A Story

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    • I have been throughout this sub-forum of depression and suicide and I have helped people. Honestly. I have and I have been thanked for giving good advice and all of that and I am very happy that I was able to help them in their time of need.

      Now I have also been around and seen some major losers complaining about their life and how aparantly bad it is. So I decided to tell you a story. the story of my life.

      I will not lie to you and say it is the worst in the world. its not. no where near. But it is far worse than the majority of peoples that have posted threads so eagerly awaiting advice of this forums abundant members.

      so here is my life. read, if you will. if you dont want to read. then simply leave.

      I was bornj in 1990. I am 18 years old. My name is Craig Anthony Davies-Tomkinson.

      My birth father, Christopher Tomkinson. Genius of a man. invented a machine the government still use today. cant remember the machine, my mother does. I should ask her some time. but yes. genius. but not a good husband. He would spend all the money on mum trying to be the gresatest romantic the world had ever seen. he incisted on dining out expencivly almost every night. going out for bears on others. and despite mother protests of a tight budget bought himself a sports car.

      Suffice to say they got into debt.

      Then came the first child. My older brother Karl. Fat child, thankfully that changed. in fact he's very skinny now. lol.

      Well, my father couldn't really handle a child well. tried to leave at first. but came back when karl was a little older and more fun. Then came along child number 2. My older brother Aydon.

      Mother and father decided, NO MORE CHILDREN! she went on the pill, and he got a visectimy.

      In a stroke of fate and unluckiness, the visectimy reversed (as they sometimes do) and dispite being on the pill, mother still got prognant. with me.

      I was an unlucky accident. unplanned. unwanted.

      there was a 1-30,000,000,000 chance of mother getting pregnant again. yikes...the one won out.

      I really am lucky to be alive. XD

      well, Karl was hard on my father.

      Aydon was harder still and he was slowly cracking.

      Me....I broke the Ice.

      It was too much.

      My mother is ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and my father was ADHD (attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). chances are one of her chikldren would be ADHD. it was highly unlikly that 2 of them would be.

      Mother was unlucky again.

      She had 3 chronic ADHD children that were hyperactive, clingy and one was a pyromaniac. (my brother karl. he liked setting fire to the curtains. XD)

      well. suffice to say 2 was hard. 3 was a nightmare. I was the last straw.

      He tried for 2 years. and then killed himself.

      My father killed himself because I had been born. I am responsible for my fathers death.

      Now lets jump ahead a few years.

      I've been bullied all my life.

      In nursery I was beaten over the head with plastic toys by the other kids because they thought it was fun. My mother married an ellaborate array of men that turned out to be abusive in several ways.

      I have been beaten to am pulp by several fathers. locked in small spaces dispite my claustraphobia.

      My mother has had a knife to her throat, she has almost be suffocated by a pillow.

      In the end we left mansfield and came to this small town of swaffham. barly any money and barly any stuff. simply because we left it behind.l ran away from the worst father of all. Mark.

      then in swaffham she married again to steve. he turned out to be achild molester.

      can you guess what happened to me there? I bet you can.

      Lets move on. he ended up backhanding me round the face and fracturing my nose. he was kicked out the house and arrested.

      I was still getting bullied.

      Beaten the shit out of almost every day simply for having ginger hair. Because of my tornent, of being whipped over the back with straws with nails in them and crap like that. even stabbed once. In believed I had the right not to do work and actually do something fun. so I ended up with crap grades and getting no where.

      My mother has now remarried and finally to a decent guy. though he spends more time cleaning that he does spending time with his family.

      I was with a girl once.


      Gave her everything.

      I'm gay, yet I threw away my sexuality because I loved her. threw away who I was, everything that made me me and gave her my whole heart.

      she left me once. we got back together. I left her after that becasuee I wanted her to be happy and she didnt seem happy with me. I tore my own heart out for her. we got back together. she left me again. I felt almost nothing but pain because of her and I still loved her.

      she went out with a friend of mine. I was happy. because I would rather her be out with one of my friends, someone I knew I could trust niot to hurt her. than some guy I had no idea about.

      then I told her I wasn in an online relationshipo with a boy named liam (she knew I was gay btw. told her at the beginning of the relationship.) she said that because I could fall in love with s9omeone I had never met, it meant that I had never truly loved her.

      Those words cut so deep into me. deeper than anything ever could.

      I gave her everything and she dared to say thyat to me.

      I ended up cutting her off. and have been happier ever since.

      Me and liam were meant to meet up...till I realised he didnt understand loyalty and despite being with me and planning to meet up in barely a few months, he had been fucking an array of people behind my back whilst I had stayed loyal. he cheated on me basically.

      I left him.

      I have a new boyfriend Kyle and am happily engaged. :)

      But heres my home life.

      I have to spend every single day cleaning my house of ALL dust because if I dont...my mother dies.

      she is greatly ill and has a thiroid problem. no immune system and her lungs are weak. to others she seems strong. walking around. driving and laughing...but too much dust and it will kill her. I worry all the timre about her.

      My step-father cares more on the shape of the house than spending time with his step children. My boyfriend that I love and adore and want to spend every waking minute with lives in california and I've never even heard his voice.

      And throughout it all, the pain of sarah, my fathers death, my friends suicide. forgot to tell you about that. 6 years ago a very close friend of mione committed suicide. whats worse...is I was the one that found his body.

      imagine it.. walking along at night in the park, you turn a corner and theres your friend hanging by his neck from a rope. not a pretty sight I assure you.

      I have to put up with all of this. and to top it all off, I play counciller for all of my friends. I take on their pain because I cant help but help people.

      I council and council but I do it different to proffessionals. and it is the very reason I cant do it proffessionally like I would like to. I have saved countless lives through my councilling. why? because I get attatched. I commune with those in pain and I feel their pain.

      a proffessional needs to be detatched. hence why I cant be one. the very thing that makes me so good is the one thing holding me back.

      So I spend every single day in a great deal of emotional pain. huge emotional pain and wanting to die.

      But I'm smiling and helping people. :)

      And I wont kill myself. I wont be my father.

      In hope you all have enjoyed my story and have gained some insight into it. :) thank you for reading. reply or dont, I dont really care. I just wanted to put my story hear. and see if I could spark some revelation in your minds that life isn't all dark.

      I smile...because I am glad to be alive. pain is but a part of life. and I will make itnthrough this pain with a smile. and become a better person in doing so.

      thank you for reading. :)
    • Diannaskye wrote:

      All I have to say is this: yes you've had a shittier life than a lot of people but in the end when you ARE depressed for whatever reason you feel a helluva lot of pain, with or without real cause for the emotional turmoil.

      And don't even ask me about love. Ever.

      you make it sound like I'm suggesting all the other problems on theis forum are trivial...nothing is trivial.

      If something hurts you...if it is important to you...then it is not trivial.

      But let me make my point clearer. My point is my belief.

      When you are sad. Cry until there are no more tears left to shed, and then carry on.

      When you are happy. Smile until the end of your sunshine, and hold its memory close to your heart.

      My point is this. You could feel all the pain in the world. And it should still give you no just cause to kill yourself.

      I have no doubt that I will continue to be unlucky and go through more pain. And I will once again wish for death. But I will not deliver it unto myself.

      I merely hope others will follow my example.

      Live. Brave the pain. Never give up.

      Because the moment you do...your never the only one that gets hurt.

      recent events have transpired. I am now more depressed than ever.

      my mother is in hospital...

      and me and kyle have broken up.

      I have lost my fiance, the one I loved beyond my own life. I would gladly sacrifice the world for him.

      but he sacrificed me for a girl...twice.

      he cheated on me.

      I've left him.

      but as I said before...I will never kill myself. but it seems I might just be able to die inside, instead of out.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt: Merged Double Post ().

    • Re: A Story

      Cirrax Lankart wrote:

      I smile...because I am glad to be alive. pain is but a part of life. and I will make itnthrough this pain with a smile. and become a better person in doing so.

      thank you for reading. :)

      What's up Craig, you know I must say I really respect you and your way through life. You've gone through so much, scenarios I could never relate too, but that's not the thing, you're a bigger person then you could ever realize. Somehow you've managed to keep your chin up through all you've suffered through and that really means a lot.

      You are a true example to people, that when you go through hell and such epidemics, it's not impossible to recover, for that fact you're a great person. We've all heard the saying, "Everything happens for a reason." And with that saying you can't look at things negatively. I feel that it's true, but it's a personal belief, and I also feel that you've suffered through so much that there's so much good to come for you.

      Karma can be an amazing thing if you choose to believe in it, you're very fortunate to be alive, and you can really appreciate what life is about. I feel that there's only good for you to come eventually. I am really sorry for all of your loses, and what you've been through. I must say, you're an amazing factor to life. Congratulations to being able to keep your chin up.
    • I have so much respect for you right now you know that...you're so brave to be able to write that up here...I thank you for the oppertunity to read it. Im really sorry about your mom,and your fiance.

      Personally,I know how it feels to be your friends 'councillor' and its tough...I wish the best of luck to you...
      Damn do i love cyanide and happiness
    • Well... maybe I've reached the point where I have noone truly here for me. I've felt myself losing everything. And it won't hurt too many people since I've destroyed my closest friendships with my weakness... since my friend is going to kill himself...

      Soon enough there won't be any hope left; or enough people that I would hurt for me to give a shit.

      Some people can soldier through it. Some people can't.

      And some people can only soldier through so much of it.
    • you say your friend is also going through a hard time. and is going to kill himself.

      ok, what I'm going to suggest to you may sound gay, but trust me...

      Hug him.

      Embrace him and just cry your pain, let him cry too.

      Be each others rocks. Live for each other. Help each other. Council each other.

      And don't be so manly and macho that you wont consent to comforting each other.

      Trust me. The world never seems so harsh, so long as you have one true friend by your side.

      I'm sorry for this double post but I must say...thank you all for your words of kindness. Though strong as I seem...I am not so invincible.

      Yes I will never kill myself.

      But I'm dying inside already. I'm finding it so vary hard to cope. I think...I think the only reason I have managed to last so long...is because of my friends and family...and you guys on here.

      So thank you.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt: Merged Double Post ().

    • Cirrax Lankart wrote:

      I'm sorry for this double post but I must say...thank you all for your words of kindness. Though strong as I seem...I am not so invincible.

      Yes I will never kill myself.

      But I'm dying inside already. I'm finding it so vary hard to cope. I think...I think the only reason I have managed to last so long...is because of my friends and family...and you guys on here.

      So thank you.

      You know, it's always good to have support there for you and at this point in time, when it comes to the bad situations in your life you can repress the things that have happened in the past, and you can look back on them and realize that you're an icon for people.

      I believe expectations of life are something that people should look for, expect better things, expect to wake up to a good day, expect things to go right. These actions might be hard for you to take and act upon, but if you do you will truly feel better about the situations you've suffered through.

      You've had an inspiration in you life, several to be honest and though things might be hard to cope you should just know that you can push harder, because like I've previously said you've gone through hell. Coping is hard to do, but eventually you'll hit the right peg in your life, and you'll know why you've lived through what you have. Expect better things bud, eventually prevalence shall come upon you.

      Everything really does happen for a reason, and to be honest some of the reasons these things have happened to you is, to make you a stronger person. Emotionally you might not feel that way, but believe me, you are. Because you're still here. Kudos for real.
    • Wow. I really can't imagine the pain you've gone through. I have to say I really admire your determination and ability to help others through your own experience. It's great that you can take so much suffering and put it to good use by helping others.

      I've been through quite a bit myself (nothing like what's happened to you though), and I share your opinion that you should never kill yourself over anything life throws at you. I actually keep a knife under my pillow so that every morning when I wake up having not used it I can smile and think that another day has passed where the world didn't get the best of me. I hope I never lost that determination to stay alive, and I hope the same for you.

      You probably don't realise how many people your story will inspire to keep fighting and live their lives, but hearing other peoples sotries is sometimes all people need. So thank you for this.
    • Re: A Story

      no. thank you. :)

      I know it may have happened because I'm weak or something...but I've taken Kyle back. But we're on probation. I love him, but if he cheats on me again, he will destroy the only thing that has allowed me to take him back...love.

      If he betrays me again I have no doubt I will no longer love him. and away the means of forgivness will go.

      This is the final chance. This is the only chance he will ever get again.

      Thank you all for your support. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't have been here for me. :)

      hugs all around *glomps everyone* hehe.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)