World of Warcraft :S

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    • World of Warcraft :S

      Hey people, wondering if you could give me a little advice

      Basically since WoW came out I've been glued to the computer ever since, i'm coming up to completing one year at College and have ONE friend, that's it.

      I know it's common but i find myself being very shy, I'm always paranoid that people are watching and judging me and thinking to myself if whatever i'm doing is correct. For example it may stop me from completing an assignment i'm not too sure on in case the students behind judge and make fun of my work for example, it's stupid.

      I hold a driving license and a car which my once 2nd "friend" crashed into a tree and refused to pay for, one of many things i feel dents my confidence, driving with a massive dent in the bonnet.


      At the moment life is the same old. I only hang out with my friend at his place and college and would like to meet new people my age, we go to the cinema regulary but can anyone suggest what i can do to help myself become more outgoing. When him and my family aren't around i feel very lonely, I've always considered looking for a girlfriend but i guess it's mandatory that men make the first move and i really don't have what it takes at the moment.

      Thanks for reading.
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      I think you definately need to give up World of Warcraft. And imo, going cold turkey is the only way to give something up. If you feel like playing it, go and make a drink, go out for a run, find other ways to occupy that make you enjoy and make you feel good about yourself.

      Hmm, to get rid of shyness I found it's better to just not try and think about talking to someone, just do it. Like if you're sat next to someone you want to talk to in class, try not to overthink or overanalyse it, wondering what you should say or what their reaction is going to be, just talk to them. If they're in college there are loads of things you could start talking with them about: the work you're doing, what other subjects they're doing, how they enjoy them etc.

      Erm, you could always join a club or something do with your interests. Maybe there are film clubs or something where you watch a film with someone or I dunno. Do sport or something.

      I think maybe you should concentrate on making friends before you try and find a girlfriend, then maybe you'll feel more confident about talking to people and socialising and find it easier.

      God I wrote a lot. Sorry if that didn't help much. :S
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      Stop playing games as a necessity its shit.

      Fact is, most people do judge you... they make a mental note of what they like and dislike about you. Why do you care? They dont care at all because most people are selfish and like to think about there own problems/flaws etc etc just like you do right now, i mean your not thinking about a dint in some guys car you saw today thinking "Omg what a loser!" so they dont think anything of your dint.

      It will be hard for you to find a girlfriend when you have poor social skills from such consistent isolation, you need to build inner confidence first so that you will naturally be able to handle yourself around girls.

      PM me with questions, i do no what im talkin about i was in a rut like that for about a year.
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      Thanks for your responses so far. Where would a good place to go out on my own be?

      My dad's always had his girlfriends approach him first however i don't believe I'll be so lucky. I just need someone in my life that i can really connect with (pun not intended) and spend time / go out with.

      One thing that makes me nervous is the amount of teenagers in gangs for example, i just don't want to get started on you know?


      The post was edited 1 time, last by greenwich720: typo ().

    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      Hmm.. I can relate. I use to be addicted to a game called Runescape. I'm sure you've heard of it?

      Well.. What I did to get rid of it was basically 'slit my wrists' in a sence - I forced my self to give away everything I had on it, and the account its self. Been clean of the game for over a year.
      [CENTER]To the dumb question, 'Why me?' the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, 'Why not?[/CENTER]
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      I canceled my WoW subscription 8 days ago (and I also played Runescape 2 or 3 years ago)

      I hadn't actually played WoW in a long time...I basically ended up paying the 15 dollars a month to post on their off topic forum, heh. It's still hard giving up my ability to post there (though I sometimes can post on my brother's account) because I was kind of well known there and really enjoyed posting there. Definitely more fun than the game for me (4 70s all with bad gear, got old)

      I'm really shy too so I can't help you with your social problems, but we can try getting over WoW together.
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      greenwich720 wrote:

      Hey people, wondering if you could give me a little advice

      Basically since WoW came out I've been glued to the computer ever since, i'm coming up to completing one year at College and have ONE friend, that's it.

      I know it's common but i find myself being very shy, I'm always paranoid that people are watching and judging me and thinking to myself if whatever i'm doing is correct. For example it may stop me from completing an assignment i'm not too sure on in case the students behind judge and make fun of my work for example, it's stupid.

      I hold a driving license and a car which my once 2nd "friend" crashed into a tree and refused to pay for, one of many things i feel dents my confidence, driving with a massive dent in the bonnet.


      At the moment life is the same old. I only hang out with my friend at his place and college and would like to meet new people my age, we go to the cinema regulary but can anyone suggest what i can do to help myself become more outgoing. When him and my family aren't around i feel very lonely, I've always considered looking for a girlfriend but i guess it's mandatory that men make the first move and i really don't have what it takes at the moment.

      Thanks for reading.

      dude i have the same problem i play way to much wow and am shy but dude that friend of urs is a fag you dont need friends like that what kind of guy crashes your car and refuses to pay for it
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      greenwich720 wrote:

      Hey people, wondering if you could give me a little advice

      Basically since WoW came out I've been glued to the computer ever since, i'm coming up to completing one year at College and have ONE friend, that's it.

      I know it's common but i find myself being very shy, I'm always paranoid that people are watching and judging me and thinking to myself if whatever i'm doing is correct. For example it may stop me from completing an assignment i'm not too sure on in case the students behind judge and make fun of my work for example, it's stupid.

      I hold a driving license and a car which my once 2nd "friend" crashed into a tree and refused to pay for, one of many things i feel dents my confidence, driving with a massive dent in the bonnet.


      At the moment life is the same old. I only hang out with my friend at his place and college and would like to meet new people my age, we go to the cinema regulary but can anyone suggest what i can do to help myself become more outgoing. When him and my family aren't around i feel very lonely, I've always considered looking for a girlfriend but i guess it's mandatory that men make the first move and i really don't have what it takes at the moment.

      Thanks for reading.

      If I were you, I'd also make it as difficult as possible to return to the game. Give all in game currency and items to some random, low level player. Destroy all items that can't be given away. Delete your characters, and cancel your subscription.

      Make it as inconvenient as possible to resume playing, this should help dampen your desire to play it.

    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      uninstall it from your computer, and yeah, give your acc to somebody else and tell them to change the password. (throw your computer/laptop out the window!)

      but i agree with stratos. concentrate on friends first, then a girlfriend. and it seems like it's impossible sometimes, but the next class you have (and i mean literally the next class... it's now or never!) find an empty seat, say, hi, dyou mind if i sit here, and introduce yourself.

      also (haha) the dent in your car gives it character!
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      lol dood, i get where ur at about the wow. It's killin me too. i used to go out and chill wit ppls all the time, but since i started playin about 2 years ago, i schedule around raids X( BUT i did get better about it. At least my social life did, i still choose wow over homework. I just told myself that if the only thing i had to do was wow when someone asked me to go somewhere with them, wow would take the back seat. Maybe u might wanna try it..donno...but no withdrawl symptoms...i promise.
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      You know what I don't play WoW, in fact I hate the game. However, I think you should do what you wanna do. If you enjoy playing WoW don't give it up. You can still have an active social life and still play video games. And you know what, you say you only have one friend really but I know you have friends on WoW they may not be able to go out to the movies with you or go to a party with you but they still can be good friends and be there for you and give you the advice you need. (You can come here for that too though)

      You just have to take things in porportian. You just need to actually go out and do other things WoW isn't really the problem. Pick up another hobby something active maybe you will soon find others who share the same interest and you will become friends. I understand the hard core gamer so you might wanna take what I have said into consideration. No offence to the rest here I just don't think they grasp it as well.

      But if you do wanna quit then go for it! Just do what makes you happy if WoW makes you happy stick with it. If you think its making your self unsocial and unhappy then get rid of it from your life.
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      I've had the same thing happen to be, but with a different game. Runescape.
      I played like 3 years, and got pretty hefty, had NO tan, and only time I socialized was at school.

      Then I got in some major shit, coach found drugs in my shoe, then I got expelled and grounded from everything for like 4 months.
      (Also, since I was so addicted, I eventually failed 7th because I never studied.)
      During those 4 months, I occasional snuck on the computer for like 30 mins to feed my habbit. Then I over time, noticed that I didn't feel the need to play anymore, then I started playing Basketball on the city team, and they pretty much took all my time. Now I've lost a lot of weight, got a tan, have a good ammount of friends.
      Though you can never truly get rid of the feeling that you still need to play, it will alaways be there, but try to block it out with friends/girfriends/sport.
      But, keep in mind, all this happend in middle school, so I don't know if any advice will help you in collage.
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      Ya just stop playing for a while and get out.. I used to play wayyy too much and after i got out and started hanging out wit friends more and actually kinda started talking to a couple girls and now i feel no real need to play and when i do i get bored easy lol. I lvled up my alt 60-70 for xpac and since xpac came out ive only lvled twice on each of my 70's : / o well some hardcore raiding will have to wait for my casual play to get me there haha. And I still dont have the best social life but ts MUCH better :D
    • Re: World of Warcraft :S

      I've had a bit of a problem with Runescape in this area, although not as bad. It's easy to get drawn into these worlds, because firstly its more intresting than real life often, and secondly because you dont need to have confidence to interact with people.

      There's nothing wrong with playing any games, in moderation (something I'm not sticking to right now since buying a 360 last week lol). But you must make sure that it is in moderation, 1, 2 hours a day max. Concentrate on college, you must have work to do, and revision on top, try to focus on where you want to be in the future, that you need to do well and get good grades.

      About the shyness, firstly, theres nothing wrong with the girl asking you out, and it can happen to any guy, if two people click, you not asking her out isn't really gonna stop things.
      I agree with just doing it, to some degree, in terms of befriending people. The best way to make friends is just to start a conversation/be open to someone starting a conversation with you. That meaning that if someone says hi or just nods or anything, you do the same or a little more back. This can easily lead to being friendly with someone, which leads to friendship. But you may aswell just strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you, or that you're queing for food with, whats the worst that could happen?

      You just have to take things at your own pace, if you're shy to start with then you may feel you have to start slow, which is fine if thats what you need, so start with small talk, stuff that doesnt actually mean anything. And always be open to having male and female friends, because if you have girls as friends too you'll find it easier to interact with them over time and then you'll find it possible to ask one out.

      ( Though you can always ask them out by text or email/msn these days XD....thats what I did with my current girlfriend because I couldnt work up the courage to do it face to face lol )