Parents Problems

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    • Parents Problems

      Hi everybody,I'm new here :)
      6 or 7 years ago my parents divorced.It wasn't difficult at the start coz' i was too young to understand these things,i was a child.When i was 12,it started to be hard for me.Now i'm 15 and i understand a lot of things about love and family problems.I had a lot of stepmothers but my father kept one (since 4 years).Her and him had a baby (my stepbrother,3 years old).I don't love her and my father changed,he's becoming like her :eek: I don't wanna go at my daddy's house anymore,i don't wanna see him....he didn't buy me gifts and for easter i had nothing!!!!! nor chocolate,nor eggs :confused: i had nothing for my birthday in 2007 and 2006,and christmas too!!!! It's not the big problem....he didn't pay my maths lessons and school.My stepfather do more things for me than him!I don't wanna go to my daddy's house but i love my little brother,he's only 3 and i can't see him without them!!!!!!! He'll miss me!!!!

      At my mommy's house,it goes +- well....there's often fights but it's just coz' i'm a teenager.I wanna travel in the world and i asked her to go in England for 2 weeks,in a school.She said no coz' it was too expensive (about $600).Every sunday,my grandma gives me $25 and now i've got more dollars than the cost of the trip.I said that i can pay the trip,but she refused.Maybe it's not a money problem....... i don't know,i asked her she said it's "too expensive"!!!!!! I'm sad coz' i'm a great students and it's been a while that i went in another country for summer.I work hard all of the year,come back with A+ or B every weeks and she didn't want to make me happy???? :confused: One of my bestfriends,A.S 'll go to San Francisco for summer vacations,with her mom.She asked me to come with her but my mom said no.I was really sad and angry.To visit the US is my dream........
      I think teenagers need to have a goal in the year and in their lifes...mine was learn a lot of thnigs this summer in a school,with students from all over the world!!!!!!!!! I talked with a psy and she told to me and my parents that i need to travel,discover new things,and talk English...that's my personality....

      What can i do for the both problems?

      Thanks :)
    • Re: Parents Problems

      Well with your father, you can try talking to him first. Tell him that you don't feel like he appreciates you the way he used to. If things don't get better, then perhaps you can only visit sometimes to see your step brother but not often enough to be mad at your dad.

      With your mother, i would do pretty much the same thing. Tell her that you can't understand why she doesn't want you to learn and to travel and tell her how important it is to see these things. Good for you for getting good grades though. Doing well in school now will take you wherever you want to do after you graduate. If things don't get better with your mother, just remember that you only have a couple more years until you are an adult and can travel and learn in all the places that you wish.