England Vs America ...

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    • Re: England Vs America ...

      Capt. V wrote:

      A lot of Americans believe that English is a language invented and popularised by Americans. They have corrupted the spellings of English and complain that the patrons of British English spell it wrongly. Like for example, many members here complain about my spellings that end with '-ise' as Americans spell the same with '-ize'. One American even made a silly remark by suggesting that I should look up the American 'Webster Dictionary' for the spelling of 'paedophilia' (which Americans spell as pedophilia or something). These kind of Americans are probably too thick to make the connection between the names 'England' and 'English'.

      This discussion reminds me of a funny anecdote by a Peruvian American in this forum who claimed that she is worldly and culturally aware despite being an American. Then she went on to blow hole in her claim by saying that English is spread around the world by Americans and the Britons simply sat back and too advantage of it. She probably never heard of the British Empire. :rofl:

      Now that is funny :rofl:
    • Re: England Vs America ...

      There are things about both countries that are good and bad, so I honestly can't say. And that's coming from someone who lived in England for 15 years and is now living in America (Moved last year).

      A lot of Americans believe that English is a language invented and popularised by Americans. They have corrupted the spellings of English and complain that the patrons of British English spell it wrongly. Like for example, many members here complain about my spellings that end with '-ise' as Americans spell the same with '-ize'. One American even made a silly remark by suggesting that I should look up the American 'Webster Dictionary' for the spelling of 'paedophilia' (which Americans spell as pedophilia or something). These kind of Americans are probably too thick to make the connection between the names 'England' and 'English'.

      I know, that's what annoys me about Americans. I COME FROM ENGLAND, THE COUNTRY THAT MADE THE LANGUAGE. Yet they think how they spell it is correct.

      They even think my English accent is 'weird'....riiiight
    • Re: England Vs America ...

      I'm always shocked.

      Where the hell does all this "33% of Americans are overweight" comes from. The idea that most Americans think English was a language created by us.

      Then again, why am I kidding myself? Forget what I just said.

      I have family down south that thought the Confederacy won the civil war, and it was just some awkward tie or something. Until they talked to me, they had some skewed idea of history.

      I don't see them much, yet they are terribly stupid.

      I can't think of too many people around where I live that are stupid. I just think I'm lucky to live where I live here in the States. Not every place is like that though. Just keep that in mind.

      EDIT: FallenAngel. Your comment about your English accent being considered weird is just delusional. So is this assuming that all speakers of a language should hold the exact same accent? Especially in a country that is a bit of a melting pot of cultures? Of course your English accent will be viewed weird. You usually only find that in the United Kingdom. Just because your accent's name bears the name of the language we speak does not mean it is suddenly going to be common place amongst the English speaking parts of the world.

      Back to the spellings. The z compared to the s, the ou compared to the o, its all irrelevant. We can understand what we are saying in the end. If you ever run into someone who tells you to learn the language before you debate them, explain to them how thats just an irrelevant excuse.

      I used to play online games with some British people. The same ones every year. We always viewed the differences in our spellings in a fun sense. Not in a right vs. wrong sense.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Attila ().

    • Re: England Vs America ...

      Oops. . . ? I may of caused a tiny bit of an uproar.
      Personaly i have nothing againts Americans & i was just
      getting all patriotic the otherday so in attempt to end
      the argument . . . America has given the worlds some
      great stuff so has England. we both have our fair
      share of bad qualities & thats that : )
      [SIZE=1][/SIZE][SIZE=1]I am funky fucking fresh.[/SIZE]
    • Re: England Vs America ...

      Capt. V wrote:

      From ages 20+, 66.3% of Americans are obese, which represents a majority of the American adult population. Your claim that just 33% of Americans are overweight is not only inaccurate but also silly, considering that over 32.2% of Americans are obese. If we lower down overweight standards to the European average of 22 BMI, over 75% of Americans would be classified overweight. If we bring it to the average of Eastern Europeans, almost 97% of Americans would be counted as overweight.

      Source - National Center of Health Statistics (A US government site).
      This is the second time in the last couple of days you have shoved words down my throat. I stated an age group, not Americans as a whole.
      One in three or 58 million American adults aged 20 through 74 are overweight. According to data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), the number of overweight Americans increased from 25 to 33 percent between 1980 and 1991.

      Overweight and Obesity Facts

      It would appear as though my original source was wrong; however, you have quite a habit of jumping on everybody's neck.

      Who said I am American?
    • Capt. V wrote:

      You make it more dramatic than it really is. You put a wrong 'source' in a debate and expect what....medals? I guess you need a little experience in real world debates to understand how mild this is.
      Obviously not, seeing as I already admitted the source was faulty.

      The source was a quick Google. After a few responses, instead of dropping it, you continue to make heat waves on a fallacious source that I already said was not accurate.

      Capt. V wrote:

      You are in United States and you misrepresent facts to put Americans in better light, so it must mean you are an alien from the Zork planet. How silly of me! I should have seen the obvious!
      It was already mentioned, but I'll respond so more than one person can point out where you went wrong.

      I never intentionally misrepresented facts. If I had, I never would have said my source was faulty, and I would still be standing by what I said, pulling out a bunch of crap to back it up.

      You're also not proving anything by my location (assuming I actually am in the United States); I could be Japanese and visiting the United States. I could also have an IP privacy tool, such as this: Hide and Change IP Address for Anonymous Surfing
    • Re: England Vs America ...

      Capt. V wrote:

      A lot of Americans believe that English is a language invented and popularised by Americans. They have corrupted the spellings of English and complain that the patrons of British English spell it wrongly. Like for example, many members here complain about my spellings that end with '-ise' as Americans spell the same with '-ize'. One American even made a silly remark by suggesting that I should look up the American 'Webster Dictionary' for the spelling of 'paedophilia' (which Americans spell as pedophilia or something). These kind of Americans are probably too thick to make the connection between the names 'England' and 'English'.

      This discussion reminds me of a funny anecdote by a Peruvian American in this forum who claimed that she is worldly and culturally aware despite being an American. Then she went on to blow hole in her claim by saying that English is spread around the world by Americans and the Britons simply sat back and too advantage of it. She probably never heard of the British Empire. :rofl:

      I once met a guy who said he colors things in while driving on the right hand side of the road. I then proceded to kill him.

    • Re: England Vs America ...

      Tea is amazing! Earl Grey is yum :) Although I'm not a fan of crumpets.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: England Vs America ...

      Jia-Ren-Qu wrote:

      Americans don't know where they are on a map or what a triangle is.
      Enough said.
      I think you'll find the majority of people taking trigonometry and global studies will disagree with that rather hyped statement.

      Jia-Ren-Qu wrote:

      And most english guys are gay.:( Not hawt.
      Do you have a point lodged somewhere in that turbulent generalization?
    • Re: England Vs America ...

      [ Sam ];728789 wrote:

      WHAT THE HELL JIA im british :( im not gay and i would like to think im hawt :(

      Lol you can be part of the exception then sweetie :hugs:

      LuklaAdvocate wrote:

      I think you'll find the majority of people taking trigonometry and global studies will disagree with that rather hyped statement.
      Do you have a point lodged somewhere in that turbulent generalization?

      The word most isn't stereotyping.
      And the word gay = stupid.

      JR wrote:


      [LEFT]I’m psychotic synchypnotic
      I got my blue burners and phonic
      I’m psychotic synchypnotic
      I got my brand electronic [/LEFT]