I have no friends

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    • I have no friends

      This next school year is my last year of high school. I want to make the absolutely best of it before I go to college and not be a kid anymore. Essentially, this is the last year of my childhood.

      I want to get a girlfriend, go to parties, just have FUN.

      Problem is, I really don't have any friends. I talk to kids at school and work, but I don't hang out with them any other time. I'm the kid who never really talks unless someone talks to him. This past year I have gotten better socially, but not enough.

      I want to be more out-going and let kids get to be better friends, and find a girl to like. I just don't know how to without looking like I am trying too hard.

      Any suggestions would be great.
    • Re: I have no friends

      Stride up to class in confidence, and show them you have what to talk about. Sounds like you're really shy, and you shouldn't be! I'm shy too, but well not at that level. Like you said you don't have a lot of time to be a kid, so just flow with it. It's not like you're dealing with something that could make you lose anything. What's the worse that could happen?
      Even if you find one good friend you can talk to about stuff, that'd be great. It'll help you open up towards others as well.

      Conversation topics could be anything. A great way to open up a good conversation is watch a show everyone's watching and talk about it. If it's comedy, you can redo some jokes you saw on that show and remind everyone the laughter! If it's a reality, you could always talk about who you think would be the next to get kicked out.

      And it's a life rule, there's always someone in your class who's just the type to be your new best friend.

      After that you could just go hang out outside, go to parties, etc. :3
    • Re: I have no friends

      dokueki wrote:

      Stride up to class in confidence, and show them you have what to talk about. Sounds like you're really shy, and you shouldn't be! I'm shy too, but well not at that level. Like you said you don't have a lot of time to be a kid, so just flow with it. It's not like you're dealing with something that could make you lose anything. What's the worse that could happen?
      Even if you find one good friend you can talk to about stuff, that'd be great. It'll help you open up towards others as well.

      Conversation topics could be anything. A great way to open up a good conversation is watch a show everyone's watching and talk about it. If it's comedy, you can redo some jokes you saw on that show and remind everyone the laughter! If it's a reality, you could always talk about who you think would be the next to get kicked out.

      And it's a life rule, there's always someone in your class who's just the type to be your new best friend.

      After that you could just go hang out outside, go to parties, etc. :3

      Yeah just jump in and don't look back. And if you find that some people don't like you..whatever, don't let it bother you. Good luck.
    • Re: I have no friends

      SweetBoy wrote:

      wow, how pathetic.

      How is that pathetic, when you come into this thread, read it and decided "Hey, I'm not going to help, I'm going to be total jackass and reply with a total useless 3 words and thats going to make him feel worse and me feel oh so much better".

      Kudos to you.

      Anyway, my suggestion:
      You don't really need to make the last year "fun" it can be fun without a girlfriend and parties. All you need is some friends, and friends that you hang out with.

      Concentrate on making friends and school work, because in the long run parties and a girlfriend wont make things easier when you leave high school, having good grades and a few friends will. Plus a girlfriend doesn't mean anything in high school, because more often than not, it doesn't last out of high school.

      When you do leave, thats when you start going to clubs with your newly made friends and picking up the girls there.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Temorazin ().

    • Re: I have no friends

      I was there during my first year of high school. New school, new place and to make life a bit worse -- my parents sent me to a private school. So yeah, some kids were snobs. Now, I'm going into my junior year and I have my own group of friends that love me to death.
      What I had to do is put myself out there. I joined Yearbook, Volleyball and threw a party. I know it's a cliche, but if you do get into group programs and work up the confidence -- you will meet people and find a someone special. You just gotta put yourself out there.
    • Re: I have no friends

      i'll be your friend for sttarters hun x
      just join clubs and go partyin x
      and when you see someone you no say hi and ask them how somthin that they are interested in is goin aand just general chitchat. invite them somewhere.
      then to meet new people like if ur in a queue just chat to the person in front how borin it is and keep chattin.
      and loads of poeple don't have gfs so dw, just work on gettin friends first before you think of gfs
      hoope i helped x
      xxx summer