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    • well i really like dis boy dat i see nearly every day
      and i wasn't sure if he liked me or not, i was guessing
      not when we were all at a disco and one of his mates
      came over 2 me and asked me if i would go with him
      nd i got a really big shock nd a load of people were with me
      and i said 'well, i duno' nd i was bout 2 say yea..and den he walkd
      away i was soo mad cos i love dis boy and now he propably
      wont ask me out again!!!!!!

      what should i do????
    • Re: Gutted!!!

      I wouldn't wait for him to ask you again. He probably won't. Who wants to get rejected twice? It's your turn to ask him. Explain to him why you answered how you did, which was it came as a shock. He'll understand.

      Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year! I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass
      as I go nowhere, and this is my reaction to everything I fear. Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here.
    • Re: Gutted!!!

      ok tanx for your advice every1 il try ask him out..
      sure if it dusnt work what have i got 2 lose!!
      its just wer good m8s and i wouldnt want 2 ruin it!!

      but the last few days hes been going around with a load of other
      gurls but still makes little signs that he likes me....i think!!!

      il c how tings go the next few days..thanx :)
    • Re: Gutted!!!

      wel i dnt really hav da guts 2 say it 2 him cos
      id b afraid of wat he'd say but i'd prob do the
      same..get ma m8 2 ask im 4 me!! or make her tell him dat
      i make a hugh mistake..ya no..dats prob silly
      but dats wat people do here!!!

      i duno nw im gettin the feeling
      hes ignoring me cos i tryed
      talkin 2 him on msn l.nyt buh he didnt
      reply or he dusnt reply to my comments
      on bebo either!!
      im sooooo confused i duno wat 2 do
      or wat 2 think!!!!???:(
    • Re: Gutted!!!

      No offense but your typing is a bit annoying. o.o

      Anyways, you need to talk to him in person. Stop trying to contact him through the internet or a friend. You have to get over your fear and talk to him. If you can't do that, how are you suppose to have a good relationship with him later on? You need to explain to him that he caught you off guard and that's the only reason you said no. If he decides that he doesn't want to date, then you got turned down, oh well. You did it to him in front of a group of people, that's worse.

      Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year! I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass
      as I go nowhere, and this is my reaction to everything I fear. Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here.
    • Re: Gutted!!!

      eh acsually i can talk 2 him!!!!!!!!!
      and i always do just not bout dating!!
      and i didnt turn him down in front of a
      group of people he didnt no what i said
      cos his m8 askd me so its not my fault ya no
      you dont no how much i like this guy and he just
      wanted 2 shift me (snog) not go steady like date me or
      anything so im just going 2 ask him in return at the
      next disco nxt week :D so wateva happens..happens!