in serious need of some advice.

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    • in serious need of some advice.

      Hi im quite new to this. but i need some major life changing advice. so here goes.

      I met this guy last year and found out he became my neighbor and moved upstairs from me. we started hanging out alot more and we became major best friends. i thought i only had a little crush on him.. but when he moved away to a different province i found out it was more then just that. i love him alot but have no way to tell him. My girl best friend dated him and is in love with him and he is in love with another girl. i dont want to make it awkward between us. and i want to say it face to face. i dont know how.

      PLEASE HELP!!!
    • Re: in serious need of some advice.

      If you need to get it off your chest then consider telling him.
      BUT if you know he's in love with someone else then you know the chances of the two of you getting together are slim, even more-so due to the fact that he's moved.
      All I'm saying is prepare for it to be awkward but don't let that stop doing what you want to do.

      As for meeting up, why don't you call him and ask him if he wants to hang out and catch up? Maybe he could come to you or you could go to him for a day or two.