Should I be in this relationship?

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  • Should I be in this relationship?

    I recently hooked up with a guy in the beginning of the month. We started talking and hanging out earlier in the year. So it took us a couple of months before we actually started dating. I've come to realize that I really do enjoy his company and I may have already fallen for him quite hard. But the thing is, we're both at the end of our high school careers, I'm going away for the summer, and he's going to university outside of town in September. Once school finishes in June, it will be really hard to even see him.

    I don't know what to do because I don't want either of us getting hurt nor do I want to just "give up" and not continue on with this relationship. A long-distance relationship will be tough, won't it?

    I'm open to hear any ideas/thoughts. :)
  • Re: Should I be in this relationship?

    I'd say talk with him about it, he'l want to, and he'l also have noticed that school is ending soon and you will be parting. Don't be afraid to discuss important things with your boyfriend because he will be feeling the same way. It depends how far away you are, i mean are you going abroad or something, because you can still see each other quite easily if its an hour drive or so. Is it a familly vacation? Do your parents know of your relationship with him, maybe they will sympathize and let you stay. It may be embarassing to start a conversation like that with your parents but what have you got to lose.

    I hope everything works out,

  • Re: Should I be in this relationship?

    Eddtheguy wrote:

    I'd say talk with him about it, he'l want to, and he'l also have noticed that school is ending soon and you will be parting. Don't be afraid to discuss important things with your boyfriend because he will be feeling the same way. It depends how far away you are, i mean are you going abroad or something, because you can still see each other quite easily if its an hour drive or so. Is it a familly vacation? Do your parents know of your relationship with him, maybe they will sympathize and let you stay. It may be embarassing to start a conversation like that with your parents but what have you got to lose.

    I hope everything works out,


    Perfect reply. +rep
  • Re: Should I be in this relationship?

    Eddtheguy wrote:

    I'd say talk with him about it, he'l want to, and he'l also have noticed that school is ending soon and you will be parting. Don't be afraid to discuss important things with your boyfriend because he will be feeling the same way. It depends how far away you are, i mean are you going abroad or something, because you can still see each other quite easily if its an hour drive or so. Is it a familly vacation? Do your parents know of your relationship with him, maybe they will sympathize and let you stay. It may be embarassing to start a conversation like that with your parents but what have you got to lose.

    I hope everything works out,


    Dude! You've left me speechless ;-)...that was a really nice one mate….hope we can pull more of this kind
  • Re: Should I be in this relationship?

    Well, i can't really top what the last guy said, but i know exactly where ur coming from, my current girlfriend and i were friends for like a year before we got together, and when we did finally get together i knew that the longest we could even last before she went to liverpool for uni would be 6 months, and it hurt knowing id left it too late, but then i kinda realised. I can either end it now, it'll hurt for a bit yeh, but it'll save me in the long run, in other words the easy way out. Or i could stick with her and try and last the 6 months, have the best relationship of my life (to date) and have memories of a summer that will last me a life time, and who knows what will happen by the end of it, thats just my opinion on things, whatever you choose to do, i hope it makes you happy, Larry x