i need your advice

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    • i need your advice

      i had this girlfriend and we broke up over a year ago.
      we broke you on good terms and we seem to be friends still.
      my problem is that im starting to get feelings for her again and i don't think it would be smart to get back together with her.
      when we were dating she cheated on me three different times and i lost all trust in her but thats not why we broke up.
      and i trust her again because i want to be with her but it just seems like the wrong thing to do.
      im moving away and i dont think i want to start a relationship with someone i know i will be moving away from in less than a year.
      what do you guys think i should do?
    • Re: i need your advice

      I have to agree, she must not feel the same love for you that you do for her or she would not cheat on you, and if she's cheating while you are there think of all the future posabilities that will arise when you are not living there. In order for love to work both persons have to be commited to each other, they have to want to be with each other with all of their hearts less those hearts wind up smashed and broken.

      You don't have to give her up entierly you can still remain in contact with her but I don't advise starting nor keeping a relationship with her, I see more pain in that future.
      Archon's Nexus. A comunity in the works.
    • Re: i need your advice

      A relationship is always built on trust. If you don't trust each other, then nothing can be built on top of that. If she had cheated on you while you were still in a relationship with you, what makes you think that she won't do it again? I'm sure you love her & you know her well enough to think that she wouldn't do something like that again.

      But from experience, people change. She could love you one week, then move on the next. If you guys try and work long distance & she meets someone else, she'll be put into a difficult situation. In my opinion, long distance is always a toughy-- and you have to both be mentally ready in order to pull something like that off.