

      You could be my [SIZE=3]someone,[/SIZE]
      You could be my [SIZE=3]sea...[/SIZE]
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      i understand the feeling. I cut until i see my bones and i am bulemic and starve myself. I want to tell you that it is really not good to do thatt stuff. But i dont have the right to say that because then id just be a hipocrite. but i'm glad you admitted it.that is the first step. I've been in a hospital for this stuff already, it was a living hell! trust me you do not want to go, it doesn't even help, but just know that theres people out there that care so much about you! i know there is!
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      Sad Depressed Etc wrote:

      When I have thoughts like that I just cut my wrist. It helps my pain flow out, you know? maybe you should try cutting a bit more, it helps me

      What? do you think this is helping. maybe you like cutting yourself, but she/he is seeking help and you putting negative words and thoughts in her head is an disgrace and may you fail in anything you try to acheive.

      Goodnight Sir.
      'King stays the King'
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      You shouldnt do this to your self just stop already. I know I dont know you or anything but I care so please stop. Look how about sending me private messages tell me whats botherin you maybe all you need is some one to listen to you and then when your ready you can tell your parents.:(
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      i understand y u would be scared.... i mean i will be scared that they will hate me and tell me im crazy or something....... but maybe u dont have to tell ur parents yet maybe a really close friend or any adult u can trust....... and listen u shouldnt do all of those stuff to u i mean u shouldnt hurt urself i bet ur a really coll person and a lot of ppl care about u ....... i think u should take it one step at a time and i really hope ur goin to be ok and if u feel no one will care u can also send me a message i will listen and try my hardest ro help
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      I used to resort to self-mutilation when I felt depressed. But when I garnered the guts to tell my friend about it, I felt that a heavy weight was somehow removed. Next thing I know, I told my mom. We worked it out. And I completely stopped being a masochist.

      My advice is to tell someone who you trust and love. Tell them what exactly you are feeling. Tell them everything. Don't be negative towards their criticisms, they will criticize you because they care about you. Open up to your loved ones. That's the best way. And you'll see that it's much better than keeping your thought/problems/feelings to yourself. =)
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      I never realised how many depressed kids there were until i joined teenhut, its really surprising actually; there are other ways to deal with your life other then inflicting pain onto yourself, maybe i just don't understand why people go that far? but hurting yourself seems like it just makes things a whole lot worse, i mean there is help out there. no one expects you to do it all on your own. everybody needs someone.
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    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      stars&straps wrote:

      I never realised how many depressed kids there were until i joined teenhut, its really surprising actually; there are other ways to deal with your life other then inflicting pain onto yourself, maybe i just don't understand why people go that far? but hurting yourself seems like it just makes things a whole lot worse, i mean there is help out there. no one expects you to do it all on your own. everybody needs someone.
      They're not depressed. They're just immature attention whores. Trust me on this one.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: I cut myself, I starve myself, I thinking bad thoughts about myself

      Midnightscream wrote:

      I cut myself, until I bleed red shiny blood out.

      These types of threads upset me because although there can be reasons for girls 'to want' to harm themselves. I feel that with support they can get through anything without hurting themselves purposely.
      I can't express this enough - cutting will not help you in the long run - trust me. I have had a couple of friends do it. All that happens is that while the pain continues - you cut more - and when it is all over (like it will be) you will be left with scars for, probably, a very long while and you will have to use creams to help them heal fully.
      Don't harm yourself darling - you can get through this - I promise.

      Midnightscream wrote:

      I starve myself and not eat so I can be skinny.

      Something else that girls can't get throuh their heads - you are perfect the way you are - honestly.
      I love Gok Wan because he encourages and proves to women that big is beautiful and also slim is beautiful but if you are skeletal it is not pretty at all. I have a friend (one that also self-harmed - above ^) that stopped eating and only drank small amounts of blended banana. It did not taste nice and by small amounts I mean an egg cup amount during an entire week. It got really ridiculous.
      She ended up losing her boyfriend because she became so bony and thin that she looked like a living skeleton, not pretty at all, he loved her for who she was at a size 12/14. No other guys liked her either because she was too thin.
      In a simple way - keep eating - eat healthily. Fruit, veg, small amounts of chocolate, decent meals 3 times a day - including breakfast.
      I don't know what you look like but if you starve yourself - you won't be looking your best. If you eat healthily you will bring back a natural shine to your hair, look and feel a lot better - this would help with cutting yourself.

      People do like you, and you do not seem in the slightest stupid. Take that first step to being who you want to be and not what you think others want you to be.

      Hope this helps hunni.
      Sorry it is a bit long.

      Message me if it helps in anyway.
      Life is the one thing we are in control of.
      We can either let the bad times get us down
      Or we can concentrate on the good - even when we feel that there isn't any.