Should I move out?

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    • Should I move out?

      I realize this is just a really stupid thing to need help with, but it really is a big deal.

      A bit of background info... I have a GED, and plan to go to a community college in the spring, I live with my mom, she and I disagree on pretty much everything.
      She just had a baby with this guy she met a year and a half ago, and he moved in with us (right after my x-step dad moved out.) And she wants me to move out.

      Ok, so...

      I have this job, and my boss wants to give me a raise (I deserve it very much, and I'm supossed to get a raise at 90 days which I'm about to hit.)

      But I want to quit, and start working at the same establishment, but within walking distance of my boyfriends house so I can see him more than I do now (about 1 day every week.) the drive to his house takes about 20 mins on the highway.

      He and I have been together for 5 months, and his parents want me to move in with them. (he is 19, im 17.) He had a car that was left by his decieced grandfather, but he got hit by some guy who ran a red light going 60 about a month ago.

      Back to the point:

      Where I work now, I'm getting 6.85, but the raise will be to 7.50 in Aug.

      This other place will start me out at 7.25, then a raise at 90 days (I don't know how much it will be, but we'll see.)

      I dont want to leave this place because I'll feel bad for leaving my friend that works there to train new people when he barely knows what he is doing as it is... And some other stupid kid quit yesterday for no reason.

      on the other hand, I really miss my boyfriend, and I wish I could see him more (this is really tearing us apart.)

      And I want to get out of my moms house. I have a lot of resentment for her, and all we do is argue.

      She is very irresponsible she gets a different utility shut off every month (this month it is gas, so no hot showers.)
      She also has a 3 month old baby who does nothing but scream and cry.

      Should I move in with my boyfriend and his parents and get the new job, or should I be here for my mother who does nothing for me?
    • Re: Should I move out?

      Personally you have to do what's best for you, you have a GED and you want to go to a community college, that's already step one towards the right direction for you. You and your mother don't agree with anything and she wants you to move out, you have an offering to move in with your boyfriend and his parents, and if you feel that's better for you, you should go through with it.

      If you personally feel you should be helping your mother, that's not out of the question, there's ways you could still do this, but that's up to you. It also look like you're being offered a better job opportunity, when things come at you like this you should jump at them. Sure, you might feel bad for leaving your friends at work but right now you have to be concerned with yourself, sure it sounds selfish, but your friend isn't going to plan your future for you.

      Hope everything works out for you, good luck.
    • Re: Should I move out?

      summer_is_here!_0:) wrote:

      am i missin something? x
      wats a ged?

      A GED is also known as General Educational Development diploma for those who don't finish high school by actually graduating. You take a test, and if you pass, you receive this diploma that is equivalent to a high school diploma. There are certain age requirements (probably different in every state in the U.S.), and you have to be officially withdrawn from school.

      So, no. It's nothing like an ASBO, which is an Anti-Social Behaviour Order.

      To the thread starter: You should do what makes you happy. If you feel like you are not thriving in the environment you are living in now, take yourself out of it. It sounds like your boyfriend's parents are great people and will welcome you with open arms if you choose to move in with them. If you don't think you need the extra money right now, then take the new job and wait the extra 90 days for a raise.

      But, please remember...your mom's new baby is also your little brother/sister even if he/she is a half-sibling. Don't forget to be in his/her life.

      I wish you the best of luck with your decision!