What inspires you?

    • What inspires you?

      Hi! It's my first Post!

      Being a teenager, we are so busy with different things: school, family, relationships and even our starting careers... I just want to share this small anecdote that happened yesterday, it's actually a bit freaky too.

      While I was walking home, an old lady came up to me and asked

      "What are you passionate about?", :confused:

      I actually just looked at her and smiled, not because I was glad she did that, I mean, that's really weird right? I don't know if it's a hidden camera show or a social experiment but it is f-r-e-aky!

      and so I just smiled because I really don't know the freaking answer to that question... and seriously, up to now, I still don't know what I'm passionate about...

      You, what are you passionate about?