do u think this is bad

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    • do u think this is bad

      my life is crap
      at one time i was really happy my dad was dating this girl named vickie and she was the best she allways spent time with me and my dad never did he
      he spent all his time on the computer and it got old umtil we moved my dad was still going out with vickie until one day my dad called me out side
      and actually spent time with me i knew this wasent normal and then he told mw things werent working out between him and vickie and that same night
      this girl named kelli came over want down stairs and stayed there the whole night and when they came up a bottle of vodka was gone and they walked right
      next to my bedroom and kelli said ahh his door is wide open like i wasent supposed to hear them when i got to school the next day i told vickie and soon
      after ythey broke up and i dreaded going home every day and i still do every night i would wake up to them every night having sex and it got so anoying but i dident say anything
      then we moved into her house i and at least twice a month they come home high and allmost once a week they come home drunk and they say its none of my business
      were hardly ever have food in the house and if we do eat its a sand wich and then i get yelled at for making to many sandwiches and griped at for not doing nothing to help out around the house
      when all they do is stay in the bed room and sleep or have sex and one of the reasons my dad said him and vickie broke up was so he could spend more time with me
      now he spends less time even bothering to talk to me unless hes yelling at me and he even gave me the dont do drugs speech and he said he never used them
      wich i know for a fact is not true i have seen him do them and i found a drug test box in his drawrand im totally sick of it the only thing keeping me here is shelby my sister
      who i love verry much but if they breakup i wont ever get to see her again ohh and did i mention that my dads girl friend is a convicted fellon
      on doing drugs and not telling the police aboute her x boy friend doing drugs and even before that happend my mom that lied aboute
      my dad hurting her got my dad sent to jail and during that time my mom took me illeagley to canada
      BYE THE WAY IM 11
    • Re: do u think this is bad

      ya i have talked to a relletavie and he is only 16 so whats he gonna do and im afraid to call ss because when my dads girlfriend got caught last time she was in jail for 4 years my dad has a record and he would get much longer plus he said its none of my business:confused:i dont get it
    • Re: do u think this is bad

      Im Scared I Dont Even Knoe Ss Phone Number I Want Out Of Here And Now I Find Out A Lot Of Stff But Duhh Not From My Dad Like He Could Tell Me The Truth The Reasone The Biggest Dinner I Get To Eat Every Week Is A Sandwich My Dad Stole Money Out Of A Pay Check Every Week When He Started His New Job It Must Of Been A Lot Because There Taking 400$ Dollars Out Every Week And The Spend Allmost 200$ On Alchoal And Weed I Dont Know Who To Tell:(
    • Re: do u think this is bad

      Do call services and have them get you and your sister out of there!!!

      mjb559 wrote:

      Im Scared I Dont Even Knoe Ss Phone Number I Want Out Of Here.....

      Where do you live?

      Depending on the country, the agencies responsible for investigating child abuse are either managed nationally, regionally, or locally. These agencies may be called Child Protective Services (CPS), Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), or by other similar names. In the U.S., these agencies are usually listed in the state government section of the telephone book under "Children" or "Health" or "Human Services"
      [SIZE="4"]Don't want to wake up...[/SIZE]
    • Re: do u think this is bad

      Call Social Services or live with a close friend or family member, and talk to them about what's going on. You need to have food so the only way you'll do that is to move out of that place, and go someplace elsewhere with another family member. Or your mom. Why can't you move in with her? Or Vickie?

      You could be my [SIZE=3]someone,[/SIZE]
      You could be my [SIZE=3]sea...[/SIZE]
    • Re: do u think this is bad

      Silent.Deathwish_x wrote:

      Call Social Services or live with a close friend or family member, and talk to them about what's going on. You need to have food so the only way you'll do that is to move out of that place, and go someplace elsewhere with another family member. Or your mom. Why can't you move in with her? Or Vickie?

      cant move in with either of them my mom left me when i was 4 i dont know were she is:( and vickie allready knows aboute this situation she has to many burdins on her allready i would hate to make life harder for her:(
    • Re: do u think this is bad

      I would definitely try to leave like everyone else has stated. I'm not sure if that has been ruled out since I admit I didn't read every single post, but if you can try to leave. Call a grandparent or trusted family member and explain what is going on and that it is better for you and your sister to be removed from your fathers custody.
    • Re: do u think this is bad

      Leave. You don't need to take that crap. GET OUT OF THERE - and take your sis with. I suggest calling 911.
      [CENTER][SIZE=5][SIZE=2]"But the search ends here[/SIZE][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=5][SIZE=2] Where the night is totally clear[/SIZE][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=5][SIZE=2] And your heart is fierce[/SIZE][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=5][SIZE=2] So now you finally know that you control where you go[/SIZE][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=5][SIZE=2] You can steer."[/SIZE][/SIZE]