I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

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    • I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      Ok, so i really really really like this girl. i like her so much i think about her all the time. we are really good friends but she is dating someone and has been for more than a year. i want her to know how i feel but i dont want to harm our friendship in doing so.

      please help.
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      Well ... let me use my boyfriend's previous situation. Before going out with me he used to like this girl whom he was friends with for a long time. He actually told her three times he liked her. All three times she rejected him and hurt his feelings a lot.

      The third time he told her he liked her she had a boyfriend and well ... he was absolutely crushed.

      Of course, after he was over her there was me who moved in and basically snatched him :P That was 2 years ago.

      I think that maybe you should move on :X
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      First off, You should find out if she really cares for the person she is dating. If she does she might not want to know if someone else likes her, that being you. It could complicate things for her and your friendship. Play it out a little longer.

      Reading throughout the thread you have made it seem like you can't hide how you feel anymore. Sit down and talk to her, face to face. No feelings get mixed up that way. Tell her you want to remain friends no matter her reaction and you absolutely understand if she can't return the feelings.. then tell her. Maybe you'll get lucky and she has a secret crush on you as well. ;) Good luck.
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      Say to her that you don't want to mess things up between you and her or her and her boyfriend but you need to tell her something. Then tell her that you like her and you've been thinking about her alot. She most probably will act a little awkward around you but you can't really avoid that. I had the same situation about 2 years ago and I felt exactly the same, trust me you're gonna have times where you feel really crap because you want nothing more than to be with her. Could turn out differently for you but what happened with me was nothing happened, I eventually saw that nothing was going to happen and all the time I was after this girl I was missing chances with other girls. The girl I liked and I are now best mates, so perhaps that will come out of your situation. The feelings never really go though, because to be honest I still kind of like her like that.

      Just letting you know what you could be in for =]
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      I think if she's pretty serious with her boyfriend then as painful as it is, be there for her. If she's having trouble with him, help her out. It sounds like shooting yourself in the foot, and maybe it is, but that's what I did. If that happens and you do that, she will love you as a friend. (I've always wanted to use this quote from Scrubs for some reason lol) "Even if it kills you to be just friends, if you really care about someone, you'll take the hit"

      If you wanna know anything else I did then I'm more than happy to share my experience if it helps you =]

      Good luck
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      very good advice. thats proably what i am going to do because im pretty sure she is serious with her boyfriend. i mean i would want to be there for her no matterwhat. but if i take this path should i also tell her how i feel. because i think that would make me look like all i was trying to do was harm thier relationship and she might not go to me for help in that case.
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      Just make sure that when you do tell her, say that you weren't too sure about telling her because you were worried that she'd think you were trying to split her and her boyfriend up. In this case telling her the complete truth is best, don't go over the top with sayin how much you like her though; emphasise the fact that you don't want to ruin things between you and her boyfriend. Don't expect her to be really close with you afterwards though, like I said she'll be a bit awkward and uneasy around you for awhile. It took 6 months after I finally decided to move on before I got close with the girl I liked.
    • Re: I Dont Know What To Do!!help. I Like Her

      I can relate. I am in the EXACT same situation as you. I have a **huge** crush on this girl who has a boyfriend that she's been going out with for a year.

      All you can really do is become friends with her while she's taken and then make a move if/when they break up. And It might be hard, but be nice about/to her boyfriend. Hell, become friends with him. Getting jealous is pointless, immature and you'll feel really bad about it if you ever stop liking her (In 9th grade I liked this girl who had a bf and ALL I would do was talk shit about him 24/7....after I got over her I felt like an asshole).

      It is a real pain in the ass when the girl you like has gone out with the same guy for a year. It's very discouraging, especially when you think they're breaking up only to find them being all lovey-dovey the next day. But chances are it'll end eventually and you can make a move. Just be patient.

      Keep pushin':)
