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    • my mum has absolutely no respect for my privacy.
      im 15 yearsold, she listens in on phone calls, goes through my internet history, goes through my personal things in my room, she usedto go through my text messages until i started putting passwords throughout my phone, my mum even stood behind me whilst i was on the computer, found out my username on a website i used to use (deviantart) and then searched it, and went through every forum i ever posted, and all the art i had made.
      that was a big thing for me, because i dont get along with my family, i feel miserable where i live and art is how i express myself. I turned to forums for advice because i could get help anonymously and nobody would know about it, but my mum went through all of that. She went through all of my forums, found out everything about me, and a lot of things i wanted to keep to myself. you might say "yeah but you put it up there for the world to see" but i put it up there anonymously so that nobody would know it wa sme unless they went as far as she did.
      i recently found out that shes been going through my brothers msn chat logs. i think thats absolutely disgusting. if my chat logs were saved and she was going through them id refuse to live in the same house as her.
      i cant keep a diary, because i know that she'll find it. and i know she couldnt resist the temptation to read it.

      i feel invaded, and completely broken open. i feel like i cant keep anything to myself, i dont feel like i can trust anyone anymore. i feel humiliated and so disgusted with her.

      i dont even think that she has any good reason to be doing these things. I dont smoke, drink or do drugs, and i never ever would. Id be amazed if she didnt know this. im the kind of girl that does her homework and tries as hard as she can in school.

      the thing is, ive spoken with her about these things, and she doesnt care. she says my business is her business and that she has every right to do what she does.
      shes saying that i dont have the right to privacy? i think she's completey wrong.

      do you think it is?
      please i want your opinions, i want to know if im right or not.
    • Re: privacy?

      that is absolutely awful. my mum goes through my stuff and is a bitch about a lot of the stuff that she finds but she does have a reason as i am a selfharmer so she is only doing it coz she is concerned but emails and texts are my buisness. i dont know what to suggest. get a safe for your room for private things or get drugs and plant them in ur room to shock her!! xx
    • Re: privacy?

      Whenever I'm on MSN my mum always tries to peer over the top of my laptop to see what I'm doing and what I'm saying and when I shut the screen she has a massive go at me for "being secretive"!?

      Anyway, I suggest blowing it in her face. Say your smoking, taking drugs and everything else and if she believes you then you can have a big go at her and get her to leave your emails etc alone.
    • Re: privacy?

      That aint love ill tell you that! Thats some form of obsession if you ask me. I think your mum has some problem and you need to talk to her about it, hounestly that is fucked up no person should be doing that no matter what.

      This is only a suggestion im not saying you should but you could play your mum at her own game. Listen to her convos go through her things get some dirt on her and see if she likes it.
    • Re: privacy?

      It's funny because I went through the exact same thing. I really know how you feel. The only difference with me was that I have given my mom multiple reasons to not trust me so I knew I was in the wrong if I told her she had no business going through my things. I just showed her how much she could trust me and didn't try and stop her anymore. That only gave her more of a reason to want to go through my things. I know it's very irritating, you feel like your every move is being watched and it really does suck. But you have to understand she is your mom and she probably is trying to make sure you aren't getting yourself into any trouble. I know it's hard to think of it this way but you should be glad that your mom cares enough to go through your things and to almost seem 'overprotecting.' Some kids' parents don't give a shit about them and the kids kind of wish their parents would be more concerned about them. So you have to understand that even though you did nothing wrong, your mom feels like she is just doing her 'motherly duties' and protecting you, even if there is nothing to protect you from.

      You can talk to her though and tell her that you feel like she doesn't trust you and warn her that the more she does things like this, the more she is pushing you away and making you want to distant yourself from her. She may or may not listen to you but all you can do is TRY.
      [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]baby you the fuckin` best. ツ[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]