Should the US go to war with Iran?

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    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Why make the world hate you even more?
      I think Bush's reason was that Iran was funding terrorist activities... Can he prove this? I don't know if he has or not, but could he prove it's the Iranian government and not just a select group of Iranian citizens? I'm not pointing fingers, just saying that Bush has a nasty thing for talking shit, and I would never trust what he says.
      Unless there's concrete proof that Iran have done something "wrong" then no, the US should not go to war with another country.
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Do you know that Iran is attempting to create nuclear technology? they say it is only for peaceful purposes such as power plants, and whether you believe that or not is your choice, i personally don't. Also, Iran is funding Hezbollah, an anti Israeli terrorist organization. Whether it is the Iranian government or a group of citizens, we would still have to get into Iran to eliminate them right?
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Ahmadinejad has personally called for Isreal's anhilation. And don't anybody say im just trying to spread zionism because these are his own words taken from a speech at a conference.

      "The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world,"
      the president told a conference in Tehran on Wednesday, entitled The World without Zionism.

      "The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land," he said.

      "As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," said Ahmadinejad, referring to Iran's revolutionary leader Ayat Allah Khomeini.

      These quoted were take from the following site:

      Al Jazeera English - Archive - Ahmadinejad: Wipe Israel Off Map
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Good point I suppose. Nuclear technology is good, but only if used in the right way. I have to admit I was pretty alarmed with Iran's leader (I can't spell or pronounce his name) said he wanted to wipe Israel off the map. And if he's openly funding an anti Israeli terrorist organisation then maybe questions need to be asked. Maybe they could develop the technology under UN supervision?
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      JC you made me laugh quite a lot :)
      Veeery good point, it's not the US under threat, and sometimes you just gotta keep out of other people's problems and let them deal with it themselves. It's harsh, but it will save a lot of innocent American citizens and soldiers.
      Unless there's a direct threat to the US, then why bother?!
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Yes, and Israel happens to be our ally. It is not right to not defend Israel especially after we helped create the country and i believe we did also promise to defend them. And how are we screwing ourselves in Iraq? We've lost about 4000 troops over the course of about five years. The loss of any troops is bad, but from a military standpoint that is not that many casualties. We got Saddam, and now he's dead. The Iraqi military is getting stronger everyday. We have accomplished most of our objectives in Iraq. I wouldn't say we're getting screwed.

      Also, my entire point is that we should go to war with Iran NOW, not after they have nukes, but BEFORE that. So no they do not have nuclear weapons currently. In addition, about north korea, that is a war that we could never win. We tried to win it in the 1950s, and it didn't work. And there is no urgent need to do it because Kim Jong Il has not expressed that he wants to use his nukes anytime soon. On the other hand, Ahmadinejad is talking about wiping Israel off the map while simultaneously his scientists work on nuclear technology. Think about it: what would be an easy way to wipe israel off the map? Can u not see the conncetion?
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Yeah but we helped officially make it a nation with borders and their own govt. after WW2. That's what the muslims are so pissed about. They want the nation to be called palestine instead and they want it to have an islamic government, and they want the israelis (jews) gone.

      "I'm personally not sure, but I must say that Iran scare the hell out of me.

      If they were to attack Israel, yes, then go to war.

      The thing is, they are indirectly attacking Isreal by supporting Hezbollah. Many Hezbollah members are Iranian or receive direct support (weapons, tanks, money, training) from Iran. Also, why should we wait until they attack? If Iran uses a nuke on Israel it would be disastrous. On the other hand, Ahmadinejad could be telling the truth about only wanting nuclear power for energy purposes, but with him talking about destroying Israel, i don't think it's a risk we can afford to take.
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      no it is not new technology but nuclear proliferation is not a good thing.

      i can prove that Iran is supporting Hezbollah. First of all it makes logical sense that Iran would support them since they have the same cause. In the following article it talks about how Iran is giving weapons to and supporting hezbollah because Iranians and Hezbollah have the same goal: to dismantle Israel.

      Hezbollah as a strategic arm of Iran

      And since one source isn't enough here are some more:

      The following is an article from BBC news which is a British, not American, news station. It also talks about the terrorist and anti Israel actions of Hezbollah and also says that Iran supported the party with arms and supplies. Here is a quote:

      "The party was long supported by Iran, which provided it with arms and money.
      In its early days, Hezbollah was close to a contingent of some 2000 Iranian Revolutionary guards, based in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, which had been sent to Lebanon in 1982 to aid the resistance against Israel.
      As Hezbollah escalated its guerrilla attacks on Israeli targets in southern Lebanon, its military aid from Iran increased."

      Link: BBC NEWS | Middle East | Who are Hezbollah?

      Here is another article, and this one is the best. It states that Nashrallah, the Hezbollah leader, admitted to getting arms from Iran in an interview. Here is a quote:

      "Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah has said it is no secret that Iran is aiding Hezbollah by sending money and weapons via Syria.

      In remarks published in an interview in the weekend issue of the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai Al-Aam, Nasrallah also is willing to receive aid not only from Iran but also from Muslim countries that have diplomatic ties with Israel, such as Egypt, and states that are considered moderate, such as Saudi Arabia. "

      Link: Report: Nasrallah admits Iran supplies Hezbollah with arms - Haaretz - Israel News
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Also, i am not advocating a war crime. I am advocating a clear declaration of war on a nation that i believe to be a threat to the United States. it is just my opinion. like i said he could be developing peaceful things but if he creates nukes then he has something he can use to destroy Israel, or american bases in Iraq, or any city he wants pretty much. And since Iran is anti Isreal and anti-american, that gives us reason to worry.

      Also, I care about our troops but I also care about civilians, any and all civilians. However i do not care about those specific individuals that shoot at and kill american soldiers, or the ones that commit suicide bombings.
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      The US should not attack Iran.
      Hundreds of thousands of people will more than likely die, as happens in most wars. The US should stay out of other people's business, as this is why people hate it so much. Israel was re-created right in the middle of Muslim lands, so now wonder they are pissed off. If they want to fight the US should let them, as interfering will not do any good.
    • Re: Should the US go to war with Iran?

      Now, I don't believe that's fair, Mayank. I don't think anybody "loves" killing people and I know we have done a lot of it but I don't believe that's fair. (And I know the US has this nasty way of butting into EVERYBODY else's problems but I don't think it's because for the love of the kill, but because we're ridiculous and seem to feel that everybody needs to be the way we are... (think Korea think Vietnam)
      i don't sleep