New to the forum/lonely and depressed

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    • New to the forum/lonely and depressed

      I am 20 and am new tot he forum. Its actually the first forum i have ever written a thread in. I am more into myspace and photoshop so i dont know if i am in the right place but i will find out soon. I am extremely independant and have two jobs live on my own blah blah blah ia lso go to school. I have always found myself to have various guys in order to avoid loneliness. I dont sleep with every single one but i kinda cling on to them to not stay alone. They end up falling in love with me and losing it when they find out that i dont want an actual relationship i know it seems horrible but i am in reality a person that many have said has a very good heart. I dont mean to hurt anyone i just cant stand being alone. I recently moved to this city about 4 years ago and still ma having a hard time adapting. I dont really have a group of friends to occasionaly hang out with only a few i go to clubs with sometimes. I recently left my ex boyfriend because he was irresponsible and would always let me down i felt as if i was HIS mom. i hated it.. but now that he is gone i feel extremly lonely and depressed. I feel worthless and ugly. I feel as if i will never find someone to love and that will lvoe me back. I feel i am decent looking and i know thats not the issue but i have only been doing this for two weeks and i am already going crazy. I wish my family was closer but their not its a disaster... someone please help i dont want to run to that mess of a relationship i want to find a good guy or be able to be by myself and be happy.....

      Thanks for reading every one i am looking forward to the responses.
    • Re: New to the forum/lonely and depressed

      Welcome to the forums.
      It takes time to find the right guy.
      Your only 20.
      Enjoy life and dont just worry about relationships.
      The right guy will come along when its time.
      Loneliness is hard.
      You can get a dog. :)
      Or move in with a friend.
      But remember there are always people out there who care about you.
    • Re: New to the forum/lonely and depressed

      aww you sounds nice :D welcome to teen hut, firstly your a young lass (well im 16 so errm yeh i guess i can call u young still) you amde the right choice in coming here anyway, you really get to know some of these people well, firstly fill in your profile and get talking to some people you can add me to your friends if you like and we can have a chat :D